Herbert Hui: Publications


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  • Congrui, Jin, Jagota Anand, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2013. "Structure and Energetics of Dislocations at Micro-Structured Complementary Interface Govern Adhesion." Advanced Functional Materials 23 (27): 3453-3462.
  • Hall, Matthew S., Long Rong, Chung-Yuen Hui, Wu Mingming. 2012. "Mapping 3D Stress and Strain Fields within a Soft Hydrogel using a Fluorescence Microscope." Biophysical Journal 102: 2241-2250.
  • Long, R., A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui, M. Bykhovskaia. 2012. "Adhesion Energy Can Regulate Vesicle Fusion and Stabilize Partially Fused States." J. of Royal Society, Interface 9 (72): 1555-67.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, R. Long. 2012. "A Constitutive Model for the Large Deformation of a Self-Healing gel." Soft Matter 8: 8209-8216.
  • Hall, M S., F. Alisafaei, E. Ban, X. Feng, C Y. Hui, V B. Shenoy, M Wu. 2016."Fibrous nonlinear elasticity enables positive mechanical feedback between cells and ECMs." December.
  • Srivastava, A., A B. Tepole, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2016. "Skin stretching by a balloon tissue expander: Interplay between contact mechanics and skin growth." Extreme Mechanics Letters 9: 175-187.
  • Rong, Long, Lefranc Maxime, Elisabeth Bouchaud, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2016. "Large deformation effects in Mode I crack opening displacement of an Agar gel: A comparison of experiment and theory." Extreme Mechanics letters 9, Part 1: 66-73.
  • Dillen, J., Z. He, C Y. Hui, A Jagota. 2016. "Geometry of defects at shape-complementary soft interfaces." Extreme Mechanics Letters 9:74-83.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, A Jagota. 2016. "Wetting of a partially immersed compliant rod." Journal of Applied Physics 120 (19): 195301-195301.
  • Feng, X., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2016. "Force sensing using 3D displacement measurements in linear elastic bodies." Computational Mechanics 58 (1): 91-105.
  • Guo, J., R. Long, K. Mayumi, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2016. "Mechanics of a Dual Cross-Link Gel with Dynamic Bonds: Steady State Kinetics and Large Deformation Effects." Macromolecules 49 (11): 4378-4378.
  • He, Z., Chung-Yuen Hui, B. Levrard, Y. Bai, A Jagota. 2016. "Strongly Modulated Friction of a Film-Terminated Ridge-Channel Structure." Scientific Reports 6: 26867-26867.
  • Style, R W., A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui, E R Dufresne. 2016. "Elastocapillarity: Surface Tension and the Mechanics of Soft Solids."
  • Mayumi, K., J. Guo, T. Narita, C Y. Hui, C Creton. 2016. "Fracture of dual crosslink gels with permanent and transient crosslinks." Extreme Mechanics Letters 6: 52-59.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, T. Liu, M E Schwaab. 2016. "How does surface tension affect energy release rate of cracks loaded in Mode I?" Extreme Mechanics Letters 6: 31-36.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, A Jagota. 2016. "Effect of Surface Tension on the Relaxation of a Viscoelastic Half-Space Perturbed by a Point Load." Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54 (2): 274-280.
  • Long, R., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2016. "Fracture toughness of hydrogels: measurement and interpretation." Soft Matter 12 (39): 8069-8086.
  • Xu, X., A. Jagota, D. Paretkar, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2016. "Surface tension measurement from the indentation of clamped thin films." Soft Matter 12 (23): 5121-5126.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, Anand Jagota. 2016. "Planar Equilibrium Shape of a Liquid Drop on a Membrane from Young's Equation to Neumann's Triangle." Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the adhesion society
  • He, Z., Chung-Yuen Hui, A. Jagota. 2016. "Strongly Modulated Friction of A Film-Terminated Ridge-Channel Structure." Proceedings of The Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society
  • Long, R., C Y Hui. 2015. "Crack tip fields in soft elastic solids subjected to large quasi-static deformation -- A review." Extreme Mechanics Letters 4: 131-155.
  • Fortoul, N., P. Singh, C Y. Hui, M. Bykhovskaia, A Jagota. 2015. "Coarse-Grained Model of SNARE-Mediated Docking." Biophysical Journal 108 (9): 2258-2269.
  • Long, R., K. Mayumi, C. Creton, T. Narita, C Y Hui. 2015. "Rheology of a dual crosslink self-healing gel: Theory and measurement using parallel-plate torsional rheometry." Journal of Rheology 59 (3): 643-665.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen. 2015. "Adhesive contact of a rigid sphere to a soft elastic substrate - the role of surface tension." Savanna, Georgia
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen. 2015. "Deformation of a solid film with surface tension by a liquid drop." Paper presented at Procedia IUTAM
  • Liu, T., A. Jagota, C Y Hui. 2015. "Adhesive contact of a rigid circular cylinder to a soft elastic substrate - the role of surface tension." Soft Matter 11 (19): 3844-3851.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, A. Jagota, N. Nadermann, X Xu. 2015. "Deformation of a Solid Film with Surface Tension by a Liquid Drop." Procedia IUTAM 12: 116-123.
  • Bai, Ying, Chung-Yuen Hui, Benjamin Levrard, Anand Jagota. 2015. "Enhancement of Friction against a Rough Surface by a Ridge-Channel Surface Microstructure." Langmuir 31 (27): 7581-7589.
  • Hui, C Y., A Jagota. 2015. "Planar equilibrium shapes of a liquid drop on a membrane." Soft Matter 11 (46): 8960-8967.
  • Long, R., K. Mayumi, C. Creton, T. Narita, C - Hui. 2014. "Time Dependent Behavior of a Dual Cross-Link Self-Healing Gel: Theory and Experiments." Macromolecules 47 (20): 7243-7250.
  • Hui, C Y., T. Liu, T. Salez, E. Raphael, A Jagota. 2014. "Indentation of a Rigid Sphere into an Elastic Substrate with Surface Tension and Adhesion." Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471: 20140727.
  • Hui, C -, A Jagota. 2014. "Deformation near a liquid contact line on an elastic substrate." PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 470 (2167).
  • Xu, X., A. Jagota, C Y Hui. 2014. "Effects of surface tension on the adhesive contact of a rigid sphere to a compliant substrate." Soft Matter 10 (26): 4625-4632.
  • Feng, X., M S. Hall, M. Wu, C - Hui. 2014. "An adaptive algorithm for tracking 3D bead displacements: application in biological experiments." MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 25 (5).
  • Bai, Y., A. Jagota, C Y Hui. 2014. "Frictional auto-roughening of a surface with spatially varying stiffness." Soft Matter 10 (13): 2169-2177.
  • Srivastava, A., C Y Hui. 2013. "Large deformation contact mechanics of a pressurized long rectangular membrane. II. Adhesive contact." Proc Math Phys Eng Sci 469 (2160): 20130425.
  • Srivastava, A., C Y Hui. 2013. "Large deformation contact mechanics of long rectangular membranes. I. Adhesionless contact." Proc Math Phys Eng Sci 469 (2160): 20130424.
  • Scrivastava, A., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2013. "Large deformation contact mechanics of long rectangular membranes; I : Adhesionless contact." Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469 (2160): 20130424.
  • Scrivastava, A., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2013. "Large deformation contact mechanics of long rectangular membranes; II : Adhesive contact." Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469 (2160): 20130425.
  • Laprade, E. J., R. Long, J. Pham, A. Crosby, Chung-Yuen Hui, K. R. Shull. 2013. "Large deformation and adhesive contact studies of axisymmetric membrane geometries." Langmuir 29 (5): 1407-1419.
  • Xu, X., A. Jagota, S. Peng, D. Luo, M. Wu, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2013. "Gravity and Surface tensions on shape change of soft materials." Langmuir 29 (27): 8665-8674.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, X. Feng, A. Jagota. 2013. "In-situ measurement of the viscoelastic modulus of gels using pure twist - Theory." Soft Matter 9: 913-920.
  • Nadermann, N., Chung-Yuen Hui, A. Jagota. 2013. "Solid Surface tension measured by a liquid drop under a solid film." PNAS.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, A. Jagota. 2013. "Surface tension, surface energy and chemical potential difference due to their difference." Langmuir 29 (36): 11310-11316.
  • Hall, M. S., R. Long, X. Feng, Y. L. Huang, Chung-Yuen Hui, M. Wu. 2013. "Towards Single Cell Traction Microscopy within 3D Collagen Matrices." Experimental cell research 319 (16): 2396-2408.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, R. Long, M. S. Hall, M. Wu. 2012. "Measuring gel modulus using a micro-indenter: effect of gel thickness and large deformation."
  • Jin, C., A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2012. "Numerical solution of adhesive contact problem involving asymmetric and multiply-connected contact."
  • Evan, Laprade, Long Rong, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2012. "Membrane geometries for adhesive contact measurements: estimation of membrane tension."
  • Singh, Arun K., Ying Bai, Nichole Nadermann, Anand Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2012. "Adhesion of Micro-Channel Based Complementary Surfaces." Langmuir 28 (9): 4213-4222.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, Long Rong. 2012. "Axisymmetric Membrane in Adhesive Contact with Rigid Substrates: Analytical Solutions under Large Deformation." International Journal of Solids and Structures 49: 672-683.
  • Long, R., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2012. "Crack buckling in soft gels under compression." Acta Mechanica Sinica 28 (4): 1098-1105.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, R. Rong. 2012. "Direct extraction of work of adhesion from contact experiments: Generalization of JKR theory to flexible structures and large deformation." J. of Adhesion 88: 70-85.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, R. Long, J. Ning. 2012. "Stress relaxation near the tip of a stationary Mode I crack in a poro-elastic solid." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME.
  • Aksak, B., Chung-Yuen Hui, M Setti. 2011. "The Effect of Aspect Ratio on Adhesion and Stiffness for Soft Elastic Fibers." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8 (7): 1166-1175.
  • Long, R., S. Hall, M. Wu, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2011. "Effects of Gel Thickness on Microscopic Indentation Measurements of Gel Modulus." Biophysical Journal 101 (3): 643-650.
  • Long, Rong, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2011. "Effect of Finite Chain Extensibility on the Stress Fields near the Tip of a Mode III Crack." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 467: 3170-3187.
  • Long, Rong, V R. Kristnan, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2011. "Finite strain analysis of crack tip fields in incompressible hyperelastic materials loaded in plane stress." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (3): 672-695.
  • Cristiano, A., A. Marcellan, R. Long, Chung-Yuen Hui, J. Stolk, C Creton. 2010. "An experimental investigation of fracture by cavitation of model elastomeric networks." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 48 (13): 1409-1422.
  • Naderman, N., J. Ning, A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2010. "Active Switching of Adhesion in a Film-Terminated Fibrillar Structure." Langmuir 26 (19): 15464-15471.
  • Wu, Guan-Wei, Wen-Pin Shih, Chung-Yuen Hui, Sih-Li Chen, Shi-Yuan Lee. 2010. "Bonding Strength of Pressurized Microchannels Fabricated by Polydimethylsiloxane and Silicon." Journal of Micromechanical Microengineering 20: 115032-115040.
  • Czabaj, M W., A. Zehnder, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2010. "Delamination of Moisture Saturated Graphite/Polymide Composites Due to Rapid Heating." Journal of Composite Part B: Engineering 41: 568-577.
  • Long, R., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2010. "Effect of triaxiality on the growth of crack like cavities in soft incompressible elastic solids." Soft Matter 6: 1238-1245.
  • Long, R., Chung-Yuen Hui, K Shull. 2010. "Large Deformation Adhesive Contact Mechanics of Circular Membranes with a Flat Rigid Substrate." JMPS 58: 1225-1242.
  • Cheng, W. L., M. R. Hartman, D. M. Smilgies, R. Long, M. J. Campolongo, R. P. Li, K. Sekar, Chung-Yuen Hui, D. Luo. 2010. "Probing in Real Time the Soft Crystallization of DNA-Capped Nanoparticles." Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 49 (2): 378-382.
  • Cheng, Wenlong, Mark R. Hartman, Detlef-M Smilgies, Rong Long, Michael J. Campolongo, Li Ruipeng, Karthik Sekar, Chung-Yuen Hui, Daniel Luo. 2010. "Probing in Real-Time the Soft Crystallization of DNA-Capped Nanoparticles." Angewandte Chemie 49: 380-384.
  • Cheng, Wenlong, Mark Hartman, Detlef Smilgies, Rong Long, Michael Campolongo, R. Li, K. Sekar, Chung-Yuen Hui, Dan Luo. 2010."Probing in Real Time the Soft Crystallization of DNA-Capped Nanoparticles." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 49 (2): 380-384.
  • Liu, J. Z., C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota. 2009. "Effect of Fibril Arrangement on Crack Trapping in a Film-Terminated Fibrillar Interface." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 47 (23): 2368-2384.
  • Liu, J., Chung-Yuen Hui, A. Jagota, L. Shen. 2009. "A model for static friction in a film-terminated microfibril array." Journal of Applied Physics 106 (5).
  • Krishnan, V. R., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2009. "Finite strain stress fields near the tip of an interface crack between a soft incompressible elastic material and a rigid substrate." European Physical Journal E 29 (1): 61-72.
  • Long, R., C. Y. Hui. 2009. "The effect of preload on the pull-off force in indentation tests of microfibre arrays." Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 465 (2103): 961-981.
  • Vajpayee, S., R. Long, L. L. Shen, A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2009. "Effect of Rate on Adhesion and Static Friction of a Film-Terminated Fibrillar Interface." Langmuir 25 (5): 2765-2771.
  • Shen, L. L., A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui. 2009. "Mechanism of Sliding Friction on a Film-Terminated Fibrillar Interface." Langmuir 25 (5): 2772-2780.
  • Seitz, M. E., D. Martina, T. Baumberger, V. R. Krishnan, Chung-Yuen Hui, K. R. Shull. 2009. "Fracture and large strain behavior of self-assembled triblock copolymer gels." Soft Matter 5 (2): 447-456.
  • Krishnan, V. R., C. Y. Hui, R. Long. 2008. "Finite Strain Crack Tip Fields in Soft Incompressible Elastic Solids." Langmuir 24 (24): 14245-14253.
  • Shen, L. L., Chung-Yuen Hui, A. Jagota. 2008. "A two-dimensional model for enhanced adhesion of film-terminated fibrillar interfaces by crack trapping." Journal of Applied Physics 104 (12).
  • Manohar, S., A. R. Mantz, K. E. Bancroft, C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota, D. V. Vezenov. 2008. "Peeling Single-Stranded DNA from Graphite Surface to Determine Oligonucleotide Binding Energy by Force Spectroscopy." Nano letters 8 (12): 4365-4372.
  • Liu, J. Z., C. Y. Hui, L. L. Shen, A. Jagota. 2008. "Compliance of a microfibril subjected to shear and normal loads." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (26): 1087-1097.
  • Vajpayee, S., C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota. 2008. "Model-independent extraction of adhesion energy from indentation experiments." Langmuir24 (17): 9401-9409.
  • Long, R., C. Y. Hui, S. Kim, M. Sitti. 2008. "Modeling the soft backing layer thickness effect on adhesion of elastic microfiber arrays." Journal of Applied Physics 104 (4).
  • Porwal, P. K., C. Y. Hui. 2008. "Strength statistics of adhesive contact between a fibrillar structure and a rough substrate." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (21): 441-448.
  • Glassmaker, N. J., C. Y. Hui, T. Yamaguchi, C. Creton. 2008. "Detachment of stretched viscoelastic fibrils." European Physical Journal E25 (3): 253-266.
  • Krishnan, V. R., C. Y. Hui. 2008. "Large deformation of soft elastic materials in adhesive contact with a rigid cylindrical flat punch." Soft Matter 4 (9): 1909-1915.
  • Lin, P. C., S. Vajpayee, A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui, S. Yang. 2008. "Mechanically tunable dry adhesive from wrinkled elastomers." Soft Matter 4 (9): 1830-1835.
  • Shen, L., N. J. Glassmaker, A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui. 2008. "Strongly enhanced static friction using a film-terminated fibrillar interface." Soft Matter 4 (3): 618-625.
  • Kim, S., M. Sitti, Chung-Yuen Hui, R. Long, A. Jagota. 2007. "Effect of backing layer thickness on adhesion of single-level elastomer fiber arrays." Applied Physics Letters 91 (16).
  • Noderer, W. L., L. Shen, S. Vajpayee, N. J. Glassmaker, A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2007. "Enhanced adhesion and compliance of film-terminated fibrillar surfaces." Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 463 (2086): 2631-2654.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. J. Jagota, L. L. Shen, A. Rajan, N. Glassmaker, T. Tang. 2007. "Design of bio-inspired fibrillar interfaces for contact and adhesion - theory and experiments." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 21 (12): 1259-1280.
  • Lin, W. C., K. R. Shull, C. Y. Hui, Y. Y. Lin. 2007. "Contact measurement of internal fluid flow within poly (n-isopropylacrylamide) gels." Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (9).
  • Glassmaker, N. J., A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui, W. L. Noderer, M. K. Chaudhury. 2007. "Biologically inspired crack trapping for enhanced adhesion." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (26): 10786-10791.
  • Muralidharan, V., C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Effect of heating rate on steam pressure induced in crack-like cavities in moisture saturated polymer matrix composites." International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (20): 6085-6099.
  • Yoo, S. H., C. Cohen, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Mechanical and swelling properties of PDMS interpenetrating polymer networks." Polymer 47(17): 6226-6235.
  • Muralidharan, V., C. Y. Hui, V. R. Krishnan, K. D. Papoulia. 2006. "A flow through porous media model for pore pressure during heating of polymer-matrix composites." Composites Science and Technology 66 (10): 1409-1417.
  • Tang, T., C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota. 2006. "Line of charges in electrolyte solution near a half-space II. Electric field of a single charge." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 299 (2): 572-579.
  • Yavuz, A. K., K. D. Papoulia, Stuart Leigh Phoenix, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Stability analysis of stitched composite plate system with delamination under hygrothermal pressure." AIAA Journal 44 (7): 1579-1585.
  • Tang, T., A. Jagota, M. K. Chaudhury, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Thermal fluctuations limit the adhesive strength of compliant solids." Journal of Adhesion 82 (7): 671-696.
  • Muralidharan, V., Chung-Yuen Hui, J. Dollhofer, C. Creton, Y. Y. Lin. 2006. "Machine compliance and hardening effects on cavity growth in soft adhesives." International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 26 (3): 117-124.
  • TerMaath, S. C., Stuart Leigh Phoenix, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "A technique for studying interacting cracks of complex geometry in 2D."Engineering Fracture Mechanics 73 (8): 1086-1114.
  • Yeh, J. A., J. Y. Huang, C. N. Chen, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Design of an electrostatic rotary comb actuator." Journal of Microlithography Microfabrication and Microsystems 5 (2).
  • Tang, T., C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota. 2006. "Adhesive contact driven by electrostatic forces." Journal of Applied Physics 99 (5).
  • Gurumurthy, C., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Controlling interfacial interpenetration and fracture properties of polyimide/epoxy interfaces." Journal of Adhesion 82 (3): 239-266.
  • Hui, C. Y., Y. Y. Lin, F. C. Chuang, K. R. Shull, W. C. Lin. 2006. "A contact mechanics method for characterizing the elastic properties and permeability of gels." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 44 (2): 359-370.
  • Phoenix, Stuart Leigh, A. K. Yavuz, K. D. Papoulia, C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Buckling analysis of delaminated and stitched composite plate system under hygrothermal pressure." Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transactions of the Asme 128 (1): 117-122.
  • Muralidharan, V., C. Y. Hui. 2006. "Steam pressure generated in a spherical cavity in a moisture saturated polymer matrix composite during rapid heating." Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transactions of the Asme 128 (1): 50-54.
  • Tang, T., C. Y. Hui, N. J. Glassmaker. 2005. "Can a fibrillar interface be stronger and tougher than a non-fibrillar one?" Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2 (5): 505-516.
  • Tang, T., C. Y. Hui. 2005. "Decohesion of a rigid punch from an elastic layer: Transition from "flaw sensitive" to "flaw insensitive" regime." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 43 (24): 3628-3637.
  • Hui, C. Y., V. Muralidharan. 2005. "Gel mechanics: A comparison of the theories of Biot and Tanaka, Hocker, and Benedek." Journal of Chemical Physics 123 (15).
  • Khripin, C., A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui. 2005. "Electric fields in an electrolyte solution near a strip of fixed potential." Journal of Chemical Physics 123 (13).
  • Glassmaker, N. J., A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui. 2005. "Adhesion enhancement in a biomimetic fibrillar interface." Acta Biomaterialia 1 (4): 367-375.
  • Hui, C. Y., N. J. Glassmaker, A. Jagota. 2005. "How compliance compensates for surface roughness in fibrillar adhesion." Journal of Adhesion 81 (7-8): 699-721.
  • Sharma, I., Joseph Arthur Burns, C. Y. Hui. 2005. "Nutational damping times in solids of revolution." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 359 (1): 79-92.
  • Tang, T., A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui. 2005. "Adhesion between single-walled carbon nanotubes." Journal of Applied Physics 97 (7).
  • Tang, T., A. Jagota, C. Y. Hui, N. J. Glassmaker. 2005. "Collapse of single-walled carbon nanotubes." Journal of Applied Physics 97 (7).
  • Tang, T., Chung-Yuen Hui, H. G. Retsos, E. J. Kramer. 2005. "Characterization of a fracture specimen for crack growth in epoxy due to thermal fatigue." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72 (5): 791-805.
  • Hui, C. Y., V. Muralidharan, Michael Olgar Thompson. 2005. "Steam pressure induced in crack-like cavities in moisture saturated polymer matrix composites during rapid heating." International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (3-4): 1055-1072.
  • Shih, W. P., M. F. Pai, Y. Y. Lin, C. Y. Hui, N. C. Tien. 2004. "Impact dynamics of micromachined bidirectional electrothermal vibromotors." Journal of Applied Physics 96 (12): 7603-7611.
  • Hui, C. Y., N. J. Glassmaker, T. Tang, A. Jagota. 2004. "Design of biomimetic fibrillar interfaces: 2. Mechanics of enhanced adhesion." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 1 (1): 35-48.
  • Dollhofer, J., A. Chiche, V. Muralidharan, C. Creton, C. Y. Hui. 2004. "Surface energy effects for cavity growth and nucleation in an incompressible neo-Hookean material - modeling and experiment." International Journal of Solids and Structures 41 (22-23): 6111-6127.
  • Glassmaker, N. J., C. Y. Hui. 2004. "Elastica solution for a nanotube formed by self-adhesion of a folded thin film." Journal of Applied Physics 96 (6): 3429-3434.
  • Muralidharan, V., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2004. "Stability of nanoporous materials." Macromolecular Rapid Communications 25 (16): 1487-1490.
  • Sharp, K. G., G. S. Blackman, N. J. Glassmaker, A. Jagota, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2004. "Effect of stamp deformation on the quality of microcontact printing: Theory and experiment." Langmuir 20 (15): 6430-6438.
  • Hui, C. Y., T. Tang, Y. Y. Lin, M. K. Chaudhury. 2004. "Failure of elastomeric polymers due to rate dependent bond rupture." Langmuir20 (14): 6052-6064.
  • Lin, Y. Y., Chung-Yuen Hui. 2004. "Cavity growth from crack-like defects in soft materials." International Journal of Fracture 126 (3):205-221.
  • Shih, W. P., C. Y. Hui, N. C. Tien. 2004. "Collapse of microchannels during anodic bonding: Theory and experiments." Journal of Applied Physics 95 (5): 2800-2808.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. Jagota, S. J. Bennison, J. D. Londono. 2003. "Crack blunting and the strength of soft elastic solids." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 459 (2034): 1489-1516.
  • Lin, Y. Y., C. Y. Hui, Y. C. Wang. 2002. "Modeling the failure of an adhesive layer in a peel test." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 40 (19): 2277-2291.
  • Baker, Shefford P., X. Wang, C. Y. Hui. 2002. "Effect of nonlinear elastic behavior on bilayer decohesion of thin metal films from nonmetal substrates." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 69 (4): 407-414.
  • Lin, Y. Y., C. Y. Hui. 2002. "Mechanics of contact and adhesion between viscoelastic spheres: An analysis of hysteresis during loading and unloading." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 40 (9): 772-793.
  • Hui, C. Y., Y. Y. Lin, C. Creton. 2002. "Bonding of a viscoelastic periodic rough surface to a rigid layer." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 40 (6): 545-561.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. Jagota, Y. Y. Lin, E. J. Kramer. 2002. "Constraints on microcontact printing imposed by stamp deformation." Langmuir 18(4): 1394-1407.
  • Creton, C., E. J. Kramer, H. R. Brown, C. Y. Hui. 2002. "Adhesion and fracture of interfaces between immiscible polymers: From the molecular to the continuum scale." Molecular Simulation Fracture Gel Theory 156: 53-136.
  • Crosby, A. J., K. R. Shull, Y. Y. Lin, C. Y. Hui. 2002. "Rheological properties and adhesive failure of thin viscoelastic layers." Journal of Rheology 46 (1): 273-294.
  • Tian, L., R. Dieckmann, C. Y. Hui, J. G. Couillard. 2001. "Effect of water incorporation on the diffusion of sodium in an alkaline-earth boroaluminosilicate glass." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 296 (1-2): 123-134.
  • Tian, L., Michael Olgar Thompson, R. Dieckmann, C. Y. Hui, Y. Y. Lin. 2001. "Bulk diffusion measurements to study the effectiveness of barrier layers: I. Mathematical treatment." Journal of Applied Physics 90 (8): 3799-3809.
  • Gurumurthy, C. K., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 2001. "Hydro-thermal fatigue of polymer interfaces." Acta Materialia 49 (16): 3309-3320.
  • Tian, L., R. Dieckmann, C. Y. Hui, Y. Y. Lin, J. G. Couillard. 2001. "Effect of water incorporation on the diffusion of sodium in Type I silica glass." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 286 (3): 146-161.
  • Pettit, R. G., C. S. Chen, Anthony R. Ingraffea, C. Y. Hui. 2001. "Process zone size effects on naturally curving cracks." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 68 (10): 1181-1205.
  • Dunn, M. L., C. Y. Hui, P. E. W. Labossiere, Y. Y. Lin. 2001. "Small scale geometric and material features at geometric discontinuities and their role in fracture analysis." International Journal of Fracture 110 (2): 101-121.
  • Hui, C. Y., Y. Y. Lin, J. M. Baney, E. J. Kramer. 2001. "The mechanics of contact and adhesion of periodically rough surfaces." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 39 (11): 1195-1214.
  • Lin, Y. Y., C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota. 2001. "The role of viscoelastic adhesive contact in the sintering of polymeric particles." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 237 (2): 267-282.
  • Gurumurthy, C. K., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 2001. "Water-assisted sub-critical crack growth along an interface between polyimide passivation and epoxy underfill." International Journal of Fracture 109 (1): 1-28.
  • Baney, J. M., C. Y. Hui, C. Cohen. 2001. "Experimental investigations of a stress intensity factor based description of the adhesion of viscoelastic materials." Langmuir 17 (3): 681-687.
  • Lin, Y. Y., C. Y. Hui, H. D. Conway. 2000. "A detailed elastic analysis of the flat punch (Tack) test for pressure-sensitive adhesives." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 38 (21): 2769-2784.
  • Shia, D., C. Y. Hui. 2000. "A Monte Carlo solution method for linear elasticity." International Journal of Solids and Structures 37 (42):6085-6105.
  • Hui, C. Y., H. D. Conway, Y. Y. Lin. 2000. "A reexamination of residual stresses in thin films and of the validity of Stoney's estimate." Journal of Electronic Packaging 122 (3): 267-273.
  • Hui, C. Y., J. L. A. Yeh, N. C. Tien. 2000. "Calculation of electrostatic forces and torques in MEMS using path-independent integrals." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 10 (3): 477-482.
  • Zucchini, A., C. Y. Hui, A. Zehnder. 2000. "Crack tip stress fields for thin, cracked plates in bending, shear and twisting: A comparison of plate theory and three-dimensional elasticity theory solutions." International Journal of Fracture 104 (4): 387-407.
  • Shia, D., C. Y. Hui, Stuart Leigh Phoenix. 2000. "Statistics of fragmentation in a single-fiber composite under matrix yielding and debonding with application to the strength of multi-fiber composites." Composites Science and Technology 60 (11): 2107-2128.
  • Hui, C. Y., Y. Y. Lin, J. M. Baney. 2000. "The mechanics of tack: Viscoelastic contact on a rough surface." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 38 (11): 1485-1495.
  • Zehnder, Alan, Chung-Yuen Hui. 2000. "A simple model relating crack growth resistance to fracture process parameters in elastic-plastic solids." Scripta Materialia 42 (10): 1001-1005.
  • Yeh, J. L. A., C. Y. Hui, N. C. Tien. 2000. "Electrostatic model for an asymmetric combdrive." Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems9 (1): 126-135.
  • Hui, C. Y., Y. Y. Lin, J. M. Baney, A. Jagota. 2000. "The accuracy of the geometric assumptions in the JKR (Johnson-Kendall-Roberts) theory of adhesion." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 14 (10): 1297-1319.
  • Kolhe, R., S. Tang, Chung-Yuen Hui, Alan Zehnder. 1999. "Cohesive properties of nickel-alumina interfaces determined via simulation of ductile bridging experiments." International Journal of Solids and Structures 36 (36): 5573-5595.
  • Baney, J. M., C. Y. Hui. 1999. "Viscoelastic crack healing and adhesion." Journal of Applied Physics 86 (8): 4232-4241.
  • Lin, Y. Y., C. Y. Hui, J. M. Baney. 1999. "Viscoelastic contract, work of adhesion and the JKR technique." Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 32 (17): 2250-2260.
  • Sha, Y., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer. 1999. "Simulation of craze failure in a glassy polymer: rate dependent drawing and rate dependent failure models." Journal of Materials Science 34 (15): 3695-3707.
  • Hui, C. Y., D. Shia. 1999. "Evaluations of hypersingular integrals using Gaussian quadrature." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 44 (2): 205-214.
  • Hui, C. Y., D. Shia, L. A. Berglund. 1999. "Estimation of interfacial shear strength: an application of a new statistical theory for single fiber composite test." Composites Science and Technology 59 (13): 2037-2046.
  • Gurumurthy, C. K., J. Jiao, L. G. Norris, C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer. 1998. "A thermo-mechanical approach for fatigue testing of polymer bimaterial interfaces." Journal of Electronic Packaging 120 (4): 372-378.
  • Jiao, J., C. K. Gurumurthy, E. J. Kramer, Y. Sha, C. Y. Hui, P. Borgesen. 1998. "Measurement of interfacial fracture toughness under combined mechanical and thermal stresses." Journal of Electronic Packaging 120 (4): 349-353.
  • Hui, C. Y., J. M. Baney, E. J. Kramer. 1998. "Contact mechanics and adhesion of viscoelastic spheres." Langmuir 14 (22): 6570-6578.
  • Shia, D., C. Y. Hui, S. D. Burnside, Emmanuel P Giannelis. 1998. "An interface model for the prediction of Young's modulus of layered silicate-elastomer nanocomposites." Polymer Composites 19 (5): 608-617.
  • Perutz, S., E. J. Kramer, J. Baney, C. Y. Hui, C. Cohen. 1998. "Investigation of adhesion hysteresis in poly (dimethylsiloxane) networks using the JKR technique." Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 36 (12): 2129-2139.
  • Hui, C. Y., D. Shia. 1998. "Simple formulae for the effective moduli of unidirectional aligned composites." Polymer Engineering and Science 38 (5): 774-782.
  • Kolhe, R., Chung-Yuen Hui, A Zehnder. 1998. "Effects of finite notch width on the fracture of chevron-notched specimens." International Journal of Fracture 94 (2): 189-198.
  • Kogan, L., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer, E. Wallace. 1998. "Rate dependence of the peel force in peel-apart imaging films." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 12 (1): 71-94.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, A. Zehnder, Y. K. Potdar. 1998. "Williams meets von Karman: Mode coupling and nonlinearity in the fracture of thin plates." International Journal of Fracture 93 (1-4): 409-429.
  • Perutz, S., E. J. Kramer, J. Baney, C. Y. Hui. 1997. "Adhesion between hydrolyzed surfaces of poly (dimethylsiloxane) networks." Macromolecules 30 (25): 7964-7969.
  • Dai, C. A., C. O. Osuji, K. D. Jandt, B. J. Dair, C. K. Ober, E. J. Kramer, Chung-Yuen Hui. 1997. "Effect of the monomer ratio on the strengthening of polymer phase boundaries by random copolymers." Macromolecules 30 (22): 6727-6736.
  • Sha, Y., C. Y. Hui, A. Ruina, E. J. Kramer. 1997. "Detailed simulation of craze fibril failure at a crack tip in a glassy polymer." Acta Materialia 45 (9): 3555-3563.
  • Zehnder, A., Chung-Yuen Hui, E. D. Rodeghiero. 1997. "Chevron-notched toughness of materials with rising fracture resistance curves." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 80 (5): 1319-1322.
  • Dai, C. A., K. D. Jandt, D. R. Iyengar, N. L. Slack, K. H. Dai, W. B. Davidson, E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 1997. "Strengthening polymer interfaces with triblock copolymers." Macromolecules 30 (3): 549-560.
  • Phoenix, Stuart Leigh, M. Ibnabdeljalil, C. Y. Hui. 1997. "Size effects in the distribution for strength of brittle matrix fibrous composites." International Journal of Solids and Structures 34 (5): 545-568.
  • Baney, J. M., C. Y. Hui. 1997. "A cohesive zone model for the adhesion of cylinders." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 11(3): 393-406.
  • Sha, Y., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer, P. D. Garrett, J. W. Knapczyk. 1997. "Analysis of adhesion and interface debonding in laminated safety glass." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 11 (1): 49-63.
  • Hui, C. Y., S. Mukherjee. 1997. "Evaluation of hypersingular integrals in the boundary element method by complex variable techniques." International Journal of Solids and Structures 34 (2): 203-221.
  • Hui, C. Y., Stuart Leigh Phoenix, D. Shia. 1997. "The single-filament-composite test: A new statistical theory for estimating the interfacial shear strength and Weibull parameters for fiber strength." Composites Science and Technology 57 (12): 1707-1725.
  • Dai, C. A., E. J. Kramer, J. Washiyama, C. Y. Hui. 1996. "Fracture toughness of polymer interface reinforced with diblock copolymer: Effect of homopolymer molecular weight." Macromolecules 29 (23): 7536-7543.
  • Zucchini, A., C. Y. Hui. 1996. "Detailed analysis of the fibre pull-out test." Journal of Materials Science 31 (21): 5631-5641.
  • Hui, C. Y., Stuart Leigh Phoenix, L. Kogan. 1996. "Analysis of fragmentation in the single filament composite: Roles of fiber strength distributions and exclusion zone models." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 44 (10): 1715-1737.
  • Bodstein, G. C. R., A.R. George, C. Y. Hui. 1996. "The three-dimensional interaction of a streamwise vortex with a large-chord lifting surface: Theory and experiment." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 322: 51-79.
  • Kogan, L., C. Y. Hui, V. Molkov. 1996. "Stress and induction field of a spheroidal inclusion or a penny-shaped crack in a transversely isotropic piezoelectric material." International Journal of Solids and Structures 33 (19): 2719-2737.
  • Chaudhury, M. K., T. Weaver, C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer. 1996. "Adhesive contact of cylindrical lens and a flat sheet." Journal of Applied Physics 80 (1): 30-37.
  • Sha, Y., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer, S. F. Hahn, C. A. Berglund. 1996. "Fracture toughness and failure mechanisms of epoxy/rubber-modified polystyrene (HIPS) interfaces reinforced by grafted chains." Macromolecules 29 (13): 4728-4736.
  • Kogan, L., C. Y. Hui, A. Ruina. 1996. "Theory of chain pull-out and stability of weak polymer interfaces .1." Macromolecules 29 (11):4090-4100.
  • Kogan, L., C. Y. Hui, A. Ruina. 1996. "Theory of chain pull-out and stability of weak polymer interfaces .2." Macromolecules 29 (11):4101-4106.
  • Kallivayalil, J. A., Chung-Yuen Hui, A Zehnder. 1996. "A method for thermo-mechanical analysis of steady state dynamic crack growth." International Journal of Solids and Structures 33 (13): 1867-1889.
  • Kolhe, R., W. Ye, C. Y. Hui, S. Mukherjee. 1996. "Complex variable formulations for usual and hypersingular integral equations for potential problems - With applications to corners and cracks." Computational Mechanics 17 (5): 279-286.
  • Kolhe, R., C. Y. Hui, E. Ustundag, S. L. Sass. 1996. "Residual thermal stresses and calculation of the critical metal particle size for interfacial crack extension in metal-ceramic matrix composites." Acta Materialia 44 (1): 279-287.
  • Hui, C. Y., Stuart Leigh Phoenix, M. Ibnabdeljalil, R. L. Smith. 1995. "An Exact Closed-Form Solution for Fragmentation of Weibull Fibers in a Single Filament Composite with Applications to Fiber-Reinforced Ceramics." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids43 (10): 1551-1585.
  • Song, Y., G. Bao, C. Y. Hui. 1995. "On Creep of Unidirectional Fiber Composites with Fiber Damage." Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia 43(7): 2615-2623.
  • Dai, C. A., B. J. Dair, K. H. Dai, Christopher Kemper Ober, E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui, L. W. Jelinski. 1995. "Reinforcement of Polymer Interfaces with Random Copolymers - an Example of Interfacial Self-Stitching - Reply." Physical review letters 74 (14): 2837-2837.
  • Sha, Y., C. Y. Hui, A. Ruina, E. J. Kramer. 1995. "Continuum and Discrete Modeling of Craze Failure at a Crack-Tip in a Glassy Polymer." Macromolecules 28 (7): 2450-2459.
  • Hui, C. Y., E. J. Kramer. 1995. "Molecular-Weight Dependence of the Fracture-Toughness of Glassy-Polymers Arising from Crack-Propagation through a Craze." Polymer Engineering and Science 35 (5): 419-425.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. Ruina. 1995. "Why K - High-Order Singularities and Small-Scale Yielding." International Journal of Fracture 72 (2): 97-120.
  • Dai, C. A., B. J. Dair, K. H. Dai, Christopher Kemper Ober, E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui, L. W. Jelinski. 1994. "Reinforcement of Polymer Interfaces with Random Copolymers." Physical review letters 73 (18): 2472-2475.
  • Xiao, F., C. Y. Hui. 1994. "A Boundary-Element Method for Calculating the K-Field for Cracks along a Bimaterial Interface." Computational Mechanics 15 (1): 58-78.
  • Zehnder, A., Chung-Yuen Hui. 1994. "Stress Intensity Factors for Plate-Bending and Shearing Problems." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 61 (3): 719-722.
  • Xiao, F., C. Y. Hui, J. Washiyama, E. J. Kramer. 1994. "Phase-Angle Effects on Fracture-Toughness of Polymer Interfaces Reinforced with Block-Copolymers." Macromolecules 27 (15): 4382-4390.
  • Hui, C. Y., M. T. A. Saif. 1994. "Asymptotic Stress-Field of a Mode-Iii Crack Growing Along an Elastic Elastic Power-Law Creeping Bimaterial Interface." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme 61 (2): 384-389.
  • Washiyama, J., E. J. Kramer, C. F. Creton, C. Y. Hui. 1994. "Chain Pullout Fracture of Polymer Interfaces." Macromolecules 27 (8): 2019-2024.
  • Taher, M., A. Saif, C. Y. Hui. 1994. "Plane-Strain Asymptotic Fields of a Crack Growing Along an Elastic-Elastic Power-Law Creeping Bi-Material Interface." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 42 (2): 181-214.
  • Brown, H. R., C. Y. Hui, E. Raphael. 1994. "Interplay between Intermolecular Interactions and Chain Pullout in the Adhesion of Elastomers." Macromolecules 27 (2): 608-609.
  • Kramer, E. J., L. J. Norton, C. A. Dal, Y. Sha, Chung-Yuen Hui. 1994. "Strengthening Polymer Interfaces." Faraday Discussions 98: 31-46.
  • Saif, M. T. A., C. Y. Hui. 1993. "Near-Tip Fields for a Stationary Mode-Iii Crack between a Linear Elastic and an Elastic Power-Law Hardening Material." International Journal of Fracture 64 (1): 1-26.
  • Washiyama, J., C. Creton, E. J. Kramer, F. Xiao, C. Y. Hui. 1993. "Optimum Toughening of Homopolymer Interfaces with Block-Copolymers." Macromolecules 26 (22): 6011-6020.
  • Xiao, F., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer. 1993. "Analysis of a Mixed-Mode Fracture Specimen - the Asymmetric Double Cantilever Beam." Journal of Materials Science 28 (20): 5620-5629.
  • Smith, J. W., E. J. Kramer, F. Xiao, C. Y. Hui, W. Reichert, H. R. Brown. 1993. "Measurement of the Fracture-Toughness of Polymer Non-Polymer Interfaces." Journal of Materials Science 28 (15): 4234-4244.
  • Hui, Chung-Yuen, A Zehnder. 1993. "A Theory for the Fracture of Thin Plates Subjected to Bending and Twisting Moments." International Journal of Fracture 61 (3): 211-229.
  • Hui, C. Y., E. Raphael. 1993. "The Cohesive Zone Problem - a Comparison between Degennes Approach and the Weight Function Derivation." International Journal of Fracture 61 (3): R51-R54.
  • Washiyama, J., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 1993. "Fracture Mechanisms of Polymer Interfaces Reinforced with Block Copolymers - Transition from Chain Pullout to Crazing." Macromolecules 26 (11): 2928-2934.
  • Wang, Y. C., C. Y. Hui, A. Jagota. 1993. "Transverse Fracture in Laminated Fiber-Reinforced Brittle Matrix Composites." Mechanics of Materials 15 (3): 183-199.
  • Saif, M. T. A., Chung-Yuen Hui, A Zehnder. 1993. "Interface Shear Stresses Induced by Nonuniform Heating of a Film on a Substrate." Thin Solid Films 224 (2): 159-167.
  • Hui, C. Y., Y. C. Chen. 1993. "Evaluation of a Complex Stress Intensity Factor of Interface Cracks - a Perturbation Approach." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 60 (1): 221-222.
  • Dollar, A., P. S. Steif, Y. C. Wang, C. Y. Hui. 1993. "Analyses of the Fiber Push-out Test." International Journal of Solids and Structures30 (10): 1313-1329.
  • Hui, C. Y., D. B. Xu, E. J. Kramer. 1992. "A Fracture Model for a Weak Interface in a Viscoelastic Material (Small-Scale Yielding Analysis)."Journal of Applied Physics 72 (8): 3294-3304.
  • Xu, D. B., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer. 1992. "Interface Fracture and Viscoelastic Deformation in Finite Size Specimens." Journal of Applied Physics 72 (8): 3305-3316.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. Ruina, C. Creton, E. J. Kramer. 1992. "Micromechanics of Crack-Growth into a Craze in a Polymer Glass." Macromolecules25 (15): 3948-3955.
  • Creton, C., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui, H. R. Brown. 1992. "Failure Mechanisms of Polymer Interfaces Reinforced with Block Copolymers." Macromolecules 25 (12): 3075-3088.
  • Mason, D. D., C. Y. Hui, Stuart Leigh Phoenix. 1992. "Stress Profiles around a Fiber Break in a Composite with a Nonlinear, Power Law Creeping Matrix." International Journal of Solids and Structures 29 (23): 2829-2854.
  • Wang, Y. C., C. Y. Hui, D. Lagoudas, J. Papadopoulos. 1991. "Small-Scale Crack Blunting at a Bimaterial Interface with Coulomb-Friction." International Journal of Fracture 52 (4): 293-306.
  • Fager, L. O., J. L. Bassani, C. Y. Hui, D. B. Xu. 1991. "Aspects of Cohesive Zone Models and Crack-Growth in Rate-Dependent Materials." International Journal of Fracture 52 (2): 119-144.
  • Xu, D. B., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer, C. Creton. 1991. "A Micromechanical Model of Crack-Growth along Polymer Interfaces." Mechanics of Materials 11 (3): 257-268.
  • Aksel, B., C. Y. Hui, D. C. Lagoudas. 1991. "Effects of a Frictional Interface on the Load Diffusion from a Broken Filament Embedded in an Elastic Medium." International Journal of Solids and Structures 27 (7): 833-847.
  • Chen, Y. C., C. Y. Hui. 1990. "Load-Transfer in a Composite Containing a Broken Fiber with Imperfect Bonding." Mechanics of Materials 10 (3): 161-172.
  • Jagota, A., C. Y. Hui. 1990. "The Effective Thermal-Conductivity of a Packing of Spheres." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 57 (3): 789-791.
  • Hui, C. Y., D. C. Lagoudas. 1990. "Stress-Fields of Interface Dislocations." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 57(1): 247-248.
  • Bao, G., C. Y. Hui. 1990. "Effects of Interface Debonding on the Toughness of Ductile Particle Reinforced Ceramics." International Journal of Solids and Structures 26 (5-6): 631-642.
  • Ognjanovic, R., C. Y. Hui, E. J. Kramer. 1990. "The Study of Polystyrene Surface Swelling by Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Rutherford Backscattering Techniques." Journal of Materials Science 25 (1B): 514-518.
  • Lagoudas, D. C., C. Y. Hui, Stuart Leigh Phoenix. 1989. "Time Evolution of Overstress Profiles near Broken Fibers in a Composite with a Viscoelastic Matrix." International Journal of Solids and Structures 25 (1): 45-66.
  • Lasky, R. C., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 1988. "Temperature-Dependence of Case-Ii Diffusion." Polymer 29 (6): 1131-1136.
  • Lasky, R. C., E. J. Kramer, C. Y. Hui. 1988. "The Initial-Stages of Case-Ii Diffusion at Low Penetrant Activities." Polymer 29 (4): 673-679.
  • Banthia, V., C. Y. Hui. 1988. "The Transient Stress-Field near the Tip of a Stationary Crack in a Material Undergoing Creep-Constraint Grain-Boundary Cavitation." International Journal of Solids and Structures 24 (3): 301-312.
  • Hui, C. Y., K. C. Wu, R. C. Lasky, E. J. Kramer. 1987. "Case-Ii Diffusion in Polymers .1. Transient Swelling." Journal of Applied Physics 61(11): 5129-5136.
  • Hui, C. Y., K. C. Wu, R. C. Lasky, E. J. Kramer. 1987. "Case-Ii Diffusion in Polymers .2. Steady-State Front Motion." Journal of Applied Physics 61 (11): 5137-5149.
  • Wu, K. C., C. Y. Hui. 1987. "A Complex-Variable Method for Two-Dimensional Internal-Stress Problems and Its Applications to Crack-Growth in Nonelastic Materials .1. Theory." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 54 (1): 59-64.
  • Wu, K. C., C. Y. Hui. 1987. "A Complex-Variable Method for Two-Dimensional Internal-Stress Problems and Its Applications to Crack-Growth in Nonelastic Materials .2. Applications." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 54 (1): 65-71.
  • Jagota, A., C. Y. Hui, P. R. Dawson. 1987. "The Determination of Fracture-Toughness for a Porous Elastic-Plastic Solid." International Journal of Fracture 33 (2): 111-124.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. Ruina. 1987. "The Viscoplastic Approximation to Hart Constitutive Law for Inelastic Deformation." International Journal of Solids and Structures 23 (6): 693-709.
  • Hui, C. Y., K. C. Wu. 1986. "The Mechanics of a Constantly Growing Crack in an Elastic Power-Law Creeping Material." International Journal of Fracture 31 (1): 3-16.
  • Hui, C. Y. 1986. "The Mechanics of Self-Similar Crack-Growth in an Elastic Power-Law Creeping Material." International Journal of Solids and Structures 22 (4): 357-372.
  • Hui, C. Y. 1985. "A Uniformly Valid Asymptotic Solution of Harts Equations for Constant, Nonelastic, Extensional Strain Rate." International Journal of Solids and Structures 21 (4): 411-421.
  • Hui, C. Y., A. Ruina. 1985. "Eddy-Current Flow near Cracks in Thin Plates." Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 52(4): 841-846.
  • Hui, C. Y., V. Banthia. 1984. "The Extension of Cracks at High-Temperature by Growth and Coalescence of Voids." Journal of Testing and Evaluation 12 (4): 190-190.
  • Hui, C. Y., H. Riedel. 1981. "The Asymptotic Stress and Strain Field near the Tip of a Growing Crack under Creep Conditions." International Journal of Fracture 17 (4): 409-425.