Stephen Pope: Publications
- S.B. Pope. 2013. "A model for turbulent mixing based on shadow-position conditioning." Physics of Fluids 25.
- Hiremath, V., S.B. Pope. 2013. "A Study of the Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Dimension Reduction Method and its Different Implementations." Combustion Theory and Modelling 17: 260-293.
- Rowinski, D R., S.B. Pope. 2013. "An investigation of mixing in a three-stream turbulent jet." Physics of Fluids 25: 105105.
- Yang, Yue, Haifeng Wang, S.B. Pope, Jacqueline H. Chen. 2013. "Large-eddy simulation/probability density function modeling of a non-premixed CO/H2 temporally evolving jet flame." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34(1): 1241-1249.
- S.B. Pope. 2013. "Small Scales, Many Species and the Manifold Challenges of Turbulent Combustion." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1): 1-31.
- Juddoo, M., A.R. Masri, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Turbulent piloted partially-premixed flames with varying levels of O2/N2: stability limits and PDF calculations." Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (6): 773-793.
- Kemenov, Konstantin A., S.B. Pope. 2010. "Molecular diffusion effects in LES of a piloted methane-air flame." Combustion & Flame 157: 240-254.
- Liang, Y., S.B. Pope, P Pepiot. 2015. "A pre-partitioned adaptive chemistry methodology for the efficient implementation of combustion chemistry in particle PDF methods." Combustion and Flame 162 (9): 3236-3253.
- S.B. Pope, R. R. Tirunagari, M. W. A. Pettit, A. M. Kempf. 2015. "A Simple Approach for Specifying Velocity Inflow Boundary Conditions in Simulations of Turbulent Opposed-Jet Flows." Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.
- S.B. Pope, X. Y. Zhao, A. Bhagatwala, J. H. Chen, D. C. Haworth. 2015. "An a priori DNS study of the shadow-position mixing model." Combustion & Flame.
- S.B. Pope, Y. Pei, E. R. Hawkes, M. Bolla, S. Kook, G. M. Goldin, Y. Yang, S. Som. 2015. "An analysis of the structure of an n-dodecane spray flame using TPDF modeling." Combustion & Flame.
- S.B. Pope, R. R. Tirunagari. 2015. "An Investigation of Turbulent Premixed Counterflow Flames using Large-Eddy Simulations and Probability Density Function Methods." Combustion & Flame.
- S.B. Pope, R. R. Tirunagari. 2015. "Characterization of Extinction/Reignition Events in Turbulent Premixed Counterflow Flames using Strain-Rate Analysis." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- S.B. Pope, J. You, Y. Yang. 2015. "Effects of molecular transport in LES/PDF of piloted turbulent dimethyl ether/air jet flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- S.B. Pope, R. R. Tirunagari. 2015. "LES/PDF for Premixed Combustion in the DNS Limit." Combustion Theory and Modellin.
- Tirunagari, R., S.B. Pope. 2014. "Advances in Probability Density Function Methods for Turbulent Reactive Flows." Melbourne, Australia
- S.B. Pope. 2014. "Book review: "Ten Chapters in Turbulence"." AIAA Journal 52: 666-667.
- S.B. Pope. 2014. "Effects of combined dimension reduction and tabulation on the simulations of a turbulent premixed flame using large-eddy simulation/probability density function." Combustion Theory and Modelling (18): 388-413.
- Minier, J.-P., S. Chibaro, S.B. Pope. 2014. "Guidelines for the formulation of Lagrangian stochastic models for particle simulations of single-phase and dispersed two-phase flows." Physics of Fluids 26 (113303).
- Popov, P P., S.B. Pope. 2014. "Implicit and Explicit Schemes for Mass Consistency Preservation in Hybrid Particle/Finite-Volume Algorithms for Turbulent Reactive Flows." Journal of Computational Physics 257: 352-373.
- Popov, P P., S.B. Pope. 2014. "Large Eddy Simulation/Probability Density Function Simulations of Bluff Body Stabilized Flames." Combustion and Flame (161): 3100-3133.
- S.B. Pope. 2014. "The determination of turbulence-model statistics from the velocity-acceleration correlation." Journal of Fluid Mechanics (757).
- Yang, Y., S.B. Pope, J. H. Chen. 2013. "Empirical low-dimensional manifolds in composition space." Combustion and Flame 160 (10):1967-1980.
- Rowinski, D H., S.B. Pope. 2013. "Computational Study of Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames using RANS-PDF and LES-PDF Methods." Combustion Theory and Modelling 17 (4): 610-656.
- Ren, Z., G. M. Goldin, V. Hiremath, S.B. Pope. 2013. "Simulations of a turbulent non-premixed flame using combined dimension reduction and tabulation for combustion chemistry." Fuel 105: 636-644.
- Wang, H., M. Juddoo, S H. Starner, A R. Masri, S.B. Pope. 2013. "A Novel Transient Turbulent Jet Flame for Studying Turbulent Combustion." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1): 1251-1259.
- Sawford, B. L., S.B. Pope, P. K. Yeung. 2013. "Gaussian Lagrangian Stochastic Models for Multi-Particle Dispersion." Physics of Fluids25: 055101.
- Hiremath, V., S. R. Lantz, H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2013. "Large-Scale Parallel Simulations of Turbulent Combustion using Combined Dimension Reduction and Tabulation of Chemistry." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1): 205-215.
- Hiremath, V., S R. Lantz, H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2012. "Computationally-Efficient and Scalable Parallel Implementation of Chemistry in Simulations of Turbulent Combustion." Combustion and Flame 159 (10): 3096-3109.
- Kemenov, K A., H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2012. "Turbulence resolution scale dependence in large-eddy simulation of a jet flame." Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 88 (4): 529-561.
- Klimenko, A Y., S.B. Pope. 2012. "Propagation speed of combustion and invasion waves in stochastic simulations with competitive mixing." Combustion Theory and Modelling 16 (4): 679-714.
- Kemenov, K A., H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2012. "Modeling effects of subgrid-scale mixture fraction variance in LES of a piloted diffusion flame." Combustion Theory and Modelling 16 (4): 611-638.
- Popov, P. P., H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2012. "Specific Volume Coupling and Convergence Properties in Hybrid Particle/Finite Volume Algorithms for Turbulent Reactive Flows." Journal of Computational Physics.
- Popov, P P., S.B. Pope. 2012. "The Direct Richardson p-th Order (DRp) Schemes: A New Class of Time Integration Schemes for Stochastic Differential Equations." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (1): A137-A160.
- Hiremath, V., Z. Ren, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Combined Dimension Reduction and Tabulation Strategy using ISAT-RCCE-GALI for the Efficient Implementation of Combustion Chemistry." Combustion and Flame 158 (11): 2113-2127.
- Hiremath , V., S R. Lantz, H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Computationally-Efficient Parallel Implementation of Combustion Chemistry in LES/PDF Computations." October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 9.
- Viswanathan, S., H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Numerical implementation of mixing and molecular transport in LES/PDF studies of turbulent reacting flows." Journal of Computational Physics 230 (17): 6916-6957.
- Ren, Z., G M. Goldin, V. Hiremath, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Reduced description of reactive flows with tabulation of chemistry." Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (6): 827-848.
- Rowinski , D H., S.B. Pope. 2011. "Mixing model behavior in PDF calculations of lean premixed jet flames." Atlanta, GA March 20.
- Popov, P P., S. Viswanathan, H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Coupling in Hybrid Particle/Finite Volume Algorithms for Turbulent Reactive Flows." Atlanta, GA March 20.
- Hiremath, V., Z. Ren, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Computationally-Efficient Implementation of Combustion Chemistry using ISAT-RCCE-GALI." Atlanta, GA March 20.
- Wang, H., S.B. Pope. 2011. "Parametric PDF studies of turbulent premixed stratified flames." Atlanta, GA March 20.
- Kemenov, K A., S.B. Pope. 2011. "Molecular diffusion effects in LES of a piloted methane-air flame." Combustion and Flame 158 (2):240-254.
- S.B. Pope. 2011. "Simple models of turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 23 (1): 011301-1 - 011301-20.
- Haworth, D C., S.B. Pope. 2011. "Transported Probability Density Function and Filtered Density Function Methods." In Turbulent Combustion Modeling: Advances, New Trends and Perspectives, edited by T. Echekki, E. Mastorakos. Springer.
- S.B. Pope, V. Hiremath, S R. Lantz, H Wang. 2011. "Computationally-Efficient Implementation of Chemistry using Combined Dimension Reduction and Tabulation in Simulations of Turbulent Combustion." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34.
- Wang, H., S.B. Pope. 2011. "Large Eddy Simulation/Probability Density Function Modeling of a Turbulent CH4/H2/N2 Jet Flame." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1): 1319-1330.
- Juddoo, M., A R. Masri, S.B. Pope. 2011. "Turbulent piloted partially-premixed flames with varying levels of O2/N2: stability limits and PDF calculations." Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (6): 773-793.
- Rowinski, D H., S.B. Pope. 2010. "PDF calculations of piloted premixed jet flames." Combustion Theory and Modelling 15 (2): 245-266.
- Hiremath, V., Z. Ren, S.B. Pope. 2010. "A greedy algorithm for species selection in dimension reduction of combustion chemistry." Combustion Theory and Modelling 14 (5): 619-652.
- Nik, M B., S L. Yilmaz, P. Givi, M. R.H. Sheikhi, S.B. Pope. 2010. "Simulation of Sandia Flame D Using Velocity-Scalar Filtered Density Function." AIAA Journal 48 (7): 1513-1522.
- S.B. Pope. 2010. "Self-Conditioned Fields for Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 652: 139-169.
- Wang, Haifeng, Pavel P. Popov, S.B. Pope. 2010. "Weak Second-Order Splitting Schemes for Lagrangian Monte Carlo Particle Methods for the Composition PDF/FDF Transport Equations." Journal of Computational Physics 229 (5): 1852-1878.
- Lu, L. Y., S. R. Lantz, Z. Y. Ren, S.B. Pope. 2009. "Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry in parallel PDF calculations." Journal of Computational Physics 228 (15): 5490-5525.
- Sheikhi, M. R. H., P. Givi, S.B. Pope. 2009. "Frequency-velocity-scalar filtered mass density function for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 21 (7): 075102-1 -- 075102-14.
- S.B. Pope, Z. Y. Ren. 2009. "Efficient Implementation of Chemistry in Computational Combustion." Flow Turbulence and Combustion82 (4): 437-453.
- Lu, L. Y., S.B. Pope. 2009. "An improved algorithm for in situ adaptive tabulation." Journal of Computational Physics 228 (2): 361-386.
- Kemenov, K. A., H. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2009. "Grid resolution effects on LES of a piloted methane-air flame." Ann Arbor, MI
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2009. "Sensitivity calculations in PDF modelling of turbulent flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32(1): 1629-1637.
- Lamorgese, A. G., S.B. Pope, P. K. Yeung. 2008. "Analysis of the conditionally cubic-Gaussian stochastic Lagrangian model." Physica Scripta 2008 (T132): 014044.
- Popov, P. P., R. McDermott, S.B. Pope. 2008. "An accurate time advancement algorithm for particle tracking." Journal of Computational Physics 227 (20): 8792-8806.
- Wang, H. F., S.B. Pope. 2008. "Lagrangian investigation of local extinction, re-ignition and auto-ignition in turbulent flames." Combustion Theory and Modelling 12 (5): 857-882.
- Viswanathan, S., S.B. Pope. 2008. "Turbulent dispersion from line sources in grid turbulence." Physics of Fluids 20 (10): 101514-1 - 101514-25.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2008. "Second-order splitting schemes for a class of reactive systems." Journal of Computational Physics 227(17): 8165-8176.
- Arneodo, A., R. Benzi, J. Berg, L. Biferale, E. Bodenschatz, A. Busse, E. Calzavarini, B. Castaing, M. Cencini, L. Chevillard, R. T. Fisher, R. Grauer, H. Homann, D. Lamb, A. S. Lanotte, E. Leveque, B. Luthi, J. Mann, N. Mordant, W. C. Muller, S. Ott, N. T. Ouellette, J.-F. Pinton, S.B. Pope, S. G. Roux, F. Toschi, H. Xu, P. K. Yeung. 2008. "Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows." Physical review letters 100 (25): 254504-1 - 254504-5.
- Wang, H. F., S.B. Pope. 2008. "Time-averaging strategies in the finite-volume/particle hybrid algorithm for the joint PDF equation of turbulent reactive flows." Combustion Theory and Modelling 12 (3): 529-544.
- McDermott, R., S.B. Pope. 2008. "The parabolic edge reconstruction method (PERM) for Lagrangian particle advection." Journal of Computational Physics 227 (11): 5447-5491.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2008. "Sensitivity calculations in PDF particle methods." Combustion and Flame 153 (1-2): 202-215.
- S.B. Pope. 2008. "Algorithms for ellipsoids". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Gordon, R. L., A. R. Masri, S.B. Pope, G. M. Goldin. 2007. "Transport budgets in turbulent lifted flames of methane autoigniting in a vitiated co-flow." Combustion and Flame 151 (3): 495-511.
- Panda, B., M. Riedewald, S.B. Pope, J. Gehrke. 2007. "High-speed function approximation." Omaha, Nebraska, United States October (4th Quarter/Autumn).
- Ren, Z., S.B. Pope. 2007. "Transport-chemistry coupling in the reduced description of reactive flows." Combustion Theory and Modelling 11 (5): 715-739.
- McDermott, R., S.B. Pope. 2007. "A particle formulation for treating differential diffusion in filtered density function methods." Journal of Computational Physics 226 (1): 947-993.
- Sheikhi, M. R. H., P. Givi, S.B. Pope. 2007. "Velocity-scalar filtered mass density function for large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows." Physics of Fluids 19 (9): 095106-1 - 095106-21.
- Ren, Z., S.B. Pope. 2007. "Reduced description of complex dynamics in reactive systems." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (34):8464-74.
- Lamorgese, A. G., S.B. Pope, P. K. Yeung, B. L. Sawford. 2007. "A conditionally cubic-Gaussian stochastic Lagrangian model for acceleration in isotropic turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 582: 423-448.
- Yeung, P. K., S.B. Pope, E. A. Kurth, A. G. Lamorgese. 2007. "Lagrangian conditional statistics, acceleration and local relative motion in numerically simulated isotropic turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 582: 399-422.
- Wang, H., S.B. Pope. 2007. "Lagrangian investigation of local extinction, re-ignition, and auto-ignition in turbulent flames." San Diego, CA
- McDermott, R., S.B. Pope. 2007. "A Lagrangian particle advection scheme for hybrid LES/FDF methods based on a mean velocity reconstruction with desirable divergence properties." San Diego, CA
- Ren, Z., S.B. Pope. 2007. "Reduced description of complex dynamics in reactive systems." San Diego, CA
- Gordon, R. L., A. R. Masri, S.B. Pope, G. M. Goldin. 2007. "A numerical study of auto-ignition in turbulent lifted flames issuing into a vitiated co-flow." Combustion Theory and Modelling 11 (3): 351-376.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope, A. Vladimirsky, J. M. Guckenheimer. 2007. "Application of the ICE-PIC method for the dimension reduction of chemical kinetics coupled with transport." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1): 473-481.
- Cao, R. R., H. F. Wang, S.B. Pope. 2007. "The effect of mixing models in PDF calculations of piloted jet flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1): 1543-1550.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2006. "The use of slow manifolds in reactive flows." Combustion and Flame 147 (4): 243-261.
- Singer, M. A., S.B. Pope, H. N. Najm. 2006. "Modeling unsteady reacting flow with operator splitting and ISAT." Combustion and Flame147 (1-2): 150-162.
- Panda, B., M. Riedewald, S.B. Pope, J. Gehrke, L. P. Chew. 2006. "Indexing for function approximation." Seoul, Korea September.
- Merci, B., D. Roekaerts, B. Naud, S.B. Pope. 2006. "Comparative study of micromixing models in transported scalar PDF simulations of turbulent nonpremixed bluff body flames." Combustion and Flame 146 (1-2): 109-130.
- Yeung, P. K., S.B. Pope, A. G. Lamorgese, D. A. Donzis. 2006. "Acceleration and dissipation statistics of numerically simulated isotropic turbulence." Physics of Fluids 18 (6): 065103-1 - 065103-14.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2006. "The geometry of reaction trajectories and attracting manifolds in composition space." Combustion Theory and Modelling 10 (3): 361-388.
- Singer, M. A., S.B. Pope, H. N. Najm. 2006. "Operator-splitting with ISAT to model reacting flow with detailed chemistry." Combustion Theory and Modelling 10 (2): 199-217.
- Ren, Z., S.B. Pope, A. Vladimirsky, J. M. Guckenheimer. 2006. "The invariant constrained equilibrium edge preimage curve method for the dimension reduction of chemical kinetics." Journal of Chemical Physics 124 (11): 114111-1 - 114111-15.
- Yeung, P. K., S.B. Pope, B. L. Sawford. 2006. "Reynolds number dependence of Lagrangian statistics in large numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence." Journal of Turbulence 7 (58): 1-12.
- S.B. Pope. 2005. "Computational Modeling of Turbulent Flames. "In Frontiers Of Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006," edited by D A Caughey, M M Hafez , 421-429. World Scientific.
- Cao, R. R., S.B. Pope. 2005. "The influence of chemical mechanisms on PDF calculations of nonpremixed piloted jet flames." Combustion and Flame 143 (4): 450-470.
- Ren, Z., S.B. Pope. 2005. "Application of the ICE-PIC method for the dimension reduction of chemical kinetics." Orlando, FLNovember.
- Liu, B. J. D., S.B. Pope. 2005. "The performance of in situ adaptive tabulation in computations of turbulent flames." Combustion Theory and Modelling 9 (4): 549-568.
- Cao, R. R., S.B. Pope, A. R. Masri. 2005. "Turbulent lifted flames in a vitiated coflow investigated using joint PDF calculations." Combustion and Flame 142 (4): 438-453.
- Liu, K., S.B. Pope, David A. Caughey. 2005. "Calculations of bluff-body stabilized flames using a joint probability density function model with detailed chemistry." Combustion and Flame 141 (1-2): 89-117.
- Cao, R., S.B. Pope. 2005. "The influence of chemical mechanisms on PDF calculations of nonpremixed piloted jet flames".
- Lu, L., Z. Ren, S.R. Lantz, V. Raman, S.B. Pope, H. Pitsch. 2005. "Investigation of strategies for the parallel implementation of ISAT in LES/FDF/ISAT computations".
- Sheikhi, M.R.H., P. Givi, S.B. Pope. 2005. "Latest developments in filtered density function formulation." Paper presented at 4th Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute Philadelphia, PA
- Lamorgese, A. G., David A. Caughey, S.B. Pope. 2005. "Direct numerical simulation of homogeneous turbulence with hyperviscosity."Physics of Fluids 17 (1).
- Sheikhi, M. R. H., T. G. Drozda, P. Givi, F. A. Jaberi, S.B. Pope. 2005. "Large eddy simulation of a turbulent nonpremixed piloted methane jet flame (Sandia Flame D)." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30: 549-556.
- Bilger, R. W., S.B. Pope, K. N. C. Bray, J. F. Driscoll. 2005. "Paradigms in turbulent combustion research." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30: 21-42.
- Masri, A. R., S.B. Pope. 2005. "Special issue in honor of Professor Robert W. Bilger on the occasion of his seventieth birthday: Preface." Combustion and Flame 143: 339--341.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2005. "Species reconstruction using pre-image curves." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30: 1293-1300.
- S.B. Pope. 2004. "Gibbs function continuation for the stable computation of chemical equilibrium." Combustion and Flame 139 (3):222-226.
- Wang, D. H., C. N. Tong, S.B. Pope. 2004. "Experimental study of velocity filtered joint density function for large eddy simulation." Physics of Fluids 16 (10): 3599-3613.
- S.B. Pope. 2004. "Detailed chemical mechanisms in turbulent flame calculations.." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 228: U308-U308.
- S.B. Pope. 2004. "Advances in PDF Methods for Turbulent Reactive Flows." Advances in Turbulence X: Proceedings of the Tenth European Turbulence Conference, June.
- Tang, Q., S.B. Pope. 2004. "A more accurate projection in the rate-controlled constrained-equilibrium method for dimension reduction of combustion chemistry." Combustion Theory and Modelling 8 (2): 255-279.
- Singer, M. A., S.B. Pope. 2004. "Exploiting ISAT to solve the reaction-diffusion equation." Combustion Theory and Modelling 8 (2): 361-383.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2004. "Entropy production and element conservation in the quasi-steady-state approximation." Combustion and Flame 137 (1-2): 251-254.
- S.B. Pope. 2004. "Ten questions concerning the large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows." New journal of physics 6.
- Masri, A. R., R. Cao, S.B. Pope, G. M. Goldin. 2004. "PDF calculations of turbulent lifted flames of H-2/N-2 fuel issuing into a vitiated co-flow." Combustion Theory and Modelling 8 (1): 1-22.
- Vliet, E.V., R.O. Fox, J.J. Derksen, S.B. Pope. 2004. "Treatment of Fast Chemistry in FDF/LES: In Situ Adaptive Tabulation".
- Lu, L., Z. Ren, V. Raman, S.B. Pope, H. Pitsch. 2004. "LES/FDF/ISAT Computations of Turbulent Flames".
- S.B. Pope. 2004. "Accessed compositions in turbulent reactive flows." Flow Turbulence and Combustion 72 (2-4): 219-243.
- Ren, Z. Y., S.B. Pope. 2004. "An investigation of the performance of turbulent mixing models." Combustion and Flame 136 (1-2): 208-216.
- Sheikhi, M. R. H., T. G. Drozda, P. Givi, S.B. Pope. 2003. "Velocity-scalar filtered density function for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 15 (8): 2321-2337.
- Klimenko, A. Y., S.B. Pope. 2003. "The modeling of turbulent reactive flows based on multiple mapping conditioning." Physics of Fluids 15 (7): 1907-1925.
- Minier, J. P., R. Cao, S.B. Pope. 2003. "Comment on the article "An effective particle tracing scheme on structured/unstructured grids in hybrid finite volume PDF Monte Carlo methods" by Li and Modest." Journal of Computational Physics 186 (1): 356-358.
- Cao, R. F., S.B. Pope. 2003. "Numerical integration of stochastic differential equations: weak second-order mid-point scheme for application in the composition PDF method." Journal of Computational Physics 185 (1): 194-212.
- Masri, A.R., R. Cao, S.B. Pope, G.M. Goldin. 2003. "Calculations of a turbulent lifted flame issuing into a vitiated co-flow."
- Liu, K., S.B. Pope, D.A. Caughey. 2003. "Calculations of a turbulent bluff-body stabilized flame." Paper presented at Third Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago
- Tang, Q., S.B. Pope. 2003. "A more accurate projection in the rate-controlled constrained equilibrium method for dimension reduction of combustion chemistry." Paper presented at Third Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago
- S.B. Pope. 2003. "The computation of constrained and unconstrained equilibrium compositions of ideal gas mixtures using Gibbs function continuation". Cornell University.
- Cao, R., D.A. Caughey, S.B. Pope. 2003. "Efficient parallel implementation of a hybrid Finite- Volume/particle method for the PDF equations of turbulent reactive flows".
- S.B. Pope. 2003. "A stochastic Lagrangian model for acceleration in turbulent flows (vol 14, pg 2360, 2002)." Physics of Fluids 15 (1):269-269.
- Tang, Q., S.B. Pope. 2003. "Implementation of combustion chemistry by in situ adaptive tabulation of rate-controlled constrained equilibrium manifolds." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29: 1411-1417.
- Muradoglu, M., K. Liu, S.B. Pope. 2003. "PDF modeling of a bluff-body stabilized turbulent flame." Combustion and Flame 132 (1-2):115-137.
- Muradoglu, M., S.B. Pope. 2002. "Local time-stepping algorithm for solving probability density function turbulence model equations." AIAA Journal 40 (9): 1755-1763.
- James, S., M. S. Anand, S.B. Pope. 2002. "The Lagrangian PDF Transport Method for Simulations of Gas Turbine Combustor Flows." Paper presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, July (3rd Quarter/Summer).
- S.B. Pope. 2002. "A stochastic Lagrangian model for acceleration in turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 14 (7): 2360-2375.
- Koch, Donald L., S.B. Pope. 2002. "Coagulation-induced particle-concentration fluctuations in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence." Physics of Fluids 14 (7): 2447-2455.
- Muradoglu, M., S.B. Pope, David A. Caughey. 2002. "The hybrid method for the PDF equations of turbulent reactive flows: Consistency conditions and correction algorithms (vol 172, pg 841, 2001)." Journal of Computational Physics 178 (1): 260-260.
- S.B. Pope. 2002. "Stochastic Lagrangian models of velocity in homogeneous turbulent shear flow." Physics of Fluids 14 (5): 1696-1702.
- Gicquel, L. Y. M., P. Givi, F. A. Jaberi, S.B. Pope. 2002. "Velocity filtered density function for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 14 (3): 1196-1213.
- James, S., M. S. Anand, M. K. Razdan, S.B. Pope. 2001. "In situ detailed chemistry calculations in combustor flow analyses." Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME 123 (4): 747-756.
- Muradoglu, M., S.B. Pope, David A. Caughey. 2001. "The hybrid method for the PDF equations of turbulent reactive flows: Consistency conditions and correction algorithms." Journal of Computational Physics 172 (2): 841-878.
- Jenny, P., M. Muradoglu, K. Liu, S.B. Pope, David A. Caughey. 2001. "PDF simulations of a bluff-body stabilized flow." Journal of Computational Physics 169 (1): 1-23.
- Jenny, P., S.B. Pope, M. Muradoglu, David A. Caughey. 2001. "A hybrid algorithm for the joint PDF equation of turbulent reactive flows." Journal of Computational Physics 166 (2): 218-252.
- S.B. Pope. 2001. "Numerical integration of stochastic differential equations: weak second-order mid-point scheme for application in the composition PDF method". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Muradoglu, M., K. Lui, S.B. Pope. 2001. "PDF modelling of a bluff-body stabilized turbulent flame". (FDA 01-03)
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 2001. "Variable density effects in stochastic LaGrangian models for turbulent combustion".
- S.B. Pope. 2001. "Large-Eddy Simulation Using Projection onto Local Basis Functions." In Fluid Mechanics and the Environment: Dynamical Approaches , edited by John L. Lumley, 239-265. Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 2000. "PDF calculations of turbulent nonpremixed flames with local extinction." Combustion and Flame 123 (3): 281-307.
- S.B. Pope. 2000. Turbulent Flows. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Tang, Q., J. Xu, S.B. Pope. 2000. "Probability density function calculations of local extinction and no production in piloted-jet turbulent methane/air flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28: 133-139.
- Masri, A. R., S.B. Pope, B. B. Dally. 2000. "Probability density function computations of a strongly swirling nonpremixed flame stabilized on a new burner." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28: 123-131.
- Jaberi, F. A., P. J. Colucci, S. James, P. Givi, S.B. Pope. 1999. "Filtered mass density function for large-eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 401: 85-121.
- Muradoglu, M., P. Jenny, S.B. Pope, David A. Caughey. 1999. "A consistent hybrid finite-volume/particle method for the PDF equations of turbulent reactive flows." Journal of Computational Physics 154 (2): 342-371.
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 1999. "Assessment of numerical accuracy of PDF Monte Carlo methods for turbulent reacting flows." Journal of Computational Physics 152 (1): 192-230.
- Subramaniam, S., S.B. Pope. 1999. "Comparison of mixing model performance for nonpremixed turbulent reactive flow." Combustion and Flame 117 (4): 732-754.
- Overholt, M. R., S.B. Pope. 1999. "Direct numerical simulation of a statistically stationary, turbulent reacting flow." Combustion Theory and Modelling 3 (2): 371-408.
- Saxena, V., S.B. Pope. 1999. "PDF simulations of turbulent combustion incorporating detailed chemistry." Combustion and Flame 117(1-2): 340-350.
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 1999. "Turbulence modelling in joint PDF calculations of piloted-jet flames." Paper presented at 4th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements
- James, S., M.S. Anand, M.K. Razdan, S.B. Pope. 1999. "In situ detailed chemistry calculations in combustor flow analyses." Proceedings of 44th ASME Gas Turbine and AeroEngine Technical Congress
- Tang, Q., S.B. Pope. 1999. "Implementation of radiation in ISAT".
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 1999. "PDF calculations of piloted-jet turbulent flames of methane with local extinction".
- Van Slooten, P. R., S.B. Pope. 1999. "Application of PDF modeling to swirling and nonswirling turbulent jets." Flow Turbulence and Combustion 62 (4): 295-333.
- Subramaniam, S., S.B. Pope. 1998. "A mixing model for turbulent reactive flows based on Euclidean minimum spanning trees." Combustion and Flame 115 (4): 487-514.
- S.B. Pope. 1998. "The vanishing effect of molecular diffusivity on turbulent dispersion: implications for turbulent mixing and the scalar flux." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 359: 299-312.
- Dreeben, T. D., S.B. Pope. 1998. "Probability density function Monte Carlo simulation of near-wall turbulent flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 357: 141-166.
- Delarue, B. J., S.B. Pope. 1998. "Calculations of subsonic and supersonic turbulent reacting mixing layers using probability density function methods." Physics of Fluids 10 (2): 487-498.
- Colucci, P. J., F. A. Jaberi, P. Givi, S.B. Pope. 1998. "Filtered density function for large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows." Physics of Fluids 10 (2): 499-515.
- Overholt, M. R., S.B. Pope. 1998. "A deterministic forcing scheme for direct numerical simulations of turbulence." Computers & Fluids27 (1): 11-28.
- Van Slooten, P. R., Jayesh, S.B. Pope. 1998. "Advances in PDF modeling for inhomogeneous turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 10 (1):246-265.
- Yang, B., S.B. Pope. 1998. "An investigation of the accuracy of manifold methods and splitting schemes in the computational implementation of combustion chemistry." Combustion and Flame 112 (1-2): 16-32.
- Saxena, V., S.B. Pope. 1998. "PDF Calculations of Major and Minor Species in a Turbulent Piloted Jet Flame." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 27: 1081-1086.
- Dreeben, T.D., S.B. Pope. 1998. "PDF/Monte Carlo simulation of near-wall turbulent flows." J. Fluid Mech. 357: 141-166.
- Yang, B., S.B. Pope. 1998. "Treating chemistry in combustion with detailed mechanisms - In situ adaptive tabulation in principal directions premixed combustion." Combustion and Flame 112 (1-2): 85-112.
- S.B. Pope. 1997. "New Developments in PDF Modeling of Nonreactive and Reactive Turbulent Flows." Paper presented at Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 2: proceedings of the second international symposium on turbulence, heat and mass transfer, December.
- Delarue, B. J., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Application of PDF methods to compressible turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 9 (9): 2704-2715.
- Dreeben, T. D., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Wall-function treatment in pdf methods for turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 9 (9): 2692-2703.
- Anand, M. S., A. T. Hsu, S.B. Pope. 1997. "Calculations of swirl combustors using joint velocity scalar probability density function method." AIAA Journal 35 (7): 1143-1150.
- Welton, W. C., S.B. Pope. 1997. "PDF model calculations of compressible turbulent flows using smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Journal of Computational Physics 134 (1): 150-168.
- VanSlooten, P. R., S.B. Pope. 1997. "PDF modeling for inhomogeneous turbulence with exact representation of rapid distortions." Physics of Fluids 9 (4): 1085-1105.
- S.B. Pope. 1997. "Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry using in situ adaptive tabulation." Combustion Theory and Modelling 1 (1): 41-63.
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Sources of bias in particle-mesh methods for PDF models for turbulent flows".
- Subramaniam, S., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Comparison of PDF mixing models for nonpremixed turbulent reacting flow". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1997. "Mean field equations in PDF particle methods for turbulent reactive flows". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Xu, J., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Analysis of numerical errors in solving particle Langevin equations". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1997. "Turbulence Combustion Modeling: fluctuations and chemistry." In Advanced Computation and Analysis of Combustion, edited by G. D. Roy, S. M. Frolov, 310-320. ENAS Publishers.
- S.B. Pope. 1997. "A Perspective on Turbulence Modeling." edited by Manuel D. Salas, Jerry N. Hefner, Leonidas Sakell , 53-67. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Van Slooten, P. R., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Critique of velocity/wave-vector PDF modeling". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Dreeben, T. D., S.B. Pope. 1997. "Probability density function and Reynolds-stress modeling of near-wall turbulent flows." Physics of Fluids 9 (1): 154-163.
- Overholt, M. R., S.B. Pope. 1996. "Direct numerical simulation of a passive scalar with imposed mean gradient in isotropic turbulence." Physics of Fluids 8 (11): 3128-3148.
- Juneja, A., S.B. Pope. 1996. "A DNS study of turbulent mixing of two passive scalars." Physics of Fluids 8 (8): 2161-2184.
- S.B. Pope. 1996. "Reducing the Tabulation Dimension in the In Situ Adaptive Tabulation (ISAT) Method". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1996. "Reacting flows and combustion." In Research Trends in Fluid Dynamics, edited by y J. L. Lumley, A. Acrivos, L. G. Leal & S. Leibovich , 229-243. Woodbury, New York: American Institute of Physics Press.
- Anand, M. S., A. T. Hsu, S.B. Pope. 1996. "PDF calculations for swirl combustors." Paper presented at AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January (1st Quarter/Winter).
- Masri, A.R., S. Subramaniam, S.B. Pope. 1996. "A mixing model to improve PDF simulation of turbulent diffusion flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 26: 49-57.
- Christo, F.C., A.R. Masri, E.M. Nebot, S.B. Pope. 1996. "An integrated PDF/neural network approach for simulating turbulent reacting systems." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 26: 43-48.
- Overholt, M. R., S.B. Pope. 1996. "DNS of a passive scalar with imposed mean scalar gradient in isotropic turbulence." Physics of Fluids 8: 3128-3148.
- Lee, Y. Y., S.B. Pope. 1995. "Nonpremixed Turbulent Reacting Flow near Extinction." Combustion and Flame 101 (4): 501-528.
- S.B. Pope. 1995. "Particle Method for Turbulent Flows - Integration of Stochastic-Model Equations." Journal of Computational Physics117 (2): 332-349.
- S.B. Pope. 1995. "Position, velocity, and pressure correction algorithm for particle method solution of the PDF transport equations".
- Dreeben, T.D., S.B. Pope. 1995. "PDF and Reynolds-stress modeling of near-wall turbulent flows".
- Jayesh, S.B. Pope. 1995. "Stochastic model for turbulent frequency".
- Norris, A. T., S.B. Pope. 1995. "Modeling of Extinction in Turbulent-Diffusion Flames by the Velocity-Dissipation-Composition Pdf Method." Combustion and Flame 100 (1-2): 211-220.
- S.B. Pope. 1994. "On the Relationship between Stochastic Lagrangian Models of Turbulence and 2nd-Moment Closures." Physics of Fluids 6 (2): 973-985.
- Fu, S., S.B. Pope. 1994. "Computation of Recirculating Swirling Flow with the GLM Reynolds Stress Closure." Acta Mechanica Sinica 10:110-120.
- S.B. Pope. 1994. "Lagrangian Pdf Methods for Turbulent Flows." Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 26: 23-63.
- Maas, U., S.B. Pope. 1994. "Laminar Flame Calculations Using Simplified Chemical Kinetics Based on Intrinsic Low-Dimensional Manifolds." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 25: 1349-1356.
- Correa, S.M., A. Gulati, S.B. Pope. 1994. "Raman Measurements and Joint PDF Modeling of a Non-Premixed Bluff-Body Stabilized Methane Flame." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 25: 1167-1173.
- Yeung, P. K., S.B. Pope. 1993. "Differential Diffusion of Passive Scalars in Isotropic Turbulence." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 5(10): 2467-2478.
- Taing, S., A. R. Masri, S.B. Pope. 1993. "Pdf Calculations of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames of H-2/Co2 Using Reduced Chemical Mechanisms." Combustion and Flame 95 (1-2): 133-150.
- S.B. Pope, P. K. Yeung. 1993. "Spectra of multiscalar differential diffusion in isotropic turbulence." Paper presented at AIAA 24th Fluid Dynamics Conference, July (3rd Quarter/Summer).
- S.B. Pope, E. S. C. Ching. 1993. "Stationary Probability Density-Functions - an Exact Result." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 5 (7):1529-1531.
- Fu, S., S.B. Pope. 1993. "Computation of recirculating swirling flow with the GLM Reynolds stress closure". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1993. "A simpler manifold method for simplifying chemical kinetics".
- Rochas, L., S.B. Pope. 1993. "A pressure algorithm for particle methods applied to statistically stationary turbulent flows".
- S.B. Pope. 1993. "Application of trajectory-generated low-dimensional manifold method to premixed combustion of methane".
- S.B. Pope, U. Maas. 1993. "Simplifying Chemical Kinetics: Trajectory-Generated Low-Dimensional Manifolds".
- S.B. Pope. 1993. "PDF/Monte Carlo Methods for Turbulent Combustion and Their Implementation on Parallel Computers." In Turbulence and Molecular Processes in Combustion , edited by T. Takeno, 51-62. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Anand, M. S., S.B. Pope, H. C. Mongia. 1993. "PDF calculations for swirling flows." Paper presented at AIAA, 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January (1st Quarter/Winter).
- Maas, U., S.B. Pope. 1992. "Simplifying Chemical-Kinetics - Intrinsic Low-Dimensional Manifolds in Composition Space." Combustion and Flame 88 (3-4): 239-264.
- Yeung, P.K., S.B. Pope. 1992. "Differential Diffusion of Passive Scalars in Stationary Isotropic Turbulence." Paper presented at Thirteenth Symposium on Turbulence
- S.B. Pope. 1992. "Converging Fields Algorithm for Steady Flows". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Norris, A.T., P.K. Yeung, S.B. Pope. 1992. "Lagrangian time series data for R lambda of 38, 63, 90 and 93: Exabyte 8 mm Storage Guide". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Dreeben, T.D., S.B. Pope. 1992. "Nonparametric estimation of mean fields with application to particle methods for turbulent flows." Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1992. "Stretching and bending of material surfaces in turbulence." In Computer Assisted Modeling on the IBM 3090: The 1989 IBM Contest Prize Papers, edited by Billingsley, Keith R., Brown,Hilton U., Derohanes. Athens, GA: Baldwin Press.
- Correa, S.M., S.B. Pope. 1992. "Comparison of a Monte Carlo PDF Finite-Volume Mean Flow Model with Bluff-Body Raman Data." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 24: 103-112.
- Maas, U.A., S.B. Pope. 1992. "Implementation of Simplified Chemical Kinetics Based on Intrinsic Low-Dimensional Manifolds." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 24: 103-112.
- Girimaji, S. S., S.B. Pope. 1992. "Propagating Surfaces in Isotropic Turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 234: 247-277.
- S.B. Pope. 1991. "Application of the Velocity-Dissipation Probability Density-Function Model to Inhomogeneous Turbulent Flows." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 3 (8): 1947-1957.
- Norris, A.T., S.B. Pope. 1991. "Application of PDF Methods to Piloted Diffusion Flames: Sensitivity to Model Parameters."
- S.B. Pope. 1991. "Combustion Modeling Using PDF Methods." In Numerical Approaches to Combustion Modeling , edited by Elaine S. Oran; Jay P. Boris, 349-364.
- S.B. Pope. 1991. "Mapping closures for turbulent mixing and reaction." Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 2: 255-270.
- Norris, A. T., S.B. Pope. 1991. "Turbulent Mixing Model Based on Ordered Pairing." Combustion and Flame 83 (1-2): 27-42.
- S.B. Pope. 1990. "Lagrangian Microscales in Turbulence." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 333 (1631): 309-319.
- Girimaji, S. S., S.B. Pope. 1990. "Material-Element Deformation in Isotropic Turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 220: 427-458.
- S.B. Pope, Y. L. Chen. 1990. "The Velocity-Dissipation Probability Density-Function Model for Turbulent Flows." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 2 (8): 1437-1449.
- Masri, A. R., S.B. Pope. 1990. "Pdf Calculations of Piloted Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames of Methane." Combustion and Flame 81 (1):13-29.
- Anand, M.S., S.B. Pope, H.C. Mongia. 1990. "Pressure algorithm for elliptic flow calculations with the pdf method." Paper presented at CFD Symposium on Aeropropulsion, April (2nd Quarter/Spring).
- Yeung, P. K., S. S. Girimaji, S.B. Pope. 1990. "Straining and Scalar Dissipation on Material-Surfaces in Turbulence - Implications for Flamelets." Combustion and Flame 79 (3-4): 340-365.
- Girimaji, S. S., S.B. Pope. 1990. "A Diffusion-Model for Velocity-Gradients in Turbulence." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 2 (2): 242-256.
- S.B. Pope. 1990. "The PDF method for turbulent combustion." Paper presented at CFD Symposium on Aeropropulsion
- Girimaji, S. S., S.B. Pope. 1990. "A stochastic model for velocity gradients in turbulence." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 2: 242-256.
- S.B. Pope. 1990. "Computations of turbulent combustion: progress and challenges." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 23: 591-612.
- Cant, R.S., S.B. Pope, K.N.C. Bray. 1990. "Modelling of flamelet surface-to-volume ratio in turbulent premixed combustion." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 23: 809-815.
- S.B. Pope, P. K. Yeung, S. S. Girimaji. 1989. "The Curvature of Material-Surfaces in Isotropic Turbulence." Physics of Fluids a-Fluid Dynamics 1 (12): 2010-2018.
- Yeung, P. K., S.B. Pope. 1989. "Lagrangian Statistics from Direct Numerical Simulations of Isotropic Turbulence." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 207: 531-586.
- Anand, M.S., S.B. Pope, H.C. Mongia. 1989. "Calculations of axisymmetric turbulent jets by the PDF method".
- Anand, M.S., S.B. Pope, H.C. Mongia. 1989. "A PDF method for turbulent recirculating flows." Turbulent Reactive Flows 40: 672-693.
- Haworth, D.C., M.C. Drake, S.B. Pope, R.J. Blint. 1989. "The importance of time-dependent flame structures in stretched laminar flamelet models for jet diffusion flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 22: 589-597.
- S.B. Pope, W.K. Cheng. 1989. "The stochastic flamelet model of turbulent premixed combustion." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 22: 781-789.
- S.B. Pope. 1989. "Turbulent flow computations using PDF Methods." Recent Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics 43.
- Yeung, P. K., S.B. Pope. 1988. "An Algorithm for Tracking Fluid Particles in Numerical Simulations of Homogeneous Turbulence." Journal of Computational Physics 79 (2): 373-416.
- Correa, S. M., A. Gulati, S.B. Pope. 1988. "Assessment of a Partial-Equilibrium Monte-Carlo Model for Turbulent Syngas Flames." Combustion and Flame 72 (2): 159-173.
- Eswaran, V., S.B. Pope. 1988. "Direct Numerical Simulations of the Turbulent Mixing of a Passive Scalar." Physics of Fluids 31 (3): 506-520.
- Yeung, P.K., S. Girimaji, S.B. Pope. 1988. "Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics from a high-resolution direct simulation of stationary homogeneous turbulence". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1988. "Stochastic model of Lagrangian dissipation". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- S.B. Pope. 1988. "Stochastic model of Lagrangian velocity accounting for internal intermittency". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Yeung, P.K., S. Girimaji, S.B. Pope. 1988. "A second direct simulation of stationary homogeneous turbulence at R lambda 63". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Yeung, P.K., S. Girimaji, S.B. Pope. 1988. "Further direct simulations of stationary homogeneous turbulence at R lambda 90 and 93".Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Eswaran, V., S.B. Pope. 1988. "An Examination of Forcing in Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulence." Computers & Fluids 16 (3):257-278.
- S.B. Pope, R. Gadh. 1988. "Fitting Noisy Data Using Cross-Validated Cubic Smoothing Splines." Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 17 (2): 349-376.
- S.B. Pope, S.M. Correa. 1988. "Joint PDF calculations of a non-equilibrium turbulent diffusion flame." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 21: 1341-1348.
- S.B. Pope, W.K. Cheng. 1988. "Statistical calculations of spherical turbulent flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 21:1473-1482.
- S.B. Pope. 1988. "The Evolution of Surfaces in Turbulence." International Journal of Engineering Science 26 (5): 445-469.
- Haworth, D. C., S.B. Pope. 1987. "Monte-Carlo Solutions of a Joint Pdf Equation for Turbulent Flows in General Orthogonal Coordinates." Journal of Computational Physics 72 (2): 311-346.
- S.B. Pope. 1987. "Consistency Conditions for Random-Walk Models of Turbulent Dispersion." Physics of Fluids 30 (8): 2374-2379.
- Haworth, D. C., S.B. Pope. 1987. "A Pdf Modeling Study of Self-Similar Turbulent Free Shear Flows." Physics of Fluids 30 (4): 1026-1044.
- Anand, M. S., S.B. Pope. 1987. "Calculations of Premixed Turbulent Flames by Pdf Methods." Combustion and Flame 67 (2): 127-142.
- Yeung, P.K., S.B. Pope. 1987. "Lagrangian velocity statistics obtained from direct numerical simulations of homogeneous turbulence." Paper presented at Sixth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
- S.B. Pope. 1987. "Turbulent Premixed Flames." Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 19: 237-270.
- Haworth, D. C., S.B. Pope. 1986. "A Generalized Langevin Model for Turbulent Flows." Physics of Fluids 29 (2): 387-403.
- Haworth, D. C., S.B. Pope. 1986. "A 2nd-Order Monte-Carlo Method for the Solution of the Ito Stochastic Differential-Equation." Stochastic Analysis and Applications 4 (2): 151-186.
- S.B. Pope, D.C. Haworth. 1986. "The mixing layer between turbulent fields of different scales." Turbulent Shear Flows 5: 44-53.
- Haworth, D.C., S.B. Pope. 1985. "Application of a generalized Langevin model to the two-dimensional mixing layer."
- Anand, M.S., S.B. Pope. 1985. "Diffusion behind a line source in grid turbulence." Turbulent Shear Flows 4: 46-61.
- S.B. Pope, M.S. Anand. 1985. "Flamelet and distributed combustion in premixed turbulent flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 20: 403-410.
- S.B. Pope. 1985. "Lagrangian modelling for turbulent flows." Theoretical Approaches to Turbulence 58: 369-373.
- S.B. Pope. 1985. "Pdf Methods for Turbulent Reactive Flows." Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 11 (2): 119-192.
- S.B. Pope. 1984. "Calculations of a Plane Turbulent Jet." AIAA Journal 22 (7): 896-904.
- Nguyen, T.V., S.B. Pope. 1984. "Monte Carlo calculations of turbulent diffusion flames." Combustion Science and Technology 42: 13-45.
- Givi, P., W. A. Sirignano, S.B. Pope. 1984. "Probability-Calculations for Turbulent Jet Flows with Mixing and Reaction of No and O-3."Combustion Science and Technology 37 (1-2): 59-78.
- S.B. Pope. 1983. "A Lagrangian 2-Time Probability Density-Function Equation for Inhomogeneous Turbulent Flows." Physics of Fluids26 (12): 3448-3450.
- S.B. Pope. 1983. "Consistent Modeling of Scalars in Turbulent Flows." Physics of Fluids 26 (2): 404-408.
- S.B. Pope. 1982. "An improved turbulent mixing model." Combustion Science and Technology 28: 131-145.
- S.B. Pope. 1982. "Calculations of velocity-scalar joint PDF's." Turbulent Shear Flows 3: 113-123.
- S.B. Pope. 1982. "The application of PDF transport equations to turbulent reactive flows." Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 7: 1-14.
- S.B. Pope. 1981. "A Monte Carlo method for the PDF equations of turbulent reactive flow." Combustion Science and Technology 25:159-174.
- S.B. Pope. 1981. "Monte Carlo calculations of premixed turbulent flames." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 18: 1001-1010.
- S.B. Pope. 1981. "Transport equation for the joint probability density function of velocity and scalars in turbulent flow." Physics of Fluids 24: 588-596.
- S.B. Pope. 1980. "Probability distributions of scalars in turbulent shear flows." Turbulent Shear Flows 2: 7-16.
- S.B. Pope. 1979. "A rational method of determining probability distributions in turbulent reacting flows." Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 4: 309-320.
- S.B. Pope. 1979. "Author's Reply to C. Dopazo's comments on ref. 2." Combustion and Flame 34: 103-105.
- S.B. Pope. 1979. "The relationship between the probability approach and particle models for reaction in homoegeneous turbulence." Combustion and Flame 35: 41-45.
- S.B. Pope. 1979. "The statistical theory of turbulent flames." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 291: 529-568.
- S.B. Pope. 1978. "An explanation of the turbulent round-jet/plane-jet anomaly." American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal 16: 279-281.
- S.B. Pope. 1978. "The calculation of turbulent recirculating flows in general orthogonal coordinates." Journal of Computational Physics 26: 197-217.
- S.B. Pope. 1977. "A novel calculation procedure for free shear flows". Imperial College Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- S.B. Pope. 1977. "A calculation procedure for two-dimensional free shear flows: the SPEAR computer program". Imperial College Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- S.B. Pope. 1977. "The calculation of separated boundary-layers."
- S.B. Pope. 1977. "The implications of the probability equations for turbulent combustion models." Combustion and Flame 29: 235-246.
- S.B. Pope. 1976. "The limits of applicability of turbulent scale equations". Imperial College Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- S.B. Pope. 1976. "The calculation of near-wake flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 73: 9-32.
- S.B. Pope. 1976. "The probability approach to the modeling of turbulent reacting flows." Combustion and Flame 27: 299-312.
- S.B. Pope. 1975. "A more general effective-viscosity hypothesis." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 72: 331-340.
- Durao, D.F.G., A. Melling, S.B. Pope, J.H. Whitelaw. 1973. "Laser anemometry measurements in the vicinity of a gutter-stabilized flame". Imperial College Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- S.B. Pope. 1973. "Review of information suitable for testing the prediction of flow in the vicinity of a gutter-stabilized flame". Imperial College Department of Mechanical Engineering.