Mark Campbell: Publications


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  • Daudelin, J., Mark Campbell. 2017. "An Adaptable, Probabilistic, Next Best View Algorithm for Reconstruction of Unknown 3D Objects." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-1.
  • Campbell, Mark, N R Ahmed. 2016. "Distributed Data Fusion: Neighbors, Rumors, and the Art of Collective Knowledge." IEEE Control Systems 36 (4):83-109.
  • Padgett, J., M. Campbell. 2016. "Probabilistic Qualitative Mapping for Robots." Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May.
  • Lee, D. J., M. E. Campbell. 2016. "An Efficient Probabilistic Surface Normal Estimator." Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May.
  • Ivanov, A., M. Campbell. 2016. "An Efficient Robotic Exploration Planner with Probabilistic Guarantees." Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May.
  • Wyffels, K., Mark Campbell. 2016. "Priority-Based Tracking of Extended Objects." ISIF Journal of Advances in Information Fusion.
  • Padgett, J., Mark Campbell. 2016. "Probabilistic Qualitative Mapping for Robots." Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
  • Johnson, B., F. Havlak, H. Kress-Gazit, M. Campbell. 2016. "Experimental Evaluation and Formal Analysis of High-Level Tasks with Dynamic Obstacle Anticipation on a Full-Sized Autonomous Vehicle." Journal of Field Robotics.
  • McClelland, M., Mark Campbell, T Estlin. 2016. "Qualitative Relational Mapping and Navigation for Planetary Rovers." Robotics and Autonomous Systems 83: 73-86.
  • Daudelin, J., Mark Campbell. 2016. "An Adaptable, Probabilistic, Next Best View Algorithm for Reconstruction of Unknown 3D Objects." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1-1.
  • Wyffels, K., Mark Campbell. 2016. "Precision Tracking via Joint Detailed Shape Estimation of Arbitrary Extended Objects." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 1-20.
  • Hardy, J., F. Havlak, M Campbell. 2015. "Multi-step prediction of nonlinear Gaussian Process dynamics models with adaptive Gaussian mixtures." The International Journal of Robotics Research 34 (9): 1211-1227.
  • Lee, D J., M E Campbell. 2015. "Smoothing Algorithm for Nonlinear Systems Using Gaussian Mixture Models." Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (8): 1438-1451.
  • Wyffels, K., Mark Campbell. 2015. "Joint tracking and non-parametric shape estimation of arbitrary extended objects." Paper presented at 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May.
  • Wyffels, K., M Campbell. 2015. "Negative Information for Occlusion Reasoning in Dynamic Extended Multiobject Tracking." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31 (2): 425-442.
  • Tse, R., N R. Ahmed, M Campbell. 2015. "Unified Terrain Mapping Model With Markov Random Fields." IEEE Transactions on Robotics31 (2): 290-306.
  • Ahmed, N. R., S. J. Julier, J. R. Schoenberg, Mark Campbell. 2015. "Decentralized Bayesian Fusion in Networks with Non-Gaussian Uncertainties." In Multisensor Data Fusion: From Algorithms and Architectural Design to Applications , edited by H. Fourati, Ed. , ch.22, pp.383-408.
  • Tse, R., Mark Campbell. 2015. "Human-Robot Information Sharing with Structured Language Generation from Probabilistic Beliefs." Paper presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2015
  • Ahmed, N. R., Mark Campbell, D. Casbeer, Y. Cao, D. Kingston. 2015. "Fully bayesian learning and spatial reasoning with exible human sensor networks." Paper presented at ACM/IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems - ICCPS '15., New York, NY, United States
  • Campbell, Mark, N. R. Ahmed. 2015. "Distributed Data Fusion: Neighbors, Rumors, and the Art of Collective Knowledge." IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
  • McClelland, M., Mark Campbell, T. Estlin. 2014. "Qualitative Relational Mapping for Mobile Robots with Minimal Sensing," Journal of Aerospace Information Systems." Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 11 (8): 497-511.
  • Havlak, F., Mark Campbell. 2014. "Discrete and Continuous, Probabilistic Anticipation for Autonomous Robots in Urban Environments." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 30 (2): 461-474.
  • Jones, B., Mark Campbell, L. Tong. 2014. "Maximum Likelihood Fusion of Stochastic Maps." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62(8): 2090-2099.
  •  Ahmed, N. R., E. de Visser, T. Shaw, A. Mohamed-Ameen, Mark Campbell, R. Parasuraman. 2014. "Statistical modelling of networked human-automation performance using working memory capacity." Ergonomics 57 (3): 295-318.
  • Ahmed, N., R. Tse, Mark Campbell. 2014. "Enabling Robust Human-Robot Cooperation through Flexible Fully Bayesian Shared Sensing." Paper presented at 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • Ahmed, N., E. de Visser, T. Shaw, A. Mohammed-Ameen, R. Parasuraman, Mark Campbell. 2014. "A Look at Probabilistic Gaussian Process, Bayes Net, and Classifier Models for Prediction and Verification of Human Supervisory Performance." Paper presented at 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • Wyffels, K., Mark Campbell. 2014. "Negative Observations for Multiple Hypothesis Tracking of Dynamic Extended Objects." Paper presented at American Control Conference
  • Hardy, J., F. Havlak, Mark Campbell. 2014. "Multiple-Step Prediction Using a Two Stage Gaussian Process Model." Paper presented at American Control Conference
  • Havlak, F., Mark Campbell. 2013. "Discrete and Continuous, Probabilistic Anticipation for Autonomous Robots in Urban Environments." IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
  • Shah, D., Mark Campbell. 2013. "A Qualitative Path Planner for Robot Navigation Using Human-Provided Maps." International Journal of Robotics Research published on-line.
  • Whitacre, W., Mark Campbell. 2013. "Cooperative Estimation using Mobile Sensor Nodes in the Presence of Communication Loss."AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 10 (3): 114-130.
  • Wyffels, K., Mark Campbell. 2013. "Modeling and Fusing Negative Information for Dynamic Extended Multi-object Tracking." Paper presented at International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  • Estlin, T., M. McClelland, Mark Campbell. 2013. "Qualitative Relational Mapping for Planetary Rover Exploration." Paper presented at AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference.
  • McClelland, M., Mark Campbell, T. Estlin. 2013. "Qualitative Relational Mapping for Planetary Rovers." Paper presented at Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems, 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • Ahmed, N., E. Sample, T.-L. Yang, D. Lee, L. de la Garza, Ahmed Elsamadisi, A. Sullivan, K. Wang, X. Lao, R. Tse, Mark Campbell. 2013."Towards Cooperative Bayesian Human-Robot Perception: Theory, Experiments, Opportunities." Paper presented at Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems, 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • Ahmed, N., E. Sample, Mark Campbell. 2013. "Bayesian Multicategorical Soft Data Fusion for Human-Robot Collaboration." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (1): 189-206.
  • Hardy, J., Mark Campbell. 2013. "Contingency Planning Over Probabilistic Obstacle Predictions for Autonomous Road Vehicles." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (4): 913-929.
  • McClelland, M., Mark Campbell. 2013. "Probabilistic Modeling of Anticipation in Human Controllers." IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics: Systems 43 (4): 886-900.
  • Ahmed, N., Mark Campbell. 2012. "Fast Consistent Chernoff Fusion of Gaussian Mixtures for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (12): 6739-6745.
  • Otanez, P. G., Mark Campbell. 2012. "Detection Methods for Mode Perturbation Signatures." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control57 (11): 2923-2938.
  • Lee, D., Mark Campbell. 2012. "Iterative Smoothing Approach using Gaussian Mixture Models for Nonlinear Estimation." Paper presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, September.
  • Laurance, W. F., D. C. Useche, J. Rendeiro, M. Kalka, C. J. Bradshaw, S. P. Sloan, S. G. Laurance, Mark Campbell, K. Abernethy, P. Alvarez, V. Arroyo-Rodriguez, P. Ashton, J. Benítez-Malvido, A. Blom, K. S. Bobo, C. H. Cannon, M. Cao, R. Carroll, C. Chapman, R. Coates, M. Cords, F. Danielsen, B. De Dijn, E. Dinerstein, M. A. Donnelly, D. Edwards, F. Edwards, N. Farwig, P. Fashing, P. M. Forget, M. Foster, G. Gale, D. Harris, Richard Gerald Harrison, Jonathan Jay Hart, S. Karpanty, W. J. Kress, J. Krishnaswamy, W. Logsdon, J. Lovett, W. Magnusson, F. Maisels, A. R. Marshall, D. McClearn, D. Mudappa, M. R. Nielsen, R. Pearson, N. Pitman, J. van der Ploeg, A. Plumptre, J. Poulsen, M. Quesada, H. Rainey, D. Robinson, C. Roetgers, F. Rovero, F. Scatena, C. Schulze, D. Sheil, T. Struhsaker, J. Terborgh, D. Thomas, R. Timm, J. N. Urbina-Cardona, K. Vasudevan, S. J. Wright, J. C. Arias-G, L. Arroyo, M. Ashton, P. Auzel, D. Babaasa, F. Babweteera, P. Baker, O. Banki, M. Bass, I. Bila-Isia, S. Blake, W. Brockelman, N. Brokaw, C. A. Brühl, S. Bunyavejchewin, J. T. Chao, J. Chave, R. Chellam, C. J. Clark, J. Clavijo, R. Congdon, R. Corlett, H. S. Dattaraja, C. Dave, G. Davies, M. Beisiegel Bde, N. da Silva Rde, A. Di Fiore, A. Diesmos, R. Dirzo, D. Doran-Sheehy, Mitchell Eaton, L. Emmons, A. Estrada, C. Ewango, L. Fedigan, F. Feer, B. Fruth, J. G. Willis, U. Goodale, S. Goodman, J. C. Guix, P. Guthiga, W. Haber, K. Hamer, I. Herbinger, J. Hill, Z. Huang, I. F. Sun, K. Ickes, A. Itoh, N. Ivanauskas, B. Jackes, J. Janovec, D. Janzen, M. Jiangming, C. Jin, T. Jones, H. Justiniano, E. Kalko, A. Kasangaki, T. Killeen, H. B. King, E. Klop, C. Knott, I. Koné, E. Kudavidanage, J. L. Ribeiro, J. Lattke, R. Laval, R. Lawton, M. Leal, M. Leighton, M. Lentino, C. Leonel, J. Lindsell, L. Ling-Ling, K. E. Linsenmair, E. Losos, A. Lugo, J. Lwanga, A. L. Mack, M. Martins, W. S. McGraw, R. McNab, L. Montag, J. Thompson, J. Nabe-Nielsen, M. Nakagawa, S. Nepal, M. Norconk, V. Novotny, S. O'Donnell, M. Opiang, P. Ouboter, K. Parker, N. Parthasarathy, K. Pisciotta, D. Prawiradilaga, C. Pringle, S. Rajathurai, U. Reichard, G. Reinartz, K. Renton, G. Reynolds, V. Reynolds, E. Riley, M. O. Rödel, J. Rothman, P. Round, S. Sakai, T. Sanaiotti, T. Savini, G. Schaab, J. Seidensticker, A. Siaka, M. R. Silman, T. B. Smith, S. S. de Almeida, N. Sodhi, C. Stanford, K. Stewart, E. Stokes, K. E. Stoner, R. Sukumar, M. Surbeck, M. Tobler, T. Tscharntke, A. Turkalo, G. Umapathy, M. van Weerd, J. V. Rivera, M. Venkataraman, L. Venn, C. Verea, C. V. de Castilho, M. Waltert, B. Wang, D. Watts, W. Weber, P. West, D. Whitacre, K. Whitney, D. Wilkie, S. Williams, D. D. Wright, Patrick Wright, L. Xiankai, P. Yonzon, F. Zamzani. 2012."Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical protected areas.." Nature 489 (7415): 290-294.
  • Ahmed, N., Mark Campbell. 2012. "On Estimating Simple Probabilistic Discriminative Models with Subclasses." Expert Systems with Applications 39 (7): 6659-6664.
  • Johnson, B., F. Havlak, Mark Campbell, H Kress-Gazit. 2012. "Execution and Analysis of High-Level Tasks with Dynamic Obstacle Anticipation." Paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May.
  • Jones, B., Mark Campbell, L Tong. 2012. "Consensus of Stochastic Maps." Paper presented at SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing,April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell. 2012. "Sensitivity Analysis of a Tightly-Coupled GPS/INS System for Autonomous Navigation." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (2): 1115-1135.
  • Schoenberg, J., Mark Campbell, I Miller. 2012. "Posterior Representation with a Multi-Modal Likelihood Using the Gaussian Sum Filter." Journal of Field Robotics 29 (2): 240-257.
  • Shah, D C., J R. Schneider, Mark Campbell. 2012. "Robust, Sketch based Command and Control of Robot Teams." Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (3): 604-622.
  • Ahmed, N., J. Schoenberg, Mark Campbell. 2012. "Fast Weighted Exponential Product Rules for Robust General Multi-Robot Data Fusion." Paper presented at Robotics Science and Systems Conference
  • McClelland, M., T. Estlin, Mark Campbell. 2012. "Hybrid Relational Mapping for Autonomous Robotics." Paper presented at AIAA Infotech Conference 2012
  • Tse, R., N. Ahmed, Mark Campbell. 2012. "Unified Mixture-Model Based Terrain Estimation with Markov Random Fields." Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration
  • Ahmed, N., T.-L. Yang, E. Sample, Mark Campbell. 2012. "Bayesian Sketch and Share: Enhanced Information Fusion for Large Scale Mixed Robot-Human Search Teams." Paper presented at International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
  • Sample, E., N. Ahmed, Mark Campbell. 2012. "An Experimental Evaluation of Bayesian Soft Human Sensor Fusion in Robotic Systems."
  • Jones, B., Mark Campbell, L Tong. 2011. "Bipartite Matching of Stochastic Maps." Paper presented at 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2011, Urbana IL, October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Rivadeneyra, C., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Probabilistic Multi-Level Maps from LIDAR Data." International Journal of Robotics Research30 (12): 1508-1526.
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Probabilistic Validation of Simplified Models of Spacecraft Formations near Liberation Points." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 (4): 2779-2791.
  • Hardy, J., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Clustering Obstacle Predictions to Improve Contingency Planning for Autonomous Road Vehicles in Congested Environments." Paper presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, September.
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell, D Huttenlocher. 2011. "Map-aided Localization in Sparse Global Positioning System Environments Using Vision and Particle Filtering." Journal of Field Robotics 28 (5): 619-643.
  • Ahmed, N., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Variational Bayesian Learning of Probabilistic Discriminative Models with Latent Softmax Variables." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (7): 3143-3154.
  • Ahmed, N., E. Sample, F. Ho, T. Hoossainy, Mark Campbell. 2011. "Categorical Soft Daga Fusion for Gaussian Mixtures via Variational Bayesian Importance Sampling, with Applications to Cooperative Search." Paper presented at 2011 American Control Conference,June.
  • Shah, D., Mark Campbell. 2011. "A Robust Qualitative Planner for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Human-Provided Maps." Paper presented at 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May.
  • McLoughlin, T., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Solutions to Periodic Sensor Scheduling Problems for Formation Flying Missions in Deep Space." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 (2): 1351-1368.
  • Whitacre, W., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Decentralized Geolocation and Sensor Bias Estimation for UAVs with Articulating Cameras." AIAA J of Guidance, Controls, and Dynamics 34 (2): 564-573.
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell, D Huttenlocher. 2011. "Efficient Unbiased Tracking of Multiple Synamic Obstacles Under Large Viewpoint Changes." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 27 (1): 29-46.
  • Ponda, S., N. Ahmed, B. Luders, E. Sample, D. Levine, T. Hoossainy, D. Shah, Mark Campbell, J P How. 2011. "Decentralized Information-Rich Planning and Hybrid Sensor Fusion for Uncertainty Reduction in Human-Robot Missions." Paper presented at AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2011
  • Ahmed, N., Mark Campbell. 2011. "Variational Learning of Autoregressive Mixture of Expert Models for Fully Bayesian Non-Markov Hybrid System Identication." Paper presented at 2011 American Control Conference
  • Campbell, Mark. 2011. "Intelligent Autonomy in Robotic Systems." The Bridge, Quarterly of the National Academy of Engineering Winter 2011-12: 27-34.
  • Lee, D., M. McClelland, J. Schneider, T L. Yang, D. Gallagher, D. Shah, N. Ahmed, P. Moran, A. Nathan, Hadas Kress-Gazit, Mark Campbell. 2010. "Distributed, Collaborative Human-Robotic Networks for Outdoor Experiments in Search, Identify and Track."October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Schoenberg, J., A. Nathan, Mark Campbell. 2010. "Segmentation of Dense Range Information in Complex Urban Scenes." Paper presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Hardy, J., Mark Campbell. 2010. "Contingency Planning over Hybrid Obstacle Predictions for Autonomous Road Vehicles." Paper presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Shah, D., J. Schneider, Mark Campbell. 2010. "A Robust Sketch Interface for Natural Robot Control." Paper presented at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Campbell, Mark. 2010. "Intelligent Autonomy in Robotic Systems." Paper presented at National Academy of Engineering Frontiers in Engineering Symposium, October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Campbell, M., M. Egerstedt, J P. How, R M Murray. 2010. "Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments: Approaches, Lessons and Challenges." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 368 (1928): 4649-4672.
  • McClelland, M., Mark Campbell. 2010. "Anticipation as a Method for Overcoming Time Delay in Control of Remote Systems." Paper presented at AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, August.
  • Havlak, F., Mark Campbell. 2010. "Discrete and Continuous, Probabilistic Anticipation for Autonomous Robots in Urban Environments." Paper presented at 2010 SPIE Europe Conference on Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks
  • Ahmed, N., Mark Campbell. 2010. "Variational Bayesian Data Fusion of Multi-class Discrete Observations with Applications to Cooperative Human-Robot Estimation." Paper presented at 2010 International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  • Doyle, B., A. Patel, T. Brauneis, L. Cohan, J-W Lee, Mark Campbell. 2010. "CubeSats for GPS Scintillation Science." In AIAA Progress Series: Emergence of Pico- and Nanosatellites for Atmospheric Research and Technology Testing , edited by P. Thakker and W. A. Shiroma. AIAA Press.
  • Campbell, Mark, M Wheeler. 2010. "A Vision Based Geolocation Tracking System for UAV's." AIAA Journal of Guidance, Dynamics and Controls 33 (2): 521-532.
  • Zanon, D., Mark Campbell. 2010. "Formation Optimal Maneuvers under Inertial Attitude Dynamics." AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 47 (2): 295-307.
  • Campbell, Mark. 2009. "The interaction of perception and planning in autonomous vehicles." Paper presented at SPIE Unmanned Systems Technology XI, April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Schoenberg, J., Mark Campbell. 2009. "Distributed Terrain Estimation Using a Mixture and Model Based Algorithm." Paper presented at FUSION Conference
  • Whitacre, W., Mark Campbell. 2009. "Geolocation using UAVs: Sensitivities and Bias Estimation." Paper presented at AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference
  • Rivadeneyra, C., J R. Schoenberg, I. Miller, Mark Campbell. 2009. "Probabilistic Estimation of Multi-Level Terrain Map in Real Time."Paper presented at International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  • Schoenberg, J R., Mark Campbell, I Miller. 2009. "Global Localization with Multi-Modal Vision Measurements in Limited GPS Environments using Gaussian Sum Filters." Paper presented at International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  • Shah, D., S. Galster, Mark Campbell, F. Bourgault, N. Ahmed, B Knott. 2009. "A Study of Human-Robotic Teams with Various Levels of Autonomy."
  • Campbell, Mark, J Hardy. 2009. "Sample based Perception, Anticipation and Planning for Robots in an Urban Environment." Paper presented at SPIE Europe Conference on Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks
  • Fletcher, L., I. Miller, S. Teller, Mark Campbell, J. Leonard, D. Huttenlocher, E. Olson, D. Moore, Y. Kuwata, J. How, A. Nathan, F. R. Kline.2008. "The Cornell-MIT Collision and Why It Happened." Journal of Field Robotics 25 (8): 775-807.
  • Whitacre, W., Mark Campbell. 2008. "Information-Theoretic Optimization of Periodic Orbits for Cooperative Geolocation." August.
  • McLoughlin, T., Mark Campbell. 2008. "Distributed Estimate Fusion Filter for Large Spacecraft Formations." August.
  • Scholte, E., Mark Campbell. 2008. "Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Partial State Information." IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology 16 (4): 636 - 651.
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell, D. Huttenlocher, F. R. Kline, A. Nathan, S. Lupashin, J. Catlin, B. Schimpf, P. Moran, N. Zych, E. Garcia, M. Kurdziel, H. Fujishima. 2008. "Team Cornell's Skynet: Robust perception and planning in an urban enrironment." Journal of Field Robotics 25 (8): 493-527.
  • Otanez, P., Mark Campbell. 2008. "A Locally Most Powerful Detector for Mode Perturbation Signatures."
  • Hardy, J., Mark Campbell, I. Miller, B. Schimpf. 2008. "Sensitivity Analysis of an Optimization-Based Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments."
  • Bourgault, F., A. Chokshi, J. Wang, D. Shah, F. Cedano, Mark Campbell. 2008. "Scalable Bayesian Human-Robot Cooperation in Mobile Sensor Networks."
  • Ahmed, N., Mark Campbell. 2008. "Multimodal Operator Decision Models." Seattle, WA
  • Bourgault, F., A. Chokshi, Mark Campbell. 2008. "Human-Computer Augmented Nodes for Scalable Mobile Sensor Networks." Athens, Greece
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell. 2008. "Particle Filtering for Map-Aided Localization in Sparse GPS Enviroments." Pasadena, CA
  • Miller, I., B. Schimpf, Mark Campbell, J. Leyssens. 2008. "Tightly-Coupled GPS / INS System Design for Autonomous Urban Navigation." Monterey, CA
  • Campbell, Mark, W. Whitacre. 2007. "Cooperative Tracking using Vision Measurements on SeaScan UAVs." Transactions on Control System Technology 15 (4): 613-626.
  • Campbell, Mark, J. W. Lee, E. Scholte, D. Rathbun. 2007. "Flight Results for On-line Estimation, Planning and Control using the SeaScan UAV." J. of Guidance, Controls and Dynamics 30 (6): 1597-1609.
  • Otanez, P., Mark Campbell. 2007. ""Bounded Estimator Switching in Uncertain Hybrid Systems." Transactions on Control Systems Technology 15 (2): 358-368.
  • Ousingsawat, J., Mark Campbell. 2007. "Planning for Cooperative Multi-vehicle Reconnaissance." J of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication 4 (1).
  • McLoughlin, T. H., Mark Campbell. 2007. "Scalable sensing, estimation, and control architecture for large spacecraft formations."Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 30 (2): 289-300.
  • Shah, D., Mark Campbell. 2007. "State-Dependent Probabilistic Model Reduction for Evaluation of Human-Robotic Autonomous Systems."
  • Bourgault, F., N. Ahmed, D. Schrader, Mark Campbell. 2007. "Probabilistic Operator-Multiple Robot Modeling Using Bayesian Network Representation."
  • Stevenson, D., M. Wheeler, Mark Campbell, W. Whitacre, R. Rysdyk, R. Wise. 2007. "Experiments in Cooperative Tracking of Moving Targets by a Team of Autonomous UAV's."
  • Whitacre, W., Mark Campbell. 2007. "Cooperative Estimation in Networks of UAV's with Delayed Data."
  • Wheeler, M., R. Wise, R. Rysdyk, W. Whitacre, Mark Campbell. 2007. "Autonomous Cooperative Geo-Location and Tracking of Moving Targets."
  • Whitacre, W., Mark Campbell, M. Wheeler, D. Stevenson. 2007. "Flight Results from Tracking Ground Targets Using SeaScan UAVs with Gimbaling Cameras."
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell. 2007. "Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filterning for Mapping Dynamic Environments with a Mobile Ground Robot."
  • Campbell, Mark, F. Bourgault, S. Galster, D. Schneider. 2007. "Towards Probabilistic Operator-Multiple Robot Decision Models."
  • Ousingsawat, J., Mark Campbell. 2007. "Optimal Planning for Cooperative Reconnaissance Using Multiple Vehicles." AIAA J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 30 (1): 122-132.
  • Miller, I., E. Garcia, Mark Campbell. 2006. "To Drive is Human." Computer 39 (12): 59+.
  • Campbell, Mark. 2006. "Discussion on a Stacked Model Structure for Off-line Parameter Estimation in Multi-Equilibrium Nonlinear Systems." European J of Control 12 (6): 365-372.
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell. 2006. "A mixture-model based algorithm for real-rime terrain estimation." Journal of Field Robotics 23 (9):755-775.
  • Kulkarni, J., Mark Campbell, G. Dullerud. 2006. "Stabilization Spacecraft Flight in Halo Orbits: An H-inf Approach." Transactions on Control Systems Technology 14 (3): 572-578.
  • Wheeler, M., Mark Campbell, R. Rysdyk, B. Schrick, W. Whitacre, R. Wise. 2006. "Cooperative Tracking of Moving Targets by a Team of Autonomous UAV's."
  • Campbell, Mark, M. Wheeler. 2006. "A Vision Based Geolocation Tracking System for UAV's."
  • McLoughlin, T., Mark Campbell. 2006. "Robust Centroid Estimate Fusion for Spacecraft Formations."
  • Campbell, Mark, S. Sukkarieh, A. Goktogan. 2006. "Operator Decision Modeling in Cooperative UAV Systems."
  • Zanon, D., Mark Campbell. 2006. "Optimal Planner for Spacecraft Formations in Elliptical Orbits." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 29 (1).
  • Schneider, D., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Real Time Optimal Task Allocation in Highly Dynamic Environments." November.
  • Veverka, J., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Operator Decision Modeling for ISR Type Missions." October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
  • Zanon, D., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Fuel Optimal Maneuvers with Spacecraft Attitude Constraints." August.
  • Veverka, J., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Towards an Operator Decision Model for ISR Type Missions." August.
  • Sullivan, J., Mark Campbell, H. Lipson. 2005. "Particle Filters as Exploration Tools for Autonomous Rovers." August.
  • Otanez, P., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Mode Estimation Using Perturbation Signatures for Hybrid Multi-Vehicle Systems." August.
  • Zanon, D., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Optimal Planning for Tetrahedron Formations near Elliptical Orbits." August.
  • Miller, I., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Validation of Simplified Formation Models at L2." June.
  • Otanez, P., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Hybrid Cooperative Reconnaissance Without Communication."
  • Fang, Y., Mark Campbell. 2005. "Probatility Map Building Algorithms Design for an Unknown Dynamic Environment."
  • Campbell, Mark. 2005. "Collision Monitoring and Avoidance in Satellite Clusters." Transactions on Control Systems Technology 13 (1):42-55.
  • Rayburn, C. D., Mark Campbell, A. T. Mattick. 2005. "Plused Plasma Thurster for Microsatellites." J of Spacecraft and Rockets 42 (1).
  • Kulkarni, J., Mark Campbell. 2004. "An Approach to Magnetic Torque Attitude Control of Satellites via H-inf Control for LTV Systems."December.
  • McLoughlin, T., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Precision Formation Keeping at L2 Using the Autonomous Formation Flying Sensor."September.
  • Fang, Y., Mark Campbell. 2004. "A Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multiple Tasks of RoboFlag." August.
  • McLoughlin, T., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Robust Sensing, Communication and Control Architectures for Large Precision Spacecraft Networks." August.
  • Zanon, D., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Optimal Planning for TetrahedralFormations Near Elliptical Orbits." August.
  • Campbell, Mark, R. D'Andrea, J.W. Lee, E. Scholte. 2004. "Experimental Demonstrations of Semi-Autonomous Control." June.
  • Otanez, P., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Bounded Model Switching in Uncertain Hybrid Systems." June.
  • Linford, R., R. Betti, J. Dahlburg, J. Asay, Mark Campbell, P. Colella, J. Freidberg, J. Goodman, D. Hammer, J. Hoagland, S. Jardin, J. Lindl, G. Logan, K. Matzen, G. Navratil, A. Nobile, J. Sethian, J. Sheffield, M. Tillack, J. Weisheit. 2004. "A review of the US Department of Energy's Inertial Fusion Energy program." Journal of Fusion Energy 22 (2): 93-126.
  • Ousingsawat, J., Mark Campbell. 2004. "On-line Estimation and Path Planning for Multiple Vehicles in an Uncertain Environment."International J of Nonlinear and Robust Control 14 (8): 741-766.
  • Brunke, S., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Square Root Sigma Point Filtering for Aerodynamic Model Estimation." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 27 (2): 314-317.
  • Campbell, Mark, D. Zanon, J. Kulkarni. 2004. "Cluster Planning and Control for Spacecraft Formations." February.
  • Hauge, G., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Shaping the Transmissibility for Six-Axis Active Vibration Isolators." Journal of Sound and Vibration269: 913-931.
  • Ousingsawat, J., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Multiple Vehicle Team Tasking for Cooperative Estimation."
  • Kulkarni, J., Mark Campbell. 2004. "Stabilization Spacecraft Flight in Halo Orbints: An H-inf Approach."
  • Scholte, E., Mark Campbell. 2003. "A Nonlinear Set-Membership Filter for On-line Applications." International J of Nonlinear and Robust Control 13 (15): 1337-1378.
  • Campbell, Mark, J. Han, J. Lee, E. Scholte, J. Ousingsawat. 2003. "Validation of Active State Model based Control using the SeaScan UAV." San Diego, CA September.
  • Mohan, S., Mark Campbell, 2003. "The ICE CUBE Project." September.
  • Campbell, Mark. 2003. "Planning Algorithm for Multiple Satellite Clusters." AIAA J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 26 (5): 770-780.
  • Veverka, J., Mark Campbell. 2003. "Experimental Study of Information Load on Operators inSemi-Autonomous Systems." Austin TXAugust.
  • Scholte, E., Mark Campbell. 2003. "Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Partial State Information." Austin August.
  • Breger, L., P. Ferguson, J. How, S. Thomas, T. McLoughlin, Mark Campbell. 2003. "Distributed Control of Formation Flying Spacecraft Built on OA." Austin August.
  • Han, J., Mark Campbell. 2003. "Artificial Potential Guided Evolutionary Path Plan for Target Pursuit and Obstacle Avoidance." AusAugust.
  • Campbell, Mark, J. Sullivan, S. Waydo. 2003. "Using Stream Functions to Generate Complex Behavior." Austin TX August.
  • Chaudhry, A. I., R. D'Andrea, Mark Campbell. 2003. "RoboFlag -- A Framework for Exploring Control, Planning, and Human Interface Issues Related to Coordinating Multiple Robots in a Realtime Dynamic Environment." Portugal June.
  • Campbell, Mark, R. D'Andrea, D. Schneider, A. I. Chaudhry, S. Waydo, J. Sullivan, J. Veverka, A. Klochko. 2003. "RoboFlag Games using Systems Based, Hierarchical Control." June.
  • Campbell, Mark, S. Scholte, S Brunke. 2003. Active Model Estimation for Complex Autonomous Systems. IEEE Press, Wiley.
  • Schetter, T., M. Campbell, D. Surka. 2003. "Multiple agent-based autonomy for satellite constellations." Artificial Intelligence 145 (1-2):147-180.
  • Hoskins, A., C. Sarmiento, C. Rayburn, Mark Campbell. 2002. "The Electromagnetic Compatibility of Plused Plasma Thrusters with Spacecraft Systems." November.
  • Campbell, Mark. 2002. "Planning Algorithm for Large Satellite Clusters." Monterey, CA August.
  • Ousingsawat, J., Mark Campbell. 2002. "On-line Estimation and Path Planning for Multiple Vehicles in an Uncertrain Environment."Monterey, CA August.
  • Scholte, E., Mark Campbell. 2002. "On-line Nonlinear Guaranteed Estimation with Application to a High Performance Aircraft."Anchorage, AK May.
  • Brunke, S., Mark Campbell. 2002. "Estimation Architecture for Future Autonomous Vehicles." Anchorage, AK May.
  • Campbell, Mark, B. Udrea. 2002. "Collision Avoidance in Satellite Clusters." Anchorage, AK May.
  • Waydo, S., D. Henry, Mark Campbell. 2002. "CubeSat Design for LEO-BAsed Earch Science Missions." Big Sky, MT March.
  • Thayer, D., Mark Campbell, J. Vagners, A. von Flotow. 2002. "A Unique Six-axis Active Isolation System for Spacecraft." J of Spacecraft and Rockets 39 (2): 206-212.
  • Campbell, Mark, T. Schetter. 2002. "Comparison of Multi-Agent Bsed Organizations for Satellite Constellations." J of Spacecraft and Rockets 39 (2): 274-283.
  • Meller, D. M., J. Reiter, M. Terry, K. F. Böhringer, Mark Campbell. 2001. "A Docking System for MicroSatellites bsed on MEMS Actuator Arrays." April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark, S. Brunke. 2001. "Nonlinear Estimation of Aircraft Models for On-line Control Customization." Big Sky, MT March.
  • Campbell, Mark, V. Knagenhjelm, J. Yingling. 2001. "Flight Software Development for the ION-F Formation Flying Mission." Big Sky, MTMarch.
  • Crawley, E., Mark Campbell. 2001. "High Performance Structures: Dynamics and Controls." . Cambridge University Press.
  • Schetter, T., Mark Campbell, D. Surka. 2000. "Multiple Agent-Based Autonomy for Satellite Constellations." September.
  • Meller, D., P. Sripruetkiat, K. Makovec, Mark Campbell, R. Fullmer, C. Hall. 2000. "Digital CMOS Cameras for Attitude Determination."August.
  • Rayburn, C., Mark Campbell, A. Hoskins, J. Cassady. 2000. "Development of a micro-PPT for the Dawgstar Nanosatellite." July (3rd Quarter/Summer).
  • Campbell, Mark, C. Swenson, R. Fullmer, C. Hall. 2000. "The Ionospheric Observation Nanosatellite Formation -- ION-F." La Baule, France June.
  • Schetter, T., Mark Campbell, D. Surka. 2000. "Comparison of Multiple Agent Based Organizations for Satellite Constellations."Orlando, FL April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark, T. Schetter. 2000. "Formation Flying Mission for the UW Dawgstar Nanosatellite." March.
  • Cassady, R. J., R. J. Hoskins, Mark Campbell, C. Rayburn. 2000. "A Micro-Pulsed Plasma Thruster for the Dawgstar Spacecraft." March.
  • Schetter, T., Mark Campbell, D. Surka. 2000. "Team Agent for Multiple-Agent based Satellite Clusters (TechSat21)." Greenbelt, MDMarch.
  • Campbell, Mark, R. Fullmer, C. Hall. 2000. "The ION-F Formation Flying Experiments." January (1st Quarter/Winter).
  • Campbell, Mark. 1999. "Oh Now I Get It!." J of Engineering Education 88 (4).
  • Campbell, Mark, et. al. 1999. "The ION-F Mission and Dawgstar Satellite." September.
  • Reiter, J., K. Böhringer, Mark Campbell. 1999. "MEMS Control Moment Gyroscope Design and Wafer-Based Spacefraft Chassis Study."September.
  • Campbell, Mark, 1999. "The UW Dawgstar Nanosatellite." August.
  • Brunke, S., Mark Campbell. 1999. "Autonomous Identification for High Performance Control." August.
  • Hoskins, W. A., M. J. Wilson, M. J. Willey, M. J. Meckel, Mark Campbell, S. Chung. 1999. "PPT Development Efforts at Primex Aerospace Company." July (3rd Quarter/Summer).
  • Martin, M., R. Cobb, H. Schlossberg, J. Mitola, D. Weidow, A. Peffer, R. Blomquist, Mark Campbell, C. Hall, E. Hansen, S. Horan, C. Kitts, F. Redd, H. Reed, H. Spence, B. Twiggs. 1999. "University Nanosatellite Program." Redondo Beach, CA April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Martin, M., R. Cobb, H. Schlossberg, J. Mitola, D. Weidow, A. Peffer, R. Blomquist, Mark Campbell, C. Hall, E. Hansen, S. Horan, C. Kitts, F. Redd, H. Reed, H. Spence, B. Twiggs. 1999. "University Nanosatellite Program." April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark, G. Hauge. 1999. "Shaping the Transmissibility for Six-Axis Active Vibration Isolators." April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark, K. Böhringer. 1999. "Intelligent Satellite Teams for Space Science." April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Böhringer, K., Mark Campbell, J. Vagners. 1999. "AI Based Satellite Constellations." March.
  • Campbell, Mark, J. How, S. Grocott, D. Miller. 1999. "On-Orbit Closed Loop Results for MACE." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 22 (2).
  • Thayer, D., Mark Campbell, J. Vagners. 1999. "Six Axis Isolation on the UW Hexapod." February.
  • Campbell, Mark, S. C. O. Grocott. 1999. "Parametric Uncertainty Model for Control Design and Analysis." Transactions on Control Systems Technology 7 (1): 85-96.
  • Campbell, Mark. 1998. "Oh, Now I get it!." Tempe, AZ November.
  • Campbell, Mark, E. F. Crawley. 1998. "Classically Rationalized Low Order Robust Controllers." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 21 (2): 296-306.
  • Miller, D. W., J. P. How, Mark Campbell, S. C. O. Grocott, K. Liu, R. M. Glaese, T. Tuttle. 1998. "Flight Results from the Middeck Active Control Experiment." AIAA Journal 432-440.
  • Campbell, Mark, E. F. Crawley. 1997. "Development of Structural Uncertainty Models." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 20(5): 841-849.
  • Crawley, E. F., Mark Campbell. 1997. "Actuator and Sensor Design for Controlled Structures." Kissimmee, FL April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark. 1997. "Uncertainty Effects in Model-Data Correlation." Kissimmee, FL April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark, S.C.O. Grocott, J. P. How, J. A. Woods-Vedeler. 1996. "Overview of Closed Loop Results for MACE." San Francisco, CAJuly (3rd Quarter/Summer).
  • Campbell, Mark. 1996. "Identification and Estimation for Control Design." San Francisco, CA July (3rd Quarter/Summer).
  • Grocott, S.C.O., Mark Campbell. 1996. "Control Analysis Results MACE: Methods and Limitations." San Francisco, CA July (3rd Quarter/Summer).
  • Campbell, Mark, E. F. Crawley. 1996. "Asymptotic Linear Quadratic Control for Lightly Damped Structures." Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 19 (4): 969-971.
  • Miller, D W., E F. Crawley, J P. How, K. Liu, Mark Campbell, S C O. Grocott, R M. Glaese, T D Tuttle. 1996. "The Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE): Summary Report". 7-96 Cambridge, MA: MIT SERC.
  • Campbell, Mark, E. F. Crawley. 1996. "Uncertainty Modeling for Structural Control Analysis and Synthesis." Salt Lake City, UT April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark, S.C.O. Grocott, J. P. How, D. W. Miller, E. F. Crawley. 1995. "Verification Procedure for On-orbit Controllers for the Middeck Active Control Experiment." Seattle, WA June.
  • Miller, D., R. Glaese, S. Grocott, Mark Campbell, J. How, K. Liu, J. de Luis, G. Stover. 1995. "On-orbit Predictions and Results from the Middeck Active Control Experiment." Seattle, WA June.
  • Miller, D. W., Mark Campbell. 1995. "Overview of the Middeck Active Control Experiment". Keystone, CO: 18th AAS Guidance and Control Conference.
  • Campbell, Mark, E. F. Crawley. 1994. "The SISO Linear Quadratic Gaussian Compensator for Lightly Damped Structures." Baltimore, MD June.
  • Campbell, Mark, E. F. Crawley. 1994. "Classically Rationalized Low Order Robust Structural Controllers." Hilton Head, SC April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
  • Campbell, Mark. 1993. "Uncertainty Modeling for Structural Control Analysis and Synthesis". Cambridge, MA: MIT.
  • Campbell, Mark. 1993. "Neo-Classical Control of Structures". 4-92 Cambridge, MA: MIT SERC.
  • Shah, D., S. Galster, Mark Campbell, F. Bourgault, N. Ahmed, B. Knott. "A Study of Human-Robotic Teams with Various Levels of Autonomy." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
  • Campbell, Mark, W. Whitacre, M. Wheeler, D. Stevenson. "Flight Results for Cooperative Tracking using Multiple UAVs." Journal of Field Robotics.
  • Bourgault, F., Mark Campbell. "Human-Computer Augmented Sensor Fusion Nodes for Scalable Search Operations." International Journal of Robotics Research.
  • McClelland, M., Mark Campbell, T. Estlin. "Qualitative Relational Mapping for Mobile Robots with Minimal Sensing." AIAA Journal of Journal of Aerospace Information Systems.
  • Schimpf, B., J. Hardy, I. Miller, Mark Campbell. "Real time, Optimization based Path Planner for an Autonomous Ground Vehicle." IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.