Master of Engineering Programs
The Sibley School offers M.Eng. degrees in the fields of aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering.
Learn about our Distance Learning M.Eng. degree in Aerospace Engineering
Learn about our Distance Learning M.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering
In the Sibley School, we are breaking stereotypes, expectations, and boundaries to solve the world's biggest problems.
Program Strengths
- Flexible coursework and project
- Project-oriented program enhances engineering skills and gives real-world experience
- Industry connections that lead to job opportunities & higher starting salaries
- World-class faculty and facilities
- A lifelong connection to one of the largest alumni networks in the world
What is an M.Eng.?
Click to OpenThe Master of Engineering (MEng) degree program is a one-year professional degree program that provides an opportunity to focus or broaden engineering skills. The Sibley School offers degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
The program is for students who wish to further their studies, or upgrade their skills, with the intent of going into industry. It is an applied program, with coursework and projects designed to increase problem-solving skills. Each program is tailored to the student’s goals and is designed to develop a high level of competence in engineering science, current technology, and/or engineering design. Interdisciplinary in nature, the program allows the flexibility to create a program that fits individual needs and interests. A project is required for all programs and provides experience in applying engineering, team, and management skills to a current real-world engineering problem.
The MEng. Program differs from a Master of Science (MS) in the expected outcome. MEng students go into industry, while MS students focus on research and pursue academic or research careers after graduation.
Who is a good fit for the M.Eng. Program?
Click to OpenStudents with an undergraduate degree in a related engineering field or science or math. New graduates, currently employed or transitioning workers.
Our students come from a wide variety of places: engineering, science, and math. The ability to craft a degree program that meets an individual’s background and needs provides opportunities for traditional and non-traditional students to obtain a Master's degree in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering.
Students who have completed the program have come from:
- Undergraduate students from mechanical and aerospace degree programs
- Undergraduate students from biomedical, materials science, environmental, civil, chemical engineering and electrical engineering programs
- Undergraduate students with physics and chemistry degrees
- Students who have just graduated
- Students with work experience who want to advance their educations
Students have entered the program because they want:
- an immersive experience to get to the next level of their education
- a program with a sizeable hands-on, project-based program
- to be taught by some of the leading experts in their fields
- to join one of the largest most active alumni in the world
Why get an M.Eng.?
Click to OpenHigher starting salaries. Focus career opportunities. Advanced job placement.
MEng graduates enter the workforce with higher salaries than those with an undergraduate degree. The program allows students to go in-depth in a focus area, offering a chance to immerse themselves in a particular subject area. For many students, it is the first time they have an opportunity to choose the classes they want to take and build a program in an area they want to pursue. It is also an opportunity to learn new engineering skills – building up an engineering toolbox to increase competitiveness. Professional development courses help students to develop skills that will increase hired responsibility levels and lead to faster advancement.
Salary Data [PDF]
Why Cornell?
Click to OpenOur faculty are world-renowned in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Students in our program are not only taught by these distinguished faculty but also work alongside them on their projects. Our facilities are first class. Cornell has a reputation for hands-on learning. Facilities are available to foster all kinds of work, from rapid prototyping labs, to computational tools, and leading-edge research labs. The Cornell University LinkedIn network had over 57,000 members. Cornell MAE MEng’s alumni network has active former students who are available to provide network contacts and career guidance.
Project Oriented Program
Click to OpenReal-world experience. Enhance engineering skills. Gain depth.
At the core of the MEng program is the project. Projects are in a student’s focus area. They are designed to give students an in-depth experience working on a real-world, open-ended problem. Students apply their engineering skills in ways that will mirror employment after school. Many students work directly with our faculty on projects, but we also partner with a number of companies on industry projects
Focus Areas
Click to OpenThe Sibley school offers M.Eng. degrees in the fields of mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering.
Focus areas that students can choose are based on the research areas and competencies of our faculty. While the focus areas are the main focus for most of our students, we still provide enough flexibility to create their own focus areas.
Program Options and Additions
Click to OpenRelated Program Opportunities
- Knight Scholarship Program, for students interested in earning both an M.Eng. and MBA at Cornell.
- Industrial Partnership Program for working professionals (IPP).
Career Resources
- Cornell Master of Engineering Career Center
- Handshake
- CUeLinks
- Career Fairs
- Extensive networking opportunities
Entrepreneurship Options
- CUELab
- Entrepreneurship courses
Contact Us
Click to OpenWe are happy to answer questions and talk more about our M.Eng. program!
M.Eng. Program Contacts
Phone: 607/255-0990
Matt Ulinski
Director of M.Eng. Program
Judy Thoroughman
Assistant Director for Master of Engineering Programs