Francis Moon: Publications


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  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2014. "Social Networks in the History of Innovation and Invention." History of Mechanism and Machine Science. 22 Springer.
  • Wauer, J., Francis Charles Moon, K. Mauersberger. 2009. "Ferdinand Redtenbacher (1809-1863): Pioneer in scientific machine engineering." Mechanism and Machine Theory 44 (9): 1607-1626.
  • Kuroda, M., Francis Charles Moon. 2007. "Experimental reconsideration of spatio-temporal dynamics observed in fluid-elastic oscillator arrays from complex system viewpoint: From vibrating pipes in heat exchangers to waving plants in agricultural fields." Complexity 12 (4): 36-47.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2007. The Machines of Leonardo da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux: Kinematics of Machines from the Renaissance to the 20th Century. Springer Doredrecht.
  • Johnson, A. J., Francis Charles Moon. 2007. "Elastic waves in electromagnetic launchers." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (1): 141-144.
  • Feeny, B. F., Francis Charles Moon. 2007. "Empirical dry-friction modeling in a forced oscillator using chaos." Nonlinear Dynamics 47(1-3): 129-141.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, P. D. Stiefel. 2006. "Coexisting chaotic and periodic dynamics in clock escapements." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 364 (1846): 2539-2563.
  • Johnson, A. J., Francis Charles Moon. 2006. "Elastic waves and solid armature contact pressure in electromagnetic launchers." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (3): 422-429.
  • Lipson, H., Francis Charles Moon, J. Hai, C. Paventi. 2005. "3D Printing the History of Mechanisms." Journal of Mechanical Design 127(5): 1029-1033.
  • Kalmár-Nagy, T., Francis Charles Moon. 2005. "Mode-Coupled Regenerative Machine Tool Vibrations." In Nonlinear Dynamics of Production Systems, edited by G. Radons and R. Neugebauer. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley.
  • Thothadri, M., Francis Charles Moon. 2005. "Nonlinear system identification of systems with periodic limit-cycle response." Nonlinear Dynamics 39 (1-2): 63-77.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2004. "Chaotic vibrations: an introduction for applied scientists and engineers". xix, 309 p. New York: Wiley-Interscience.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2004. "The Reuleaux Models: Creating an International Digital Library of Kinematics History." Paper presented at International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms
  • Moon, Francis Charles, D. Henderson, D. Taimina, J. Lipson, J. Saylor, K. Walker. 2004. "KMODDL-Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library." National Science Digital Library.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2004. "The Reuleaux Models: Creating an International Digital Library of Kinematics History." Proceedings from the International Symposium on Hisotry of Machines and Mechanisms.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2003. "Robert Willis and Franz Reuleaux: Pioneers in the theory of machines (vol 57, pg 209, 2003)." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 57 (3): 353-353.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2003. "Robert Willis and Franz Reuleaux: Pioneers in the theory of machines." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 57 (2): 209-230.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, A. J. Reddy, W. T. Holmes. 2003. "Experiments in control and anti-control of chaos in a dry friction oscillator." Journal of Vibration and Control 9 (3-4): 387-397.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2003. "Franz Reuleaux: Contributions to 19th Century kinematics and theory of machines." Applied Mechanics Review 56 (2): 261-285.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2003. "Robert Willis and Franz Reuleaux: Pioneers in the Theory of Machines." Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 57 (2): 209-230.
  • Kuroda, Masaharu , Francis Charles Moon. 2002. "Local Complexity and Global Nonlinear Modes in Large Arrays of Fluid-Elastic Oscillators." Paper presented at ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 5th International Symposium on Fluid Structure Interaction, Aeroelasticity, and Flow Induced Vibration and Noise, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, November 17.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2002. "Modeling Electro-Mechanical Systems." In The Mechatronics Handbook, edited by R.H. Bishop. CRC Press.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2002. "Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology." edited by Robert A. Meyers , 523-535. Academic Press.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2002. "Nonlinear Dynamics." Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (3): 523-535.
  • Kalmar-Nagy, T., G. Stepan, Francis Charles Moon. 2001. "Subcritical Hopf bifurcation in the delay equation model for machine tool vibrations." Nonlinear Dynamics 26 (2): 121-142.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, M. Kuroda. 2001. "Spatio-temporal dynamics in large arrays of fluid-elastic, Toda-type oscillators." Physics Letters A 287 (5-6): 379-384.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, T. Kalmar-Nagy. 2001. "Nonlinear models for complex dynamics in cutting materials." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 359 (1781): 695-711.
  • Johnson, M. A., Francis Charles Moon. 2001. "Nonlinear techniques to characterize precharter and chatter vibrations in the machining of metals." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11 (2): 449-467.
  • Johnson, M.A., Francis Charles Moon. 2001. "Nonlinear Techniques to Characterize Pre-Chatter and Chatter Vibrations in the Machining of Metals." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11: 449-467.
  • Feeny, B. F., Francis Charles Moon. 2000. "Quenching stick-slip chaos with dither." Journal of Sound and Vibration 237 (1): 173-180.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 2000. "Reflections on nonlinear dynamics of machines and structures." Chinese Journal of Mechanics-Series A16 (2): 79-83.
  • Hikihara, T., H. Adachi, Francis Charles Moon, Y. Ueda. 1999. "Dynamical behavior of flywheel rotor suspended by hysteretic force of HTSC magnetic bearing." Journal of Sound and Vibration 228 (4): 871-887.
  • Thothadri, M., Francis Charles Moon. 1999. "An investigation of nonlinear models for a cylinder row in a cross flow." Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the Asme 121 (2): 133-141.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1999. "IUTAM Symposium on New Applications of Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics in Mechanics: proceedings of the IUTAM symposium held in Ithaca, NY, USA, 27 July-1 August 1997". Solid mechanics and its applications v. 63. xiv, 562 p.. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1999. New Applications of Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics in Mechanics. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Johnson, M. A., Francis Charles Moon. 1999. "Experimental characterization of quasiperiodicity and chaos in a mechanical system with delay." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9 (1): 49-65.
  • Thothadri, M., Francis Charles Moon. 1998. "Helical wave oscillations in a row of cylinders in a cross-flow." Journal of Fluids and Structures 12 (5): 591-613.
  • Adams, S. G., F. M. Bertsch, K. A. Shaw, P. G. Hartwell, Francis Charles Moon, N. C. MacDonald. 1998. "Capacitance based tunable resonators." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 8 (1): 15-23.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1998. "Applied dynamics: with applications to multibody and mechatronic systems." xi, 492 p. New York:Wiley.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, M. A. Johnson. 1998. "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Manufacturing Processes." In Dynamics and Chaos in Manufacturing Processes: Wiley Series in Nonlinear Science, edited by F.C. Moon, xvi, 316 p. New York: Wiley&Sons.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1998. "Chaotic Dynamics in Solid Mechanics." Dynamical Systems Approaches to Nonlinear Problems in Systems and Circuits.
  • Davies, M. A., Francis Charles Moon. 1997. "Solitons, Chaos and Modal Interactions in Periodic Structures." In Nonlinear Dynamics: The Richard Rand 50th Anniversary Volume: Series on Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, Series B , edited by Ardéshir Guran, 119-143. World Scientific.
  • Hikihara, T., T. Fujinami, Francis Charles Moon. 1997. "Bifurcation and multifractal vibration in dynamics of a high-T-c superconducting levitation system." Physics Letters A 231 (3-4): 217-223.
  • Davies, M. A., Francis Charles Moon. 1996. "Transition from soliton to chaotic motion following sudden excitation of a nonlinear structure." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 63 (2): 445-449.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, M. A. Johnson, W. T. Holmes. 1996. "Controlling chaos in a two-well oscillator." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 6 (2): 337-347.
  • Muntean, G. G., Francis Charles Moon. 1995. "Multifractals in Elastic Tube Vibrations Due to Internal Flow." Journal of Fluids and Structures 9 (7): 787-799.
  • Hikihara, T., Francis Charles Moon. 1995. "Levitation Drift of a Magnet Supported by a High-T-C Superconductor under Vibration." Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications 250 (1-2): 121-127.
  • Yang, Z. J., Francis Charles Moon, M. Murakami. 1995. "Amplitude-Dependent Magnetic Stiffness of Melt-Quenched Yba2cu3o7-Delta Superconductors." Journal of Superconductivity 8 (2): 307-314.
  • Benedettini, F., Francis Charles Moon. 1995. "Experimental Dynamics of a Hanging Cable Carrying 2 Concentrated Masses." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 5 (1): 145-157.
  • Feeny, B. F., Francis Charles Moon, P. Y. Chen, S. Mukherjee. 1995. "Chaotic Mixing in Rigid, Perfectly Plastic Material." International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 5 (1): 133-144.
  • Cusumano, J. P., Francis Charles Moon. 1995. "Chaotic Nonplanar Vibrations of the Thin Elastica .1. Experimental-Observation of Planar Instability." Journal of Sound and Vibration 179 (2): 185-208.
  • Cusumano, J. P., Francis Charles Moon. 1995. "Chaotic Nonplanar Vibrations of the Thin Elastica .2. Derivation and Analysis of a Low-Dimensional Model." Journal of Sound and Vibration 179 (2): 209-226.
  • Hikihara, T., Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Chaotic Levitated Motion of a Magnet Supported by Superconductor." Physics Letters A191 (3-4): 279-284.
  • Schonhuber, P., Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Levitation Forces, Stiffness and Force-Creep in Ybco High-T-C Superconducting Thin-Films." Applied Superconductivity 2 (7-8): 523-534.
  • Pratap, R., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Dynamic Behavior of a Bilinear Hysteretic Elastoplastic Oscillator .2. Oscillations under Periodic Impulse Forcing." Journal of Sound and Vibration 172 (3): 339-358.
  • Pratap, R., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Dynamic Behavior of a Bilinear Hysteretic Elastoplastic Oscillator, .1. Free Oscillations." Journal of Sound and Vibration 172 (3): 321-337.
  • Pratap, R., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Dynamic Behavior of a Bilinear Hysteretic Elastoplastic Oscillator .2. Oscillations under Periodic Impulse Forcing." Journal of Sound and Vibration 172 (3): 339-358.
  • Feeny, B., Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Chaos in a Forced Dry-Friction Oscillator - Experiments and Numerical Modeling." Journal of Sound and Vibration 170 (3): 303-323.
  • Davies, M. A., Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Transition from Soliton to Chaotic Motion during Impact of a Nonlinear Elastic Structure."Chaos Solitons & Fractals 4 (2): 275-283.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, P.-Z. Chang. 1994. "Superconducting levitation: applications to bearings and magnetic transportation." xv, 295 p.. New York: Wiley.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1994. "Chaotic Dynamics and Fractals in Material Removal Processes." Nonlinearity and Chaos in Engineering Dynamics.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, G. Raggio. 1994. "Chaotic Scattering of Waves from Nonlinear Scatterers." Acta Mechanica 107 (1-4): 153-169.
  • Bhatt, V., Francis Charles Moon. 1994. "Measures of Robust Dynamical Behavior and Fractal Basin Boundaries for Two-and Three-Well Potential Problems." Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, C. Golkowski, D. Kupperman. 1993. "Superconducting Bearings for High-Load Applications." Applied Superconductivity 1 (7-9): 1175-1184.
  • Davies, M. A., Francis Charles Moon. 1993. "3-D spatial chaos in the elastica and the spinning top: Kirchhoff analogy." Chaos 3 (1): 93-99.
  • Pratap, R., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1992. "Limit-Cycles in an Elastoplastic Oscillator." Physics Letters A 170 (5): 384-392.
  • Pratap, R., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1992. "Limit-Cycles in an Elastoplastic Oscillator." Physics Letters A 170 (5): 384-392.
  • Copeland, G. S., Francis Charles Moon. 1992. "Chaotic Flow-Induced Vibration of a Flexible Tube with End Mass." Journal of Fluids and Structures 6 (6): 705-718.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1992. "Dynamic-Systems - Coming to Grips with Chaos." Nature 355 (6362): 675-676.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1992. "Chaotic and fractal dynamics: an introduction for applied scientists and engineers." xx, 508 p.. New York: Wiley.
  • Pak, C.H., R.H. Rand, Francis Charles Moon. 1992. "Free Vibrations of a Thin Elastica by Normal Modes." Nonlinear Dynamics 3: 347-364.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1991. "Levitation Studies in High Tc Superconductors at Lower Temperatures and High Fields." Tokyo, Japan, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 14.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1991. "Experimental measurement of chaotic attractors in solid mechanics (a)." Chaos 1 (1): 31-41.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, W. Holmes, P. Khoury. 1991. "Symbol dynamic maps of spatial-temporal chaotic vibrations in a string of impact oscillators." Chaos 1 (1): 65-68.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1991. "High-Temperature Superconductors - Raised to a Higher Plane." Nature 350 (6316): 270-270.
  • Golnaraghi, M. F., Francis Charles Moon. 1991. "Experimental-Evidence for Chaotic Response in a Feedback-System." Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME 113 (1): 183-187.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, T. Broschart. 1991. "Chaotic Sources of Noise in Machine Acoustics." Archive of Applied Mechanics 61 (6-7):438-448.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, P. Z. Chang, H. Hojaji, A. Barkatt, A. N. Thorpe. 1990. "Levitation Forces, Relaxation and Magnetic Stiffness of Melt-Quenched Yba2cu3ox." Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers 29 (7): 1257-1258.
  • Lee, C. K., Francis Charles Moon. 1990. "Modal Sensors Actuators." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 57 (2):434-441.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, G. X. Li. 1990. "Experimental-Study of Chaotic Vibrations in a Pin-Jointed Space Truss Structure." AIAA Journal28 (5): 915-921.
  • Chang, P. Z., Francis Charles Moon, J. R. Hull, T. M. Mulcahy. 1990. "Levitation Force and Magnetic Stiffness in Bulk High-Temperature Superconductors." Journal of Applied Physics 67 (9): 4358-4360.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, P. Z. Chang. 1990. "High-Speed Rotation of Magnets on High-Tc Superconducting Bearings." Applied Physics Letters 56 (4): 397-399.
  • Li, G. X., Francis Charles Moon. 1990. "Criteria for Chaos of a 3-Well Potential Oscillator with Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits." Journal of Sound and Vibration 136 (1): 17-34.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1990. Kaoticheskie Kolibanya. Moskow, Russia: Mir Publishers.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1990. "Spacial and Temporal Chaos in Elastic Continua." Berlin, Germany
  • Cusumano, J.P., Francis Charles Moon. 1990. "Low Dimensional Behavior in Chaotic Nonplanar Motions of a Forced Elastic Rod: Experiment and Theory." Berlin, Germany
  • Li, G. X., R. H. Rand, Francis Charles Moon. 1990. "Bifurcations and Chaos in a Forced Zero-Stiffness Impact Oscillator." International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 25 (4): 417-432.
  • Li, G. X., Richard Herbert Rand, Francis Charles Moon. 1990. "Bifurcations and Chaos in a Forced Zero-Stiffness Impact Oscillator." International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 25 (4): 417-432.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1990. "Magnetic Forces in High-Tc Superconducting Bearings." International Journal of Applied Electronic Material 1: 29-35.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1990. "The Power of Magnetic Levitation: I. A Nearly Frictionless Superconducting Bearing Invented at Cornell and II. Is Magnetic Transportation in the Future." Engineering: Cornell Quarterly 24 (2): 13-22.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, K. C. Weng, P. Z. Chang. 1989. "Dynamic Magnetic Forces in Superconducting Ceramics." Journal of Applied Physics 66 (11): 5643-5645.
  • Paidoussis, M. P., G. X. Li, Francis Charles Moon. 1989. "Chaotic Oscillations of the Autonomous System of a Constrained Pipe Conveying Fluid." Journal of Sound and Vibration 135 (1): 1-19.
  • Feeny, B. F., Francis Charles Moon. 1989. "Auto-Correlation on Symbol Dynamics for a Chaotic Dry-Friction Oscillator." Physics Letters A 141 (8-9): 397-400.
  • Lee, C. K., Francis Charles Moon. 1989. "Laminated Piezopolymer Plates for Torsion and Bending Sensors and Actuators." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 85 (6): 2432-2439.
  • Gonaraghi, M.F., Francis Charles Moon, Richard Rand. 1989. "Resonance in a High Speed Flexible-Arm Robot." International Journal of Dynamics and Stability of Systems 4: 169-188.
  • Païdoussis, M. P., Francis Charles Moon. 1988. "Nonlinear and chaotic fluidelastic vibrations of a flexible pipe conveying fluid." Journal of Fluids and Structures 2 (6): 567-591.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1988. "Chaotic Vibrations of a Magnet near a Superconductor." Physics Letters A 132 (5): 249-252.
  • Niklas, Karl Joseph, Francis Charles Moon. 1988. "Flexural Stiffness and Modulus of Elasticity of Flower Stalks from Allium Sativum as Measured by Multiple Resonance Frequency-Spectra." American Journal of Botany 75 (10): 1517-1525.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, John R. Hull, Greg F. Berry. 1988. "Superconductivity: As Temperatures Rise, So Do Demands on ME." Mechanical Engineering 110 (6): 60-69.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, M. M. Yanoviak, R. Ware. 1988. "Hysteretic Levitation Forces in Superconducting Ceramics." Applied Physics Letters 52 (18): 1534-1536.
  • Poddar, B., Francis Charles Moon, S. Mukherjee. 1988. "Chaotic Motion of an Elastic-Plastic Beam." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 55 (1): 185-189.
  • Poddar, B., Francis Charles Moon, S. Mukherjee. 1988. "Chaotic Motion of an Elastic-Plastic Beam." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 55 (1): 185-189.
  • Szemplinska Stupnicka, W., G. Iooss, Francis Charles Moon. 1988. Chaotic Motions in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Springer-Verlag.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1988. "Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics." In Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology. .
  • Niklas, Karl Joseph, Francis Charles Moon. 1988. "Flexural stiffness and modulus of elasticity of flower stalks from Allium sativum as measured by multiple resonance frequency spectra." American Journal of Botany 75: 1517-1525.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1987. "Chaotic vibrations: an introduction for applied scientists and engineers." xv, 309 p.. New York: Wiley.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, G.X. Li. 1987. "Chaotic Dynamics in Magnetic and Magneto-Mechanical Systems." Electromagnetic-mechanical Interactions in Deformable Solids and Structures 41-52.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, J. Cusumano, P. J. Holmes. 1987. "Evidence for Homoclinic Orbits as a Precursor to Chaos in a Magnetic Pendulum." Physica D 24 (1-3): 383-390.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1987. "Nonlinear Dynamics." Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology 9.
  • Hara, K., Francis Charles Moon. 1986. "Stability and Vibration of Internal Windings of Superconducting Solenoid Magnets." Fusion Technology 10 (3): 1548-1553.
  • Lee, C. K., Francis Charles Moon. 1986. "An Optical Technique for Measuring Fractal Dimensions of Planar Poincare Maps." Physics Letters A 114 (5): 222-226.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1986. "New Research Directions for Chaotic Phenomena in Solid Mechanics." Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, G. Li. 1985. "Fractal basin boundaries and homoclinic orbits for periodic motion in a two-well potential." Physical review letters 55 (14): 1439-1442.
  • Golnaraghi, M., W. Keith, Francis Charles Moon. 1985. "Stability Analysis of a Robotic Mechanism Using Computer Algebra." Paper presented at Applications of computer algebra, Boston, MA
  • Moon, Francis Charles, W. T. Holmes. 1985. "Double Poincare Sections of a Quasi-Periodically Forced, Chaotic Attractor." Physics Letters A 111 (4): 157-160.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, G. X. Li. 1985. "Fractal Basin Boundaries and Homoclinic Orbits for Periodic Motion in a 2-Well Potential." Physical review letters 55 (14): 1439-1442.
  • Lance, R. H., Richard Herbert Rand, Francis Charles Moon. 1985. "Teaching Engineering Analysis Using Symbolic Algebra and Calculus." Engineering Education 76 (2): 97-101.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, G. X. Li. 1985. "The Fractal Dimension of the 2-Well Potential Strange Attractor." Physica D 17 (1): 99-108.
  • Lance, R. H., Richard Herbert Rand, Francis Charles Moon. 1985. "Teaching Engineering Analysis Using Symbolic Algebra and Calculus." Engineering Education 76 (2): 97-101.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1984. "Magneto-solid mechanics." xii, 436 p.. New York: Wiley.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1984. "Earnshaw's Theorem and Magnetoelastic Buckling of Superconducting Structures." Mechanical Behavior of Electro-Magneto Solid Continua 369-378.
  • Yuan, K.Y., Francis Charles Moon, J.F. Abel. 1984. "Elastic Conducting Structures in Pulsed Magnetic Fields." Numerical Methods in Coupled Systems.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1984. "Fractal Boundary for Chaos in a 2-State Mechanical Oscillator." Physical review letters 53 (10): 962-964.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, S. W. Shaw. 1983. "Chaotic Vibrations of a Beam with Non-Linear Boundary-Conditions." International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 18 (6): 465-477.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, S.W. Shaw. 1983. "Chaotic Vibrations of a Beam with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions." Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 18: 465-477.
  • Chu, D., Francis Charles Moon. 1983. "Dynamic Instabilities in Magnetically Levitated Models." Journal of Applied Physics 54 (3): 1619-1625.
  • Holmes, P. J., Francis Charles Moon. 1983. "Strange Attractors and Chaos in Non-Linear Mechanics." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 50 (4B): 1021-1032.
  • Auer, P. L., David A. Hammer, V. O. Kostroun, Francis Charles Moon. 1983. "Survey of Reactor Aspects of Compact Fusion Concepts - Comments." Nuclear Technology-Fusion 4 (2): 327-331.
  • Morjaria, M. A., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1982. "A Boundary Integral Method for Eddy-Current Flow around Cracks in Thin Plates." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 18 (2): 467-472.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, K. Hara. 1982. "Buckling Induced Stresses in Martensitic Stainless-Steels for Magnetic Fusion-Reactors." Nuclear Engineering and Design 71 (1): 27-31.
  • Yuan, K. Y., J. F. Abel, Francis Charles Moon. 1982. "Eddy-Current Calculations in Thin Conducting Plates Using a Finite Element-Stream Function Code." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 18 (2): 447-449.
  • Mukherjee, S., M. A. Morjaria, Francis Charles Moon. 1982. "Eddy-Current Flows around Cracks in Thin Plates for Non-Destructive Testing." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 49 (2): 389-395.
  • Miya, K., M. Uesaka, Francis Charles Moon. 1982. "Finite-Element Analysis of Vibration of Toroidal Field-Coils Coupled with Laplace Transform." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 49 (3): 594-600.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1982. "The Virial-Theorem and Scaling Laws for Superconducting Magnet Systems." Journal of Applied Physics53 (12): 9112-9121.
  • Morjaria, M. A., S. Mukherjee, Francis Charles Moon. 1982. "A Boundary Integral Method for Eddy-Current Flow around Cracks in Thin Plates." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 18 (2): 467-472.
  • Mukherjee, S., M. A. Morjaria, Francis Charles Moon. 1982. "Eddy-Current Flows around Cracks in Thin Plates for Non-Destructive Testing." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 49 (2): 389-395.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, K. Hara. 1981. "Elastic Buckling of Superconducting Yin-Yang Magnets for Fusion." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 17 (1): 207-210.
  • Chian, C. T., Francis Charles Moon. 1981. "Magnetically Induced Cylindrical Stress Waves in a Thermoelastic Conductor." International Journal of Solids and Structures 17 (11): 1021-1035.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1980. "Magnetoelastic Instabilities in Superconducting Structures and Earnshaw's Theorem." Mechanics of Superconducting Structures 41: 77-90.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1980. "Mechanics of superconducting structures : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, November 16-21, 1980". (41) v, 137 p.. New York, N.Y.: ASME.
  • Holmes, P. J., Francis Charles Moon. 1980. "Addendum - a Magnetoelastic Strange Attractor." Journal of Sound and Vibration 69 (2):339-339.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1980. "Elastic Vibrations and Waves in a Superconducting Torus." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 16 (5): 1242-1244.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1980. "Experiments on Chaotic Motions of a Forced Non-Linear Oscillator - Strange Attractors." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 47 (3): 638-644.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1979. "Buckling of a Superconducting Ring in a Toroidal Magnetic-Field." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 46 (1): 151-155.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1979. "Experiments on Magnetoelastic Buckling in a Superconducting Torus." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 46 (1): 145-150.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, J. Dederer. 1979. "Infrared Measurements of Induced Eddy Currents in Sheet Conductors." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 15 (6): 1500-1500.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, P. J. Holmes. 1979. "Magnetoelastic Strange Attractor." Journal of Sound and Vibration 65 (2): 275-296.
  • Horikawa, H., E. H. Dowell, Francis Charles Moon. 1978. "Active Feedback-Control of a Beam Subjected to a Non-Conservative Force." International Journal of Solids and Structures 14 (10): 821-839.
  • Alexandridis, A. A., E. H. Dowell, Francis Charles Moon. 1978. "Coupled Response of a Dynamic Element Riding on a Continuously Supported Beam." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme 45 (4): 864-870.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1977. "Problems in Magneto-Solid Mechanics." In Mechanics Today, edited by S. Nemat Nasser, 307-390. .
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1977. “Vibration Problems in Magnetic Levitation and Propulsion. Advances in Transport Without Wheels.” 122-161.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, C. Swanson, S. King. 1977. "8 Coil Superconducting Torus for Elastic Buckling Studies." Cryogenics 17 (6): 341-344.
  • Swanson, C., Francis Charles Moon. 1977. "Buckling and Vibrations in a 5-Coil Superconducting Partial Torus." Journal of Applied Physics 48 (7): 3110-3115.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, C. Swanson. 1977. "Experiments on Buckling and Vibration of Superconducting Coils." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 44 (4): 707-713.
  • Kim, B.S., Francis Charles Moon. 1977. "Impact Induced Stress Waves in a Laminated Composite Plate." AIAA Journal 17 (10).
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1976. "Buckling of a Superconducting Coil Nested in a 3-Coil Toroidal Segment." Journal of Applied Physics 47(3): 920-921.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, C. Swanson. 1976. "Vibration and Stability of a Set of Superconducting Toroidal Magnets." Journal of Applied Physics 47 (3): 914-919.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1975. "Wave Propagation and Impact in Composite Materials." In Treatise on Composite Materials, edited by Broutman, Krock, 259-332. Academic Press.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1975. "Elastic Vibrations Due to a High-Current Arc-Discharge." Experimental Mechanics 15 (5): 184-189.
  • Chattopadhyay, S., Francis Charles Moon. 1975. "Magnetoelastic Buckling and Vibration of a Rod Carrying Electric-Current." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 42 (4): 809-814.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1974. "Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Levitation in Thin Track Limit." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Ma10 (3): 439-442.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, Ch attopa.S. 1974. "Magnetically Induced Stress Waves in a Conducting Solid - Theory and Experiment."Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 41 (3): 641-646.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1973. "One-Dimensional Transient Waves in Anisotropic Plates." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 40 (2): 485-490.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1973. "Stress Wave Calculations in Composite Plates Using the Fast Fourier Transform." Journal of Computers and Structures 3: 1195-1204.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1973. "The Buckling of Dielectric Fibers in an Electric Field." Letters in Applied and Engineering Science 1: 327-336.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1972. "Magnetoelastic Buckling of Beams and Thin Plates of Magnetically Soft Material." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 39 (4): 1172-1174.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1972. "Scattering of Spherical Elastic-Waves by a Spherical Cavity." Journal of Applied Mechanics 39 (2): 591-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1972. "Wave Surfaces Due to Impact on Anisotropic Fiber Composite Plates." Journal of Composite Materials6: 62-79.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1972. "Wave Surfaces Due to Impact on Anisotropic Plates." Journal of Composite Materials 6 (Njan): 62-&.
  • eberma. Ed, Li, J. D. Lee, Francis Charles Moon. 1971. "Anisotropic Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in a Nematic Liquid Crystal Placed in a Magnetic Field." Applied Physics Letters 18 (7): 280-&.
  • Tauchert, T. R., Francis Charles Moon. 1971. "Propagation of Stress Waves in Fiber-Reinforced Composite Rods." AIAA Journal 9 (8):1492-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1970. "The Mechanics of Ferroelastic Plates in a Uniform Magnetic Field." Journal of Applied Mechanics.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, C. C. Mow. 1970. "Wave propagation in a composite material containing dispersed rigid spherical inclusions." ix l., 25 p. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, C. C. Mow. 1970. "Effect of Diffraction on Stress-Wave Measurement and a Concept for an Omnidirectional-Dynamic-Stress Gauge." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 48 (1): 263-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1970. "Scattering of Waves by a Cylindrical Piezoelectric Inclusion." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 48 (1): 253-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1970. "The Scattering of Waves from a Piezoelectric Cylinder." Advances in Engineering Science 5.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, Y. H. Pao. 1969. "Vibration and Dynamic Instability of a Beam-Plate in a Transverse Magnetic Field." Journal of Applied Mechanics 36 (1): 92-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, Y. H. Pao. 1968. "Magnetoelastic Buckling of a Thin Plate." Journal of Applied Mechanics 35 (1): 53-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, Y. H. Pao. 1967. "Influence of Curvature of Spherical Waves on Dynamic Stress Concentration." Journal of Applied Mechanics 34 (2): 373-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles, Y. H. Pao. 1967. "Interactions of Point Defects and Elastic Inclusions." Journal of Applied Physics 38 (2): 595-+.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. 1966. "Rigid Inclusion in a Non-Symmetric Field." Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 58 (1-2): 19-&.
  • Moon, Francis Charles. Chaos Quoted: A History of Chaoes from the Greeks to Chaos Theory.