Alan Zehnder: Publications


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  • Alan T. Zehnder. 2012. Fracture Mechanics, Springer, (2012), DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2595-9
  • Beese, Allison M., Zehnder, Alan T., Xia, Shuman (Eds.), Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 8, Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer (2016).  

  • Zehnder, Alan T., Carroll, J., Hazeli, K., Berke, R.B., Pataky, G., Cavalli, M., Beese, A., Xia, S., (Eds), Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 8, Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer (2017).  

  • Zhu, Y., and Zehnder, A.T., Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4, Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer (2017).


  • Alan T. Zehnder, “Griffith fracture theory,” invited article for Encyclopedia of Tribology, Q.J. Wang and Y.W. Chung, (eds.), Springer (2013), ISBN 978-0-387-92898-2.
  • Alan T. Zehnder, “Modes of fracture,” invited article for Encyclopedia of Tribology, Q.J. Wang and Y.W. Chung, (eds.), Springer (2013). ISBN 978-0-387-92898-2.
  • Alan T. Zehnder, “Stress intensity factors,” invited article for Encyclopedia of Tribology, Q.J. Wang and Y.W. Chung, (eds.), Springer (2013). ISBN 978-0-387-92898-2.
  • Alan T. Zehnder, “Static fracture response of materials,” invited chapter for Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, 1851-1858,Richard Blockley and Wei Shyy (eds.), John Wiley & Sons (2010).


1.     Bangguo Zhu, Jikun Wang, Alan T Zehnder, and Chung-Yuen Hui, “Energy release rate of a mode-I crack in pure shear specimens subjected to large deformation,” International Journal of Fracture, (2023).

2.     Jikun Wang, Bangguo Zhu, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan T Zehnder, “Delayed fracture caused by time-dependent damage in PDMS,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,  105459 (2023),

3.     Jikun Wang, Bangguo Zhu, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan T Zehnder, “Determination of material parameters in constitutive models using adaptive neural network machine learning,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 177, 105324 (2023)

4.     A. Bhaskar, M. Walth, R. H. Rand and A. T. Zehnder, "Synchronization in Pairs of Opto-Thermally Driven Mechanically Coupled Micro-Oscillators," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 32(1), 136-142,  (2023).

5.     Jikun Wang, Kunpeng Cui, Bangguo Zhu, Jian Ping Gong, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan T. Zehnder, ”Load transfer between permanent and dynamic networks due to stress gradients in nonlinear viscoelastic hydrogels,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 58, 101928, (2023).

6.     A. Bhaskar, M. Walth, R. H. Rand and A. T. Zehnder, "Bistability in Coupled Opto-Thermal Micro-Oscillators," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,  (2022)

7.     Chung-Yuen Hui, Fan Cui, Alan Zehnder and Franck J. Vernerey, “Physically motivated models of polymer networks with dynamic cross-links: comparative study and future outlook,” Proc. R. Soc. A.4772021060820210608, (2021)

8.     Fan Cui, Jikun Wang, Alan Zehnder, Chung-Yuen Hui, " Effect of Drying on the Viscoelastic Response of a Dual-crosslinked PVA Hydrogel,"   Mechanics of Materials,160, September 2021, 103984 (2021). 

9.     Jikun Wang, Tianjiao Lia, Fan Cui, Chung-Yuen Hui, Jingjie Yeo, Alan T. Zehnder, " Metamodeling of Constitutive Model Using Gaussian Process Machine Learning," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 154,  104532, (2021).

10.  Sairam Venkata Pamulaparthi, Kunpeng Cui, Jingyi Guo, Alan Zehnder, Jian Ping Gong and Chung-Yuen Hui, " Constitutive modeling of strain-dependent bond breaking and healing kinetics of chemical Polyampholyte (PA) gel," Soft Matter, 17, 4161-4169 (2021).

11.  Sairam Venkata Pamulaparthi, Kunpeng Cui, Jingyi Guo, Alan Zehnder, Jian Ping Gong and Chung-Yuen Hui, "Constitutive modeling of bond breaking and healing kinetics of physical polyampholyte (PA) gel," Extreme Mechanics Letters, 43, 101184, (2021).

12.  Aditya Bhaskar, B. Shayak, Richard H. Rand, Alan Zehnder, "Synchronization characteristics of an array of coupled MEMS limit cycle oscillators, "International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 128, 103634 (2021). .

13.  Zezhou Liu, Michael Zakoworotny, Jingyi Guo Alan Zehnder, Chung-Yuen Hui, "Energy release rate of a single edge cracked specimen subjected to large deformation," International Journal of Fracture, 226, 71-79, (2020).

14.  Jingyi Guo, Alan T. Zehnder, Costantino Creton and Chung-Yuen Hui, "Time Dependent Fracture of Soft Materials: Linear versus Nonlinear Viscoelasticity, "Soft Matter, 16, 6163-6167(2020), .

15.  Shayak Bhattacharjee, Aditya Bhaskar, Alan Zehnder, Richard Rand, "Coexisting Modes and Bifurcation Structure in a Pair of Coupled, Detuned Third Order Oscillators," International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 122, 103464 (2020). .

16.  Rebecca Meacham, Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Alan Zehnder and C-Y Hui, "Effect of hydration on tensile response of a dual cross-linked PVA hydrogel," Experimental Mechanics, 60, 1161-1165 (2020), .

17.  Alan T. Zehnder, Viraj Patel, and T.J. Rose, "Micro-CT Imaging of Fibers in Composite Laminates under High Strain Bending," Experimental Techniques, 44(5), 531-540 (2020),

18.  Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Zhilong Li, Chung-Yuen Hui and Alan T. Zehnder, "Crack Propagation in a PVA Dual-Crosslink Hydrogel: Crack Tip Fields Measured using Digital Image Correlation," Mechanics of Materials, 138, 103158, (2019).

19.  Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, and Alan Zehnder, "Crack Tip Stress Based, Kinetic Fracture Model of a PVA Dual-Crosslink Hydrogel," Extreme Mechanics Letters, 29, 100457, (2019),

20.  Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, Mincong Liu and Alan T. Zehnder, " The stress field near the tip of a plane stress crack in a gel consisting of chemical and physical cross-links," Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 475, 20180863, (2019),

21.  Richard Rand, Alan Zehnder, B Shayak, and Aditya Bhaskar, "Simplified model and analysis of a pair of coupled thermo-optical MEMS oscillators," Nonlinear Dynamics, 99, 73-83 (2020),

22.  Chung Yuen Hui, Jingyi Guo, Mincong Liu and Alan Taylor Zehnder, " Finite strain theory of a Mode III crack in a rate dependent gel consisting of chemical and physical cross-links," International Journal of Fracture, 215, 77-89, (2019).

23.  Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, and Alan Zehnder," Application of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to the Measurement of Large Deformations in a PVA, Dual-Crosslink Hydrogel," published on-line, Experimental Mechanics, (2019),

24.  Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, Costantino Creton, Tetsuhara Narita, and Alan Zehnder, "Time-Temperature Equivalence in a PVA Dual Cross-Link Self-Healing Hydrogel," Journal of Rheology 62, 991 (2018); .

25.  Alan Zehnder, Richard Rand, Slava Krylov, "Locking of Electrostatically Coupled Thermo-optically Driven MEMS Limit Cycle Oscillators," International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 102, pp. 92-100(2018),

26.  Nir Dick, Scott Grutzik, Christopher Wallin, B. Robert Ilic, Slava Krylov, Alan Zehnder "Actuation of higher harmonics in large arrays of micromechanical cantilevers for expanded resonant peak separation," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 140, pp. 051013-1 – 011013-10 (2018), doi:10.1115/1.4039568.

27.  Christopher B. Wallin, Roberto De Alba, Daron Westly, Glenn Holland, Scott Grutzik, Richard H. Rand, Alan T. Zehnder, Vladimir A. Aksyuk, Slava Krylov, and B. Robert Ilic, "Nondegenerate Parametric Resonance in Large Ensembles of Coupled Micromechanical Cantilevers with Varying Natural Frequencies," Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 264301 (2018),

28.  Jingyi Guo, Mincong Liu, Alan T. Zehnder, Jingwen Zhao, Tetsuhara Narita, Costantino Creton, and  Chung-Yuen Hui, "Fracture mechanics of a self-healing hydrogel with covalent and physical cross-links: A numerical study," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,Vol 120, pp. 79-95, (2018),

29.  Yi Xu and Alan Zehnder, “Pressure, Hydrolytic Degradation and Plasticization Drive High Temperature Blistering Failure in Wet Polyimides,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 16C, pp. 49-55 doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2017.09.002 (2017).

30.  Abhendra Singh, Barry Davidson, Benjamin Hasseldine and Alan Zehnder, "An Analytical Model for the Response of Carbon/Epoxy-Aluminum Honeycomb Core Sandwich Structures Under Quasi-Static Indentation Loading," Journal of Sandwich Structures, 29, pp. 1930-1952, (2019).  

31.  Yi Xu and Alan Zehnder, "Moisture Degradation Effects on the Mechanical Properties of HFPE-II-52 Polyimide: Experiments and Modeling," Experimental Mechanics, 57, pp. 857-869, (2017). DOI: 10.1007/s11340-017-0281-3

32.  Yi Xu, Peeyush Bhargava and Alan Zehnder, “Time and Temperature Dependent Mechanical Behavior of HFPE-II-52 Polyimide at High Temperature,” Mechanics of Materials, 100, pp. 86-95, (2016).

33.  Scott Grutzik, Erik Milosevic, Brad Boyce and Alan Zehnder, “Oxide driven strength evolution of silicon surfaces,” Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 195304 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4936118

34.  Alan T. Zehnder and Natasha K. Zella, “Spiral to flat fracture transition for notched rods under torsional loading,” International Journal of Fracture, 195, pp. 87-92, (2015) doi: 10.1007/s10704-015-0049-7

35.  Benjamin Hasseldine, Alan Zehnder, Bryan Keating, Abhendra Singh and Barry Davidson, “Compressive strength of aluminum honeycomb core sandwich panels with thick carbon/epoxy facesheets subjected to barely visible indentation damage,” Journal of Composite Materials,50(3), (2016) 387-402; doi: 10.1177/0021998315575748

36.  Abhendra Singh, Barry Davidson, Benjamin Hasseldine and Alan Zehnder, “Damage resistance of aluminum core honeycomb sandwich panels with carbon/epoxy face sheets,” Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (2014), 2859-2876.; doi: 10.1177/0021998314557297

37.  Michael Czabaj, Alan Zehnder, Barry Davidson and Abhendra Singh, “Compressive strength of honeycomb-stiffened graphite/epoxy panels with barely-visible indentation damage,” Journal of Composite Materials,48, (2014), 2455-2471.  doi: 10.1177/0021998313499949

38.  Scott Grutzik, Richard S. Gates, Yvonne B. Gerbig, Douglas T. Smith, Robert F. Cook, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Accurate Spring Constant Calibration for Stiff AFM Cantilevers,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 113706 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4832978

39.  David Blocher, Richard Rand and Alan T. Zehnder, “Analysis of laser power threshold for self oscillations in thermo-optically excited doubly supported MEMS beams,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 57 (2013), 10-15, doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.06.010.

40.  David Blocher, Richard Rand and Alan T. Zehnder, “Multiple limit cycles in laser interferometric transduced resonators,” International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 52 (2013), 119-126, doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.02.008

41.  David B. Blocher, Richard H. Rand and Alan T. Zehnder, “Entrainment of Micromechanical Limit Cycle Oscillators in the Presence of Frequency Instability,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 22, (2013), 835-845,  10.1109/JMEMS.2013.2248124

42.  David Blocher, Alan T. Zehnder, Richard H. Rand and Shreyasi Mukerji, “Anchor deformations drive limit cycle oscillations in interferometrically transduced MEMS beams,”  Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 49, 52-57, (2012),

43.  Woo Yong Jeong; Christopher James Earls; William D Philpot; Alan T Zehnder, “Inverse thermographic characterization of optically unresolvable through cracks in thin metallic plates,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 27, 634-650 (2012).

44.  A.K. Singh, B.D. Davidson, D.P. Eisenberg, M.W. Czabaj, A.T. Zehnder, “Damage Characterization of Quasi-Statically Indented Composite Sandwich Structures” Journal of Composite Materials, 47(10), 1211-1229, (2012). DOI: 10.1177/0021998312446500.

45.  Michael W. Czabaj, Alan T. Zehnder, Chung-Yuen Hui, “Delamination of Moisture Saturated Graphite Polyimide Composites Due to Rapid Heating,” Composites – Part B, 17, 568-577, (2010).

46.  Manoj Pandey, Robert B. Reichenbach, Alan T. Zehnder, Amit Lal and Harold Craighead, “Reducing anchor loss in MEMS resonators using mesa isolation,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 18, pp. 836-844, (2009).

47.  Michael Czabaj, Alan T. Zehnder and Kathy C. Chuang, “Blistering of moisture saturated graphite/polyimide composites due to rapid heating,” Journal of Composite Materials,43, 153, (2009). DOI: 10.1177/0021998308099323

48.  Tuhin Sahai and Alan T. Zehnder, “Modeling of coupled dome-shaped micro-oscillators,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17, pp. 777-786, (2008).

49.  Andrew D. Fefferman, R. O. Pohl, Alan T. Zehnder, and Jeevak M. Parpia, “Acoustic properties of amorphous silica between 1 and 500 mK,”  Phys. Rev. Letters, 100, 195501 (2007).

50.  Tuncay Alan and Alan T. Zehnder, “A Monte-Carlo simulation of the effect of surface morphology on the fracture of nanobeams,” International Journal of Fracture, 148, pp. 129-138 (2007). doi:10.1007/s10704-008-9184-8.

51.  Tuncay Alan, Alan T. Zehnder, Debodhonyaa Sengupta and Melissa A. Hines, “Methyl monolayers improve the fracture strength and durability of silicon nanobeams,” Applied Physics Letters, 89, 231905, (2006).,

52.  Manoj Pandey, Richard Rand and Alan T. Zehnder, “Frequency locking in a forced Mathieu-van der Pol System,” Nonlinear Dynamics, 54, pp. 3-12 (2007), doi:10.1007/s11071-007-9238-x

53.  Tuhin Sahai, Rustom Bhiladvala and Alan T. Zehnder, “Thermomechanical transitions in doubly-clamped micro-oscillators,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 42, pp. 596-607, (2007) doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2006.12.009 .

54.  Manoj Pandey, Richard Rand and Alan Zehnder, “Perturbation Analysis of Entrainment in a Micromechanical Limit Cycle Oscillator,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,12, pp. 1291-1301, (2007)  doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2006.01.017

55.  Tuncay Alan, Melissa A. Hines and Alan T. Zehnder, “Effect of Surface Morphology on the Fracture Strength of Silicon Nanobeams,” Applied Physics Letters, 89, 091901 (2006).

56.  Peeyush Bhargava, Chun-Hua (Kathy) Chuang, Kenway Chen and Alan Zehnder, “Moisture Diffusion Properties of HFPE-II-52 Polyimide,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 102, pp. 3471-3479, (2006).

57.  John Antonakakis, Peeyush Bhargava, Chun-Hua (Kathy) Chuang, “Linear Viscoelastic Properties of HFPE-II-52 Polyimide,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100, pp. 3255-3263, (2006).

58.  Peeyush Bhargava and Alan T. Zehnder, “High temperature shear strength of T650-35 / HFPE-II-52 polyimide matrix unidirectional composite,” Experimental Mechanics, 46, pp. 245-255, (2006).

59.  Alan T. Zehnder, Anthony Ingraffea, Geraldine Gay, Michael Stefanone, Barry Davidson, John Dannenhoffer and Daniel Rice, “Synchronous, IP-Based, Collaborative Engineering Design Education,” invited chapter, Distance Education Issues and Challenges, Nova Science Publishers, pp 7-30, (2007).

60.  Peeyush Bhargava, John Antonakakis, Christine Cunningham and Alan T. Zehnder, “Web-based virtual torsion laboratory,” Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 14, pp 1-8, (2006). 

61.  Manoj Pandey, Keith Aubin, Maxim Zalalutdinov, Robert Reichenbach , Alan Zehnder, Richard Rand and Harold G. Craighead, “Analysis of Frequency Locking in Optically Driven MEMS Resonators,”  IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 15, pp. 1546-1554, (2006).

62.  E. Nazaretski, R. D. Merithew, V. O. Kostroun, A. T. Zehnder, R. O. Pohl, and J. M. Parpia, “Effect of low-level radiation on the low temperature acoustic behavior of a-SiO2”, Phys. Rev. Letters, 92,  pp. 245502 (2004).

63.  Keith Aubin, Maxim Zalalutdinov, Tuncay Alan, Robert Reichenbach, Richard Rand, Alan Zehnder, Jeevak Parpia, and Harold Craighead, “Limit cycle oscillations in CW laser driven NEMS,”  IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 13, pp. 1018-1026, (2004).

64.  Maxim Zalalutdinov, Keith L. Aubin, Robert B. Reichenbach, Alan T. Zehnder, Brian Houston, Jeevak M. Parpia, and Harold G. Craighead, “Shell-type Micromechanical Actuator and Resonator,”  Applied Physics Letters, 83, pp. 3815-3817, (2003).

65.  Maxim Zalalutdinov, Keith Aubin, Manoj Pandey, Alan Zehnder, Richard Rand, Brian Houston, Jeevak Parpia, Harold Craighead, “Frequency entrainment for micromechanical oscillator,” Applied Physics Letters, 83, pp. 3281-3283, (2003). 

66.  D.A. Czaplewski, B. Ilic, M. Zalalutdinov, W.L.Olbricht, A.T. Zehnder, H.G. Craighead, and T.A. Michalske, “Fully encapsulated micromechanical viscometer,”  IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 13, pp. 576-585, (2004). 

67.  Yu Wang, Joshua A. Henry, Alan T. Zehnder, and Melissa A. Hines, “Surface chemical control of mechanical energy dissipation in micromachined silicon devices,” J. Phys. Chem. B 107,  pp. 14270-14277 (2003).

68.  Alan T. Zehnder and Mark J. Viz, “Fracture Mechanics of Plates and Shells Under Combined Membrane, Bending and Twisting Moments,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, 58, pp. 37-48 (2005).

69.  Kavi S. Bhalla, Alan T. Zehnder, and Xiaoyan Han, "Thermomechanics of slow stable crack growth:  closing the loop between experiments and computational modeling," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70, pp. 2439-2458, (2003). 

70.  Yogesh K. Potdar, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Measurements and Simulations of Temperature and Deformation Fields in Transient Metal Cutting," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125, pp. 645-655, (2003).

71.  Yogesh K. Potdar, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Temperature and deformation measurements in transient metal cutting," Experimental Mechanics, 44, pp.  (2004).

72.  Néstor Cardozo, Kavi Bhalla, Alan T. Zehnder, and Richard W. Allmendinger, "Mechanical models of fault propagation folds and comparison to the trishear kinematic model," Journal of Structural Geology, 25, pp. 1-18, (2003).

73.  L. Sekaric, M. Zalalutdinov, R.B. Bhiladvala, A.T. Zehnder, J.M. Parpia, and H.G. Craighead, “Operation of nanomechanical resonant structures in air,” Applied Physics Letters, 81, pp. 2641-2643, (2002).

74.  L. Sekaric, M. Zalalutdinov, S. W. Turner, A. Zehnder, J. M. Parpia and H. G. Craighead, "Nanomechanical resonant structures as tunable passive modulators of light", Applied Physics Letters, 80, pp. 3617-3619, (2002).

75.  Yogesh K. Potdar, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Measurement and Simulation of Temperature and Strain Fields in Orthogonal Metal Cutting," in Metal Cutting and High Speed Machining, Daniel Dudzinski, Alain Molinari, and H. Schulz, (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2002).

76.  Ani Ural, Alan T. Zehnder, Anthony Ingraffea, "Fracture Mechanics Approach to Facesheet Delamination in Honeycomb:  Measurement of Energy Release Rate of the Adhesive Bond,”  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70, pp. 93-103,  (2003).

77.  T.S. Han, A. Ural, C.-S. Chen, A.T. Zehnder, A.R. Ingraffea, S.L. Billington, "Delamination Buckling and Propagation Analysis of Honeycomb Panel using Cohesive Element Approach," International Journal of Fracture, 115, pp. 101-123, (2002).

78.  M. Zalalutdinov, A.T. Zehnder, A. Olkohovets, S. Turner, L. Sekaric, B. Ilic, D. Czaplewski, J.M. Parpia, and H.G. Craighead, "Auto-Parametric Optical Drive for Micromechanical Oscillators,"  Applied Physics Letters, 79, pp. 695-697, (2001).

79.  Shujun Tang, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Nickel-Alumina Interfacial Toughness Using the Thick Foil Technique,"  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 69, 701-715, (2002). 

80.  Alan T. Zehnder, Y.K. Potdar and Kavi Bhalla, "Plasticity Induced Heating in the Fracture and Cutting of Metals," in Thermo Mechanical Fatigue and Fracture, pp. 209-244, M.H. Aliabadi, (ed.), WIT Press, (2002), (invited review article).

81.  M. Zalalutdinov, A. Olkhovets, A.T. Zehnder B. Ilic, D. Czaplewski, H. G. Craighead, and J. M. Parpia, "Optically pumped parametric amplification for MEMS oscillators,"  Applied Physics Letters 78, pp. 3142-3144, (2001).

82.  P. Guduru, A.T. Zehnder, A.J. Rosakis, G. Ravichandran, "Dynamic, Full-Field Measurements of Crack Tip Temperatures," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68, pp. 1535-1556 (2001).

83.  M. Zalalutdinov, B. Ilic, D. Czaplewski, A.T. Zehnder, H.G. Craighead, J.M. Parpia, "Frequency-Tunable Micromechanical Oscillator," Applied Physics Letters, 77, pp. 3287-3289, (2000).

84.  Christoph L. Spiel, R.O. Pohl, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Normal Modes of A Si(100) Double-Paddle Oscillator," Review of Scientific Instruments, 72, pp. 1482-1491, (2001).

85.  Alan T. Zehnder, Pradeep Guduru, Ares Rosakis, and G. Ravichandran, "Million Frames per Second Infrared Imaging System," Review of Scientific Instruments 71, pp. 3762-3768, (2000),

86.  Alan T. Zehnder and Richard W. Allmendinger, "Velocity Field for the Trishear Model," Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 22, pp. 1009-1014, (2000). 

87.  Alan T. Zehnder and C.-Y. Hui, “A Simple Model Relating Crack Growth Resistance to Fracture Process Parameters in Elastic-Plastic Solids,” Scripta Materialia, Vol. 42, pp. 1001-1005, (2000).

88.  Alberto Zucchini, C.-Y. Hui, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Crack Tip Stress Fields for Thin Plates in Bending, Shear and Twisting:  A Three Dimensional Finite Element Study,” International Journal of Fracture, 104, pp. 387-407, (2000).

89.  Alan T. Zehnder, Mark J. Viz, and Yogesh K. Potdar, “Fatigue Fracture in Plates in Tension and Out-of-Plane Shear,” Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 23, pp 403-415, (2000). 

90.  C.-Y. Hui, Alan T. Zehnder, and Yogesh Potdar, “Williams meets von Karman:  Mode Coupling and Non-Linearity in the Fracture of Thin Plates,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 93, pp. 409-429, (1998).

91.  Raj Kolhe, Shujun Tang, C.-Y Hui, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Cohesive Properties of Nickel-Alumina Interfaces Determined via Simulation of Ductile Bridging Experiments,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 36, pp. 5573-5595, (1998).

92.  Alan T. Zehnder, Eugene Babinsky, and Timothy Palmer, “Hybrid Method for Determining the Fraction of Plastic Work Converted to Heat,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 38, pp. 295-302, (1998).

93.  Raj Kolhe, C.-Y. Hui, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Effects of Finite Notch Width on the Fracture of Chevron-Notched Specimens,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 94, pp. 189-198, (1998).

94.  Alan T. Zehnder, C.-Y. Hui, and Eric D. Rodeghiero, “Chevron-Notched Toughness of Materials with Rising Fracture Resistance Curves,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 80, pp.1319-1322, (1997).

95.  Alan T. Zehnder, Daniel V. Swenson, and Thomas Pienkos, “Polymer Reinforcements for Retarding Fatigue Crack Growth in Metals,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 84, pp.307-323, (1997).

96.  Alan T. Zehnder, “Dfield and Pplane”, (software review) The College Mathematics Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 144-148, (1996).

97.  Mark E. Thurston, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Nickel-Alumina Interfacial Fracture Toughness:  Experiments and Analysis of Residual Stress Effects,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 76, pp. 221-241, (1996).

98.  Jacob A. Kallivayalil, C.-Y. Hui and Alan T. Zehnder, “A Method for Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Steady State Dynamic Crack Growth,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 33, pp. 1867-1889,(1996).

99.  Alan T. Zehnder and Anthony R. Ingraffea, “The Reinforcing Effect of Coverlayers on the Fatigue Life of Copper-Kapton Flex Cables,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Part B:  Advanced Packaging, Vol. 18, pp. 704-708, (1995).

100.Mark J. Viz, Alan T. Zehnder, and John-David Bamford, “Fatigue Fracture of Thin Plates Under Tensile and Transverse Shear Stresses,” in Fracture Mechanics:  26th Volume, ASTM STP 1256, Reuter et al. (eds.) American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 631-651, (1995). 

101.Mark J. Viz, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Fatigue Crack Growth in 2024-T3 Aluminum Under Tensile and Transverse Shear Stresses”, in FAA/NASA International Symposium on Advanced Structural Integrity Methods for Airframe Durability and Damage Tolerance, NASA CP-3274, C. Harris, (ed.)pp. 891-910 (1994). 

102.Mark E. Thurston, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Experimental Determination of Silica/Copper Interfacial Toughness," Acta Metall. Mater., Vol. 41, pp. 2985-2992, (1993),

103.Jacob A. Kallivayalil, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Measurement of the Temperature Field Induced by Dynamic Crack Growth in Beta-C Titanium," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 66. pp. 99-120, (1994).

104.M. Viz , D. Potyondy, A. Zehnder, C. Rankin, and E. Riks, "Computation of Membrane and Bending Stress Intensity Factors for Thin, Cracked Plates," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 72, pp. 21-38 (1995).

105.Alan T. Zehnder, and Chung-Yuen Hui, "Stress Intensity Factors for Plate Bending and Shearing Problems," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 61, pp. 719-722, (1994).

106.C.Y. Hui and Alan.T. Zehnder, "A Theory for the Fracture of Thin Plates Subjected to Bending and Twisting Moments," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 61, pp. 211-229, (1993).

107.Alan T. Zehnder, A.C. Ramamurthy, S.J. Bless, and N.S. Brar, "Stone Impact Damage to Automotive Paint Finishes:  Measurement of Temperature Rise due to Impact," International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 133-143, (1993).

108.M.T.A. Saif, C.Y. Hui and Alan T. Zehnder, "Interface Shear Stresses Induced by Non-Uniform Heating of a Film on a Substrate," Thin Solid Films, Vol. 224, pp. 159-167, (1993).

109.Alan T. Zehnder, "A Model for the Heating due to Plastic Work," Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 18, pp. 23-28, (1991).

110.Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Temperature Rise at the Tip of Dynamically Propagating Cracks:  Measurements Using High Speed Infrared Detectors," in Experimental Techniques in Fracture, III, J. Epstein, (ed.), VCH Publishers, pp. 125-170, (invited review article), (1993).

111.Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Experimental Measurement of the Temperature Rise Generated During Dynamic Crack Growth in Metals," Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 43, pp. S260-S265, (1990).

112.Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "On the Temperature Distribution at the Vicinity of Dynamically Propagating Cracks in 4340 Steel:  Experimental Measurements using High Speed Infrared Detectors," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 39, pp. 385-415, (1991).

113.Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "A Note of the Use of High Speed Infrared Detectors for the Measurement of Temperature Fields at the Vicinity of Dynamically Propagating Cracks in 4340 Steel," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 59, pp. 450-452, (1992).

114.Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Three Dimensional Effects near a Crack Tip in a Ductile Three Point Bend Specimen Part II:  Experiments with Caustics and Interferometry," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 57, pp. 618-626 (1990).

115.Alan T. Zehnder, Ares J. Rosakis, and Sridhar Krishnaswamy, "Dynamic Measurement of the J-Integral in Ductile Materials:  Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Techniques," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 42, pp. 209-230, (1990).

116. Ares J. Rosakis, Alan T. Zehnder and R. Narasimhan, "Caustics by Reflection and Their Application to Elastic-Plastic and Dynamic Fracture Mechanics," Optical Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 596-610, (1988).

117. Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Dynamic Fracture Initiation and Propagation in 4340 Steel Under Impact Loading," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 43, pp. 271-285, (1990).

118. Alan T. Zehnder, Ares J. Rosakis, and R. Narasimhan, "Measurement of the J Integral with Caustics:  An Experimental and Numerical Investigation," in Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics:  Time Dependent Fracture, ASTM STP 995, Vol. I, pp. 318-339, Saxena, Landes, Bassani, (eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials, (1989).

119. Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "A Note on the Measurement of K and J Under Small Scale Yielding Conditions Using the Method of Caustics," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 30, pp. R43-R48, (1986).

120. Ares J. Rosakis and Alan T. Zehnder, "On the Dynamic Fracture of Structural Metals," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 27, pp. 169-186, (1985).

121. Ares J. Rosakis and Alan T. Zehnder, "On the Method of Caustics:  An Exact Analysis Based on Geometrical Optics," Journal of Elasticity, Vol. 15, pp. 347-367, (1985).



1.     Wang J., Li T., Hui CY., Yeo J., Zehnder A. (2022) “Gaussian Process to Identify Hydrogel Constitutive Model”. In: Amirkhizi A., Notbohm J., Karanjgaokar N., DelRio F.W. (eds) Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 2. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham.

2.     Cui F., Wang J., Zehnder A., Hui CY. (2022) “Effects of Hydration on the Mechanical Response of a PVA Hydrogel”. In: Amirkhizi A., Notbohm J., Karanjgaokar N., DelRio F.W. (eds) Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 2. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham.

3.     Aditya Bhaskar, B. Shayak, Alan T. Zehnder, Richard H. Rand, “Integer Ratio Self-Synchronization in Pairs of Limit Cycle Oscillators,” ASME DETC2021-71254, V011T11A010; 6 (2021)

4.     Richard H. Rand, Alan T. Zehnder, B. Shayak and Aditya Bhaskar, "Dynamics of a System of Two Coupled MEMS Oscillators," Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Exploiting Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Systems," (2019),

5.     Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan T. Zehnder, " Time-Temperature Mechanical Response of a PVA Dual Cross-Link Self-Healing Hydrogel," Proceedings of the 2018 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2018.

6.     Abhendra K. Singh, Barry D. Davidson, Alan T. Zehnder and Benjamin P. J. Hasseldine, "An Analytical Model for the Response of Carbon/Epoxy-Aluminum Honeycomb Core Sandwich Structures Under Quasi-Static Indentation Loading," Proceedings of the 2016 American Society of Composites Conference, Sept. 2016.

7.     Yi Xi and Alan Zehnder, "Hydrolytic Degradation and Its Effect on Mechanical Properties of HFPE-II-52 Polyimide: Preliminary Results," Proceedings of the 2016 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2016.

8.     Scott Grutzik and Alan Zehnder, “Oxide driven strength degradation of (111) silicon surfaces,” Proceedings of the 2015Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2015.

9.     John Mason, Joseph Carloni, Alan Zehnder, Shefford Baker, Teresa Jordan, “Dependence of micro-mechanical properties on lithofacies:  indentation experiments on Marcellus shale,” Proceedings of the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, August 2014.

10.  Scott Grutzik and Alan Zehnder, “Oxide driven strength reduction on (111) silicon,” Proceedings of the 2014Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2014.

11.  Alan Zehnder and Natasha Zella, “Fracture surface transition for notched bars in torsion,” Proceedings of the 2014Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2014.

12.  Benjamin Hasseldine, Alan Zehnder, Abhendra Singh, Barry Davidson, Ward van Hout and Bryan Keating,” Compression after impact of sandwich composite structures:  experiments and simulation,”  Proceedings of the 2014Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference,  June 2014.

13.  Scott Grutzik, Brian Bush, Frank DelRio, Richard Gates, Melissa Hines, Alan Zehnder, “Effect of organic SAMS on the evolution of strength of silicon nanostructures,” Proceedings of the 2013 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference,  June 2013.

14.  Benjamin Hasseldine, Alan Zehnder, Bryan Keating, Abhendra Singh and Barry Davidson, “Compression after impact of thick sandwich composite structures.”  Proceedings of the 54th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 2013. 

15.  David Blocher, Alan T. Zehnder, and Richard H. Rand, “Frequency Multiplication and Demultiplication in MEMS,”   Proceedings of the 2012 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2012.

16.  Scott Grutzik, Richard Gates, Yvonne Gerbig, Robert Cook, Melissa Hines, and Alan Zehnder, “High confidence level calibration for AFM based fracture testing of nanobeams,” Proceedings of the 2012 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2012.

17.  David Blocher and Alan T. Zehnder, “Tunability and Sub- and Super-Harmonic Entrainment of Limit Cycles in CW Laser Driven MEMS,” Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2012, August 12-15, 2012, Chicago IL.

18.  David Blocher, Richard Rand, Alan T. Zehnder, “Multiple limit cycles in laser interference transduced resonators,” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2011, August 28-31, 2011, Washington D.C.

19.  M. Czabaj, W.R. Tubbs, Alan T. Zehnder, “Compression/Shear response of honeycomb core,” Proceedings of the 2011 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2011.

20.  M. Czabaj, A.T. Zehnder, A.K. Singh, B.D. Davidson and D.P. Eisenberg,, “Combined Experimental/Numerical Assessment of Compression After Impact of Sandwich Composite Structures,” Proceedings of the 2010 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2010.

21.  M. Czabaj, A.T. Zehnder, A.K. Singh, B.D. Davidson and D.P. Eisenberg, “Compression after impact of sandwich composite structures:  Experiments and Modeling,” Proceedings of the AIAA SDM Conference, April 2010.

22.  A.K. Singh, B.D. Davidson, D.P. Eisenberg, M.W. Czabaj, A.T. Zehnder, “Barely visible impact damage evaluation of composite sandwich structures,” Proceedings of the AIAA SDM Conference, April 2010.

23.  M. Czabaj, and A.T. Zehnder, ”Blistering and delamination in high temperature polymer matrix composites,” Proceedings of the 2009 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, June 2009.

24.  M. Pandey, R.B. Reichenbach, A.T. Zehnder, A. Lal and H.G. Craighead, “Anchor Loss Reduction in Resonant MEMS using MESA Structures,”  Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, IEEE NEMS 2007, 2007, p 880-885.

25.  Alan T. Zehnder, and Michael W. Czabaj, “Delamination and blistering due to rapid heating of moist composites,” Proceedings of IMECE2006, 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,  IMECE2006-14669, (2006)

26.  Tuncay Alan and Alan T. Zehnder, “Influence of Surface Properties on the Fracture of MEMS Beams,” Proceedings of the 2006 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, (June 2006). 

27.  A.T. Zehnder, P. Bhargava, and J. Antonakakis, “Characterization of HFPE-II-52 Matrix Composites,” proceedings of 2005 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, (2005).

28.  M. Pandey, A.T. Zehnder, R.H. Rand, M. Zalalutdinov, K.L. Aubin, H.G. Craighead and J.M. Parpia, “Entrainment of NEMS Limit Cycle Oscillations,” proceedings of 2005 Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference, (2005).

29.  Manoj Pandey, Richard Rand and Alan T. Zehnder, “Frequency locking in a forced Mathieu-van der Pol system,” Proceedings of DETC 2005, Long Beach, CA, (Sept. 24-28, 2005).

30.  Aubin, K. L., M. Zalalutdinov, R. B. Reichenbach, B. H. Houston, A. T. Zehnder, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead, “Laser annealing for high-Q MEMS resonator,” Proc. of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5116: pp. 531-535, (2003).

31.  M. Zalalutdinov, K. Aubin, Ch. Michael, R. Reichenbach, T. Alan, A. Zehnder, B. Houston, J. Parpia, and H.Craighead, “Shell-type micromechanical oscillator,” proceedings of the SPIE Microtechnologies for the New Millenium 5116, pp. 5116: 229-36, (2003).

32.  D.A. Czaplewski; Ilic, B.; Zalalutdmov, M.; Olbricht, W.L.; Zehnder, A.T.; Craighead, H.G.; Michalske, T.A.; “In-channel micromechanical plate interacting with fluid flow,” TRANSDUCERS, Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 12th International Conference ,Volume: 1 (2003)   pp. 392 – 395.

33.  B. Davidson, J. Dannenhoffer, G. Gay, a. Ingraffea, S. Jones, J-S Lee, M. Stefanone and A. Zehnder, “Facilitating effective geographically distributed engineering design teams,” proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, (2003). 

34.  Linlin Wang, Dieter Ast, Peeyush Bhargava, and Alan Zehnder, “Curved silicon electronics,” MRS Spring Meeting, (2003). 

35.  A. Zehnder, “Two Experiments in Dynamic Thermomechanics,” 2003Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, (2003). 

36.  M. Zalalutdinov, J. Parpia, K Aubin, H. Craighead, T. Alan, A. Zehnder, R. Rand, “Hopf bifurcation in a disk-shaped NEMS,” proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Chicago (2003). 

37.  B. Davidson, J. Dannenhoffer, G. Gay, A. Ingraffea, S. Jones, J.-S. Lee, M. Stefanone, and A. Zehnder, “On the use of Advanced IT Tools to Facilitate Effective, Geographically Distributed Student Design Teams,”  proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, (2003).

38.  P. Bhargava, C. Cunningham, M. Tolomeo, and A. Zehnder, “Virtual Labs, Real Data for Statics and Mechanics of Materials,” proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, (2003).

39.  B.Davidson, R. Davidson, G. Gay, A. Ingraffea, M. Miller, L. Nozick, A. Zehnder, R. Sheckler, and C. Rath, "Distance design collaboration through an advanced interactive discovery environment (AIDE)," proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, (2002). 

40.  M. Zalalutdinov, Lidija Sekaric, A.T. Zehnder, H.G. Craighead, and J.M. Parpia, “Light-activated Self-generation and Parametric Amplification in MEMS,” proceedings of the  2002Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, (2002). 

41.  Alan T. Zehnder, Y.K. Potdar, X. Deng, and C. Shet, "An Experimental and Computational Study of Temperature and Strain Fields in Metal Cutting," proceedings of Symposium on Fundamental Issues in Machining, IMECE 2001/MED-23309, ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division, New York, (2001). 

42.  M. Zalalutdinov, A. Olkhovets, A.T. Zehnder, B. Ilic, D. Czaplewcki, J.M. Parpia, H.G. Craighead, "Light-Induced Parametric Amplification in MEMS Oscillators,"  proceedings of DTIP 2001 (Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS), Cannes-Mandelieu, "Côte d'Azur", France, (2001). 

43.  M. Zalalutdinov, A.T. Zehnder, A. Olkhovets, S. Turner, L. Sekaric, B. Ilic, D. Czaplewcki, J.M. Parpia, H.G. Craighead, "Light-Activated Self-Generation and Parametric Amplification for MEMS Oscillators,"  proceedings of SPIE Meeting on Microfabrication, San Francisco, (2001). 

44.  Alan T. Zehnder, C.-Y. Hui, Yogesh Potdar, and Alberto Zucchini, “Fracture Mechanics of Thin, Cracked Plates Under Tension, Bending and out-of-plane Shear Loading,” proceedings of the Second joint NASA/FAA/DoD Conference on Aging Aircraft, C. Harris, ed., pp. 627-634, (1998). 

45.  Alan T. Zehnder, and A.C. Ramamurthy, “Simulation of Temperature Assisted Water Jet Erosion of Painted TPO Systems,” proceedings of TPOs in Automotive, ‘95, Executive Conference Management, Plymouth, MI, (1995).

46.  Steven A. Jones, James M. Burlitch, Ersan Ustundag, Jeannie Yoo, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Nickel-Alumina Composites:  In Situ Synthesis by a Displacement Reaction, and Mechanical Properties,” in Ceramic Matrix Composites - Advanced High-Temperature Structural Materials, Louden et al. (eds.), proceedings of 1994 MRS Symposium, (1995).

47.  Jacob A. Kallivayalil, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Crack Tip Temperature Fields,” proceedings of the 1994 Spring Meeting of the Society for Experimental Mechanics.

48.  Mark E. Thurston, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Characterization of Silica/Copper Interfacial Fracture Behavior,” in Ultrasonic Characterization and Mechanics of Interfaces, ASME AMD-Vol. 177, Rokhlin et al. (eds.), pp. 45-53, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (1993), (invited paper).

49.  Alan T. Zehnder, Mark J. Viz, and Anthony R. Ingraffea, "Fatigue Fracture in Thin Plates Subjected to Tensile and Shearing Loads:  Crack Tip Fields, J Integral and Preliminary Experimental Results,"  Proceedings of the VII International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, pp. 44-50, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT, (1992).

50.  Mark E. Thurston, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Mixed Mode Fracture Toughness of Silica/Copper Interfaces," Proceedings of the VII International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, pp. 1587-1593, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT, (1992).

51.  Saif, C.Y. Hui, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Film/Substrate Stresses due to Local Heating," Proceedings of the Localized Damage 1992 Conference, Southhampton, UK, (July 1992).

52.  Alan T. Zehnder, A.C. Ramamurthy, S.J. Bless, and N.S. Brar, "Temperature Rise in Automotive Paint Coatings due to Stone Impact," Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceeding of the ACS, Vol. 67, pp. 116-117, (1992).

53.  Alan T. Zehnder and Jacob A. Kallivayalil, "Temperature Rise at the Tip of Dynamically Propagating Cracks," proceedings of the 1991 Spring Meeting of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, pp. 363-369.

54.  Alan T. Zehnder and Jacob A. Kallivayalil, "Temperature Rise due to Dynamic Crack Growth in Beta-C Titanium," Second International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology:  Speckle Techniques, Birefringence Methods, and Applications to Solid Mechanics, Fu-Pen Chiang, Editor, Proc. SPIE 1554A, pp. 48-59 (1991).

55.  Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Temperature Fields Generated During Dynamic Crack Growth in Metals:  High Resolution Measurements by Means of High Speed Infrared Sensors," in Micromechanics:  Experimental Techniques, ASME AMD-Vol. 102, W.N. Sharpe, ed., pp. 179-192, presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, (1989).

56.  Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Experimental Measurement of the Temperature Rise Generated During Dynamic Crack Growth in Metals," Engineering Science Preprints-26, presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, (1989).

57.  Narasimhan, Alan T. Zehnder, and Ares J. Rosakis, "Three Dimensional Fields for a Through Crack in an Elastic-Plastic Solid:  Numerical Analysis and Comparison with Interferometric Measurements," in Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Aspects of Three Dimensional Fracture Processes, ASME AMD-Vol. 91, Rosakis and Ravi-Chandar, (eds.), pp. 239-253, proceedings of the ASME/SES symposium, Berkeley, California, (1988).

58.  Ares J. Rosakis, Alan T. Zehnder and R. Narasimhan, "Dynamic Measurement of the J Integral by the Optical Method of Caustics," proceedings of the 1987 Society for Experimental Mechanics Fall Conference, Savannah, Georgia, (1987).

59.  Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Dynamic Fracture Initiation and Propagation in 4340 Steel Under Impact Loading," Engineering Science Preprints-23, presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Buffalo, New York, (1986).


PAPERS PRESENTED (without conference proceedings)

 1.     Jikun Wang, Bangguo Zhu, Chung-Yuen Hui, and Alan Zehnder, “Identification of delayed fracture in soft materials,” 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2023.

2.     Alan Zehnder, Jikun Wang and C.-Y. (Herbert) Hui, “Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of a Dual Cross-link Hydrogel,” Mechanics of Smart and Tough Gels, A virtual IUTAM symposium | May 24-29, 2021, invited talk. 

3.     Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan Zehnder, " Application of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to the Measurement of Strain Fields in a PVA Dual-Crosslink Hydrogel," presented at 2019 meeting of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2019.

4.     Mincong Liu, Jingyi Guo, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan Zehnder, "Fracture of a PVA Dual-Crosslink Hydrogel," presented at 2019 meeting of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2019.

5.     Alan T. Zehnder, Richard H. Rand, Aditya Bhaskar, and Slava Krylov, "Phase locking of coupled thermos-optical MEMS oscillators," presented at 2018 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (DETC), August 2018.

6.     Richard H. Rand, Alan Zehnder, and B. Shayak, "Dynamics of a system of two couple MEMS oscillators," presented at the 2018 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (DETC), August 2018.

7.     Alan T. Zehnder, Benjamin Hasseldine, Barry Davidson, Abhendra Singh, “Compression After Impact of Thick Composite Sandwich Structures,” presented at the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 2012.

8.     Alan T. Zehnder and Michael Czabaj, “Blistering and delamination in high temperature polymer matrix composites,” USNCTAM2010-1036, presented at the 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 27-July 2, 2010.  

9.     M. Czabaj, and A.T. Zehnder, ”Blistering and delamination in high temperature polymer matrix composites,” presented at High Temple 2009,  Napa CA.

10.  Alan T. Zehnder, Tuncay Alan and Melissa Hines, “Attaining high fracture strength in nanoscale structures,” IMECE2007-44077, Presented at ASME IMECE, Nov. 2007.

11.  Alan T. Zehnder, Manoj Pandey, Robert Reichenbach and Amit Lal, “Anchor loss reduction in resonant MEMS using mesa structures,” IMECE2007-44078, Presented at ASME IMECE, Nov. 2007.

12.  Alan T. Zehnder, Barry Davidson, and Anthony Ingraffea, “IP-based, collaborative engineering design course,” IMECE2007-42816, Presented at ASME IMECE, Nov. 2007.

13.  Alan T. Zehnder and Michael Czabaj, “Blistering and delamination of laminates under high heating rates,” IMECE2007-42824, Presented at ASME IMECE, Nov. 2007.

14.  Alan T. Zehnder, C.-Y. Hui, Peeyush Bhargava and Venkat Krishnan, “Nonlinear viscoelastic modeling of HFPE-II-52 polyimide at high temperatures,” McMat 2007, June 2007.

15.  Alan T. Zehnder, Anthony Ingraffea, John Dannenhoffer and Daniel Rice, “Multi-University, Collaborative Engineering Design,” workshop given at the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, (June 2005).

16.  Alan T. Zehnder and Tuncay Alan, “STM/SEM Method for Bending Strength at MEMS and NEMS Scales,” presented at 2004 Society for Engineering Science Meeting.

17.  A. T. Zehnder, and Y.K. Potdar, “Measurement and simulation of temperature during orthogonal metal cutting,” 14th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA, (2002). 

18.  M. Zalalutdinov, L. Sekaric, A.T. Zehnder, H.G. Craighead, and J. Parpia, “Self excitation and frequency locking of NEMS oscillators,” 14th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA, (2002). 

19.  A.T. Zehnder, Y.K. Potdar, X. Deng, and C. Shet, “An experimental and computational study of temperature and strain fields in metal cutting,”, 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, New York, (2001).

20.  Alan T. Zehnder, Kavi Bhalla, Xiaoyan Han, Yingxia Wang, "Thermal Analysis of Crack Tearing," 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001.

21.  Alan T. Zehnder, M. Zalalutdinov, A. Olkhovets, B. Ilic, J. Parpia, H. Craighead, "Mechanics of Optical Pumping of Micromechanical Oscillators," 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001.

22.  Alan T. Zehnder, Yogesh Potdar, and Xiaomin Deng, "Measurement and Simulation of Temperature and Strain Fields in Orthogonal Metal Cutting," 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, IL, Aug. 27- Sept. 1, 2000.

23.  Alan T. Zehnder, C.-Y. Hui, and Yogesh Potdar, "Williams Meets von-Karman:  Mode Coupling and Non-Linearity in the Fracture of Thin Plates, 1999 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference,  Blacksburg, Virginia, June 27-30, 1999.

24.  Alan T. Zehnder, "The Reinforcing Effect of Coverlayers on Fatigue Crack Growth in Flex Circuits:  Experiments and Analysis," 1999 TMS Annual Meeting,  San Diego, CA, Feb. 1999. 

25.  Alan T. Zehnder, Shujun Tang, Raj Kolhe, and C.-Y. Hui, “Measuring Metal-Ceramic Interfacial Fracture Toughness,” ThirteenthU.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Gainesville, Florida, 1998.

26.  Shujun Tang, Raj Kolhe, Alan T. Zehnder, and C.-Y. Hui, “Interfacial Fracture and Ductile Bridging in Ni-Al2O3 Composites,” ASM/TMS Materials Week, Cleveland Ohio, Oct. 1996.

27.  Alan T. Zehnder, Shujun Tang, C.-Y. Hui, and Raj Kolhe, “Measuring Metal-Ceramic Interfacial Fracture Toughness,” 14th U.S. Army Symposium on Solid Mechanics, Myrtle Beach, S.C., Oct. 1996.

28.  Mark J. Viz, and Alan T. Zehnder, “Fatigue Crack Growth in Thin Sheets:  Effect of In-Plane/Out-of-Plane Loading, Geometric Nonlinearity, and Crack Closure,” FAA-NASA Symposium on the Continued Airworthiness of Aircraft Structures, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1996.

29.  Shujun Tang, Raj Kolhe, Alan T. Zehnder, C.-Y. Hui, “Measurement and Simulation of Ductile Bridging in a Metal-Ceramic Composite,” ASME/AMD 1996 Summer Meeting, Johns Hopkins University, June 1996.

30.  Ersan Ustundag, Eric Rodeghiero, H.J Yoo, Alan T. Zehnder, Raj Kolhe, “Chevron Notch Fracture Testing of Small Metal-Ceramic Samples,” ASME/AMD 1996 Summer Meeting, Johns Hopkins University, June 1996.

31.  Alan T. Zehnder, “Fracture of Nickel-Alumina Composites,” 1995 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 1995, (invited lecture).

32.  E. Ustundag, H.J. Yoo, S.L. Sass, and A.T. Zehnder, “Structure-property relationships in in situ  formed metal-ceramic composites,” ASM/TMS Materials Week, Cleveland, OH, Oct. 1995.

33.  Alan T. Zehnder, Ersan Ustundag, Steve Sass, and Jeannie Yoo, “Fracture of Novel Ni-Al2O3 Composites,” 1995 ASME Summer Mechanics and Materials Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 28-30, 1995.

34.  Alan T. Zehnder and Mark J. Viz, “Fatigue Fracture of Thin Sheets Under Tension and Tearing Loads,” Third Symposium on Aircraft Structural Integrity, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 13-15, 1994, (invited lecture).

35.  Alan T. Zehnder and Jacob A. Kallivayalil, “Effect of Crack Tip Heating on Dynamic Fracture Toughness,” EUROMECH 326, Experiment and Macroscopic Theory in Crack Propagation, Kielce, Poland, Sept. 25-28, 1994 (invited lecture).

36.  Alan T. Zehnder, and Jacob A. Kallivayalil, “Effect of Crack Tip Temperature Rise on Dynamic Fracture in Beta-C Titanium,” 12th U.S. Congress of Applied Mechanics, Seattle, WA, June 27-July 1, 1994.

37.  Alan T. Zehnder, and Mark J. Viz, “Fatigue Fracture of Thin Sheets Under Tension and Tearing Loads,” 12th U.S. Congress of Applied Mechanics, Seattle, WA, June 27-July 1, 1994.

38.  Alan T. Zehnder, C.-Y. Hui, and Mark J. Viz, "Fracture Mechanics of Plates Subjected to Tension and Twisting Loads:  Theory, Numerical Analysis and Fatigue Crack Growth Measurements," 1993 ASME Applied Mechanics Division Summer Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, June 6-9, 1993.

39.  Alan T. Zehnder and Mark E. Thurston, "Metal-Ceramic Fracture Toughness Measurements," 1993 ASME Applied Mechanics Division Summer Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, June 6-9, 1993, (invited lecture).

40.  Jacob A. Kallivayalil, and Alan T. Zehnder, "Crack Tip Temperature Fields,"  29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, San Diego, CA  Sept. 14-16, 1992.

41.  Mark E. Thurston and Alan T. Zehnder, "Copper/Silica Interface Fracture,"  1992 ASME Applied Mechanics, Materials and Aerospace Summer Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 28-May 1, 1992.

42.  M.T.A. Saif, C.Y. Hui and Alan T. Zehnder, "Film/Substrate Interface Shear Stress Induced by Non-Uniform Heating,"  1992 ASME Applied Mechanics, Materials and Aerospace Summer Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 28-May 1, 1992.

43.  Alan T. Zehnder and Jacob A. Kallivayalil, "Temperature Measurements in Dynamic Fracture," 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science,  Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oct. 22-24, 1990.

44.  Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Temperature Fields Generated During Dynamic Crack Growth in Metals:  High Resolution Measurements by Means of High Speed Infrared Sensors," Army Symposium of Solid Mechanics:  Mechanics of Engineered Materials and Applications, Newport, Rhode Island, May 16-18, 1989.

45.  Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, "Dynamic Measurement of J Integral in Ductile Materials using the Optical Method of Caustics," 12th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Ottawa, Ontario, May 28-June2, 1989.

46.  Alan T. Zehnder and Ares J. Rosakis, " Basic Experiments on the Dynamic Fracture Initiation and Unstable Growth of Cracks in Metals Using Reflected Shadowgraphy," 10th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Austin, Texas, June 16-20, 1986.

47.  Alan T. Zehnder, Ares J. Rosakis, and R. Narasimhan, "On the Application of Reflected Caustics to the Measurement of the J Integral in Ductile Fracture," 10th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Austin, Texas, June 16-20, 1986.


  • Alan T. Zehnder, A.J. Rosakis, and G. Ravichandran, “High speed infrared imaging system and method,” US 6,268,883 B1, July 2001.
  • M. Zalalutdinov, A. Olkhovets, A. Zehnder, B. Ilic, D. Czaplewski, L. Sekaric, J. Parpia, and H. Craighead, “Heat pumped parametric MEMS device,” US Patent 7,654,140, March 2010. 
  • L Sekaric, M. Zalalutdinov, A. Zehnder, J. Parpia, H. Craighead, “Operation of nanomechanical resonant structures in air,” invention disclosure, June 2002. 
  • K. Aubin, L Sekaric, M. Zalalutdinov, A. Zehnder, J. Parpia, H. Craighead, “MEMS device Annealing,” invention disclosure, Nov. 2002.